Drag Race queens lead teary bride through dress drama in Dragnificent! clip

RuPaul's Drag Race queens Alexis Michelle, Jujubee, Bebe Zahara Benet, Thorgy Thor star in TLC's new self-help docuseries.

No matter your wedding day blues, having a pack of ferocious drag queens at your side is going to lift your spirits in sickeningness and in health, until death-drops do you part.

EW's exclusive sneak peek from the upcoming TLC makeover series Dragnificent! proves you can't have a wedding without church bells ringing, tears falling, and stilettos clacking, as RuPaul's Drag Race legends Bebe Zahara Benet, Jujubee, Thorgy Thor, and Alexis Michelle coach a teary-eyed bride to embrace her body and strut down the aisle with the confidence of America's Next Drag Superstar.

The clip begins with Jujubee and Alexis accompanying a young woman, Corinne, to a bridal shop in the hopes of finding a gown for her big day. With her family and friends watching, Corinne cycles through countless dresses without any luck.

"Something's blocking her," Alexis observes before Corinne breaks down and storms off the set before she can make a selection.

"Literally my worst nightmares are coming true. All I see is a box on a pile of ruffles," Corinne tells Jujubee while tears stream down her cheeks. "I don't see that feminine, curvy shape everyone's raving about. It's just those haunting memories of 'You're just too big!'"

Though Jujubee acknowledges Corinne's pain, she wastes no time whipping her into shape.

"I know this is very overwhelming," she says. "I'm positive there is something in here. You're so beautiful. So, all those negative thoughts that you have, acknowledge it, and let it go. Take a deep breath, follow me back, and let's try on some more dresses."

Find out which dress Corinne selects when Dragnificent! — which also features transformations involving a woman who lost an extreme amount of weight, a high school reunion, and more — premieres Sunday at 11:00 p.m. on TLC. Watch EW's exclusive sneak peek above.

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