NBC gives Timeless renewal update

Timeless - Season 2
Photo: Chris Haston/NBC

Time’s almost up for Timeless.

NBC’s entertainment chairman Robert Greenblatt gave reporters an update on the show’s odds of being renewed for a third season.

The executive didn’t sound optimistic but kept his words rather neutral.

Specifically, Greenblatt was asked why they haven’t announced a verdict on Timeless or the low-rated freshman comedy Champions. He says one way or another, the suspense will be over soon for Timeless fans.

“We try to give the producers [the courtesy] of letting their shows run and seeing what they do before we make a decision that’s premature,” he said. “Champions still has a few episodes to go and Timeless has its finale tonight, so we’ll make our decisions after that. … We’ll take a look at those shows after their runs and hopefully make a relatively quick decision on that.”

On Twitter Sunday morning, co-creator Eric Kripke told fans: “I’m nervous. Could go either way,” and asked fans to watch the finale live to boost its overnight ratings. “Spread the word! FIGHT! This is up to you now! (And its a GREAT finale).”

NBC also unveiled its new fall schedule, which included holding rescued Fox comedy Brooklyn Nine-Nine to midseason.

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