Watch Cher eat cow tongue on Late Late Show with James Corden

Ever wondered what a cow tongue tastes like? Well, Cher can let you know.

On Tuesday night’s episode of The Late Late Show, James Corden invited music and movie legend Cher to the table for a game of “Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts.” Unfamiliar with the game? It’s pretty much exactly what the title suggests: Corden and a guest ask each other hard-hitting questions and then either you have to answer honestly, or pass and sample one of the delicious delicacies served at the table — you know, things like dried caterpillars and the likes.

It was a turn out for the books on the special London edition of the game, with both the host and guest unable to answer the questions posed to them. First up, Cher asked Corden who the drunkest person at the royal wedding was, and despite knowing “exactly who it was” and chants of “spill your guts” from the London crowd, Corden opted to choke down some thousand-year-old egg instead.

Next up, Corden asked Cher to name her top four lovers in addition to Tom Cruise who she has previously claimed as part of the elite group. To everyone’s disappointment, it was a dried caterpillar for Cher rather than divulge that juicy list. Corden also opted to sample the disgusting snack at his next question. We don’t blame him; he was asked to choose which artist he’d least like to sing with again between Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus and Mariah Carey. With an “I can’t!”, Corden went for a gulp of fish and chips and mushy peas smoothie.

Then Cher was tasked with the impossible: say something nice about President Trump. “There’s nothing nice about him,” sighed the icon before gnawing down on some cow tongue (which is enormous FYI) as forfeit.

Watch the hilarious (and quite disgusting) clip above.

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