John Mayer watched Katy Perry's live stream: 'It's definitely odd to watch your ex-girlfriend asleep'

During Monday’s episode of Watch What Happens Live, John Mayer admitted that he tuned in for part of Katy Perry’s recent 96-hour live stream for Witness.

“That’s her thing, man. To go big and bold,” Mayer said. “Yeah, I checked in with it.”

“It’s definitely odd to watch your ex-girlfriend asleep,” he added.

Mayer also discussed not feeling strange about watching some of the live stream or even doing smaller things like sending Perry a birthday text.

“If someone says, ‘I don’t watch that,’ it’s like yes, you do,” he said. “I texted Katy ‘happy birthday;’ it was four in the morning. How weird is it to be like, ‘I want to say happy birthday now, but I’m going to wait until tomorrow afternoon.’ You just gotta be a person. Be human about it.”

Later in the show, Mayer was asked (by a shady dancing bear) about his best lover, referencing Perry’s answer to the same question in a segment with James Corden during her Witness live stream. Although clearly a bit taken aback by the question initially, Mayer managed to wriggle his way out without giving a real answer.

“So far, it’s on a little SD card – I’ve been creating it myself,” he said. “I have been my best lover so far.”

Check out both of the full clips from the show above.

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