Netflix's new true crime series tackle Trump Inc. and the food industry

“No one’s hands are clean” in the food industry or in Trump Inc. That’s what two new true crime series from Netflix propose to uncover.

The streaming service announced premiere dates for Rotten on Jan. 5 and Dirty Money on Jan. 26. The first focuses on the corruption percolating throughout the underworld of food production, while the latter delves into the misconduct behind some of the world’s largest corporations — Trump Inc. included.

As glimpsed in the trailer above, Rotten looks at the food fraud investigation known as “Honeygate,” the rise in severe food allergies, the “David-and-Goliath tale” surrounding the garlic scene in America, the chicken-growing business, and the dangers of producing organic and unpasteurized milk.

The six-episode series stems from the creative minds behind Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown and The Mind of a Chef.


Elsewhere, Alex Gibney, the Oscar-winning documentarian behind Taxi to the Dark Side and HBO’s Going Clear: Scientology & the Prison of Belief, is the man behind Dirty Money.

Using rare footage and first-hand accounts from perpetrators and their victims, the filmmaker launches an investigation into untold scandals from the business world.

Gibney directed the first episode, “HARD NOx,” about Volkswagen’s “corporate deceit” and “the unholy alliance” between the government and automakers that allowed the latter “to put tens of thousands of lives at risk — all for the sake of a $500 part.” Other acclaimed documentarians direct the subsequent installments.

Fisher Stevens (Before the Flood) profiles Trump Inc. with “The Confidence Man,” about how “Donald Trump’s business career transformed from epic failures into a consummate branding machine that propelled him into office.” With “Payday,” Jesse Moss (The Bandit) focuses on a group of payday lenders who “made millions off small loans with undisclosed charges, inflated interest rates and incomprehensible rules.”

Erin Lee Carr (Mommy Dead and Dearest) uncovers “how Big Pharma gouges patients in need of life-saving drugs” with “Drug Short,” Kristi Jacobson (Solitary) chronicles the HSBC bank laundering hundreds of millions of dollars for Mexican drug cartels in “Cartel Bank,” and Brian McGinn (Netflix’s Amanda Knox) follows a shady trail in Canada’s million dollar maple syrup industry in “The Maple Syrup Heist.”

After hits like Making a Murderer, the true crime spoof American Vandal, and Mindhunter (with true crime undertones), Netflix is far from done with this genre.

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