Bill Cosby accusers call his outburst in court 'Bill Cosby depravity 101'

Lili Bernard and Victoria Valentino, two women who accused Bill Cosby of sexual misconduct and assault, appeared on the Today show Friday to discuss the comedian’s guilty verdict and reflect on his actions in court.

“That was Bill Cosby depravity 101,” Bernard said. “When the victims were crying and sobbing, he was laughing, he was scowling, and he was mocking them and that was very painful to endure.” She said that his conviction makes her feel “blessed, vindicated, and full of gratitude.”

A jury found Cosby guilty of drugging and sexually assaulting Andrew Constand, a former Temple University employee, in January 2004. After a 12-day trial, the 80-year-old was found guilty of three charges of aggravated indecent sexual assault, each carrying a prison sentence of up to 10 years.

“Bill Cosby is a serial rapist,” Bernard continued. “I’m hoping his sentencing will reflect the magnitude of the damage and havoc that he’s wreaked on the lives of many women.”

Following his conviction, Cosby unleashed an expletive-laced tirade in court. He called the prosecutor an “a—hole,” as recounted by journalists Jim Melwert and Stephanie Wash, and NBC News. “This is a side of Bill Cosby that we know,” Valentino said, “that nobody else believed because I think the general public believes the character that he portrays. They don’t see the real person behind that character.”

Attorney Gloria Allred gave credit to three of her clients who testified in court: Chelan Lasha, Lise Lotte-Lublin, and Janice Baker-Kinney. “They were subjected to a vigorious and a scorching cross-examination where there was a smear campaign against them where there was an attempt to discredit them to attack their character,” she said, “and they held up and they came right back with what they say is the truth about their lives.”

“I feel like I can move on with my life, go back to my six kids at home, and give them a big victory hug,” a teary-eyed Bernard said.

“This is just the beginning,” Valentino said.

More than 60 women have accused Cosby of sexual misconduct.

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