Sarah Michelle Gellar shares rare Buffy pics for show's 21st anniversary

The 21st anniversary of Buffy the Vampire Slayer appropriately fell the same week as International Women’s Day, and Sarah Michelle Gellar took notice. The star of the cult classic series from Joss Whedon marked the occasion by sharing a few rare behind-the-scenes photos — some of which fans have probably seen before, others Gellar hopes they haven’t.

“I have always believed that the world is changed by your example, not by your opinion,” she wrote in a post on Instagram Saturday. “We have all learned a lot from Buffy, and the best part is, that never ends.”

Gellar then shared a quote from her character during the season 7 episode “Bring on the Night”: “From now on, we won’t just face our fears, we will seek them out. We will find them, and cut their hearts out one by one. There is only one thing on earth more powerful than evil, and that’s us.”

Among the photos shared include snapshots of Gellar with David Boreanaz (Angel), James Marsters (Spike), Michelle Trachtenberg (Dawn), and Seth Green (Oz). “Hopefully there will even be some you have never seen,” she added.

EW brought the Buffy cast and creator back together for a special 2017 reunion issue to reflect on the show’s legacy.

“I’ve had people come up to me and say this show made me feel different about what I could be, about what I could do, about how I respond to problems, about being or being with a female leader,” Whedon said. “People getting strength from my own little terrors, there’s no better legacy than that.”

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