You're the Worst to end with fifth season

Photo: Byron Cohen/FX

Jimmy and Gretchen’s romantic relationship roller coaster is about to come to an end.

FX will conclude its acclaimed comedy You’re the Worst with a fifth and final season next year.

“Making You’re The Worst has been an incredible experience and FX Networks have been dream partners,” said creator Stephen Falk. “I am thankful to have the opportunity to be thoroughly judged whether or not we ‘stick the landing’ — which is a thing people say now that stupid Breaking Bad had to end so damn perfectly.”*

FX also had a statement which made the decision to end the show sound like a totally mutual breakup. Since this is FX, that claim might even be true. “Stephen Falk has been an extraordinary creative partner to work with over the past four years, and it is in that spirit that we came to the mutual decision to end You’re the Worst with its fifth season,” said FX programing president Nick Grad. “Stephen’s singular vision for the series has been its guiding force from the start and our decision, while difficult, will allow the series to end on its own terms and in a way most satisfying to its devoted fans. We want to thank Stephen, the cast and the crew for everything they’ve done to make You’re the Worst one of the best comedies on TV.”

Wednesday’s timing of the announcement is also meant to draw some attention to the fact that season 4’s final two episodes will air tonight on FXX.

*(Actually, many would argue FX’s own The Shield had an even more perfect finale than AMC’s incredible Breaking Bad, but that’s probably nitpicking).

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