Why Constance Zimmer thought she might get fired from Seinfeld

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Before earning rave reviews for her performance on UnREAL, Constance Zimmer played guest roles on a wide variety of TV series, including one of her personal favorites: Seinfeld.

When Zimmer recently sat down with EW’s Lola Ogunnaike on Couch Surfing, she revisited her role in the 1998 Seinfeld episode “The Wizard,” in which she portrayed a waitress at the series’ iconic coffee shop, Monk’s. Zimmer told Ogunnaike that she spent her entire time on set worrying she’d be fired because she was so excited to be there.

“I was such a huge Seinfeld fan, and I walked on the set and I saw Kramer,” Zimmer recalled. “I walked into Jerry’s apartment and I was like, ‘Oh my God, this is Jerry’s apartment.’ And then when I did the scene I just kept thinking, ‘Oh my God, I’m going to get fired. I hope I don’t get fired. Please don’t get me fired. I’m not going to get fired, just say your line, Constance, just do it.’”

Part of the reason for her nervousness: At this point on the show, Jerry Seinfeld was taking a more active role in directing episodes, and so he was on set despite not being in the scene.

For Zimmer, it’s still a bit unreal (sorry) that she appeared on the show: “Even when I watch it, I laugh, because I think, ‘That’s me! I’m on Seinfeld.’”

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