Big Brother producer addresses bullying in the house

Isabella Wang and Kemi Fuknule on Big Brother
Photo: Monty Brinton/CBS

Each week Big Brother executive producer Allison Grodner will answer a few questions about the latest events in the house.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Ovi, David, and Kemi are all out of the game after losing the Camp Comeback challenge. Which player are you saddest to lose and why?
ALLISON GRODNER: Honestly, all of them. I think they are all great. Ovi is a sweetheart and it would have been fun to see him back in the game and using his well-earned secret power. David played a very smart social game during Camp Comeback while making very astute observations about the power dynamics in the house. I think the work he put in over the past two weeks would have seen him happily welcomed back into the game and he could have gone far.

Kemi really understands and appreciates the Big Brother game. She knew everything going on in the house and was ready to make big moves. It would have been awesome to see her stay, keep putting her water bottles in the fridge, and take down Jack.

There were a lot of accusations by the players about bullying this week, and viewers of the live feeds have been complaining about the behavior of several members of Gr8ful. Do you think there has been bullying in the house this season, and if so, who have been the worst offenders in terms of their behavior?
The house dynamics in this social experiment are unpredictable and different every year as people align and realign. The bigger the group, the bigger the chance for some sort of “mob mentality.” It seems to be that “mob mentality” that occurred this past week against Nicole. As a large group, they whipped each other up into a frenzy and it became a major story both in and out of the house.

The Gr8ful alliance votes against the HOH’s wishes and secretly votes out Cliff instead of Nicole. What do you think the aftershocks of this betrayal will be in terms of Nick and Bella’s position in the game?
Nick and Bella were shocked, upset, and betrayed. My prediction is that this blindside splits the house in two. We are now looking at a group of six and then the rest of the house. If one of the six does not get HOH, I would be surprised if they aren’t targeted this week.

The players have been in the house for almost a month now. Who do you think has played the best overall game so far?
I think there are a couple of people who will be sitting comfortably for a while. Tommy has played a great social game and no one seems to want him to go. Cliff is smart and clearly good at competitions. I think he could end up being one of the biggest surprises of this season.

Any other upcoming twists you can tease for us? Give us something, Allison!
We definitely have more surprises planned. I wish I could reveal but…..

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