Generation breakout Chase Sui Wonders doesn't know what ship name to use for Riley and Greta

The star of the HBO Max teen dramedy appeared on EW's inaugural episode of Scene Stealers to answer: "Griley or Rileta?"

Is it Griley? Rileta?

"Oh my God, people are coming at me for proposing either," Generation star Chase Sui Wonders tells EW. She's talking, of course, about the potential ship name for her character, Riley, and Haley Sanchez's Greta on the HBO Max teen dramedy. And, she says, "I want to let people decide themselves."

EW chatted with Wonders for the very first episode of our new Instagram Live show Scene Stealers, in which she shares why she thinks Riley and Greta make a great couple and also teases what to expect in the second half of Generation season 1, which she's currently filming.

Wonders describes Riley as "someone who is so emotionally guarded in a way that she has no idea [of] the depths of her trauma that have forced these barriers around her, which I think is so important to how she interacts, and [how] she goes out into the world."

Chase Sui Wonders and Haley Sanchez in 'Generation'. HBO Max

While Riley is still able to be there for Nathan (Uly Schlesinger) as his best friend, and go wild with Chester (Justice Smith), it's only with Greta that she is "finally able to be her emotional self, and she's finally able to access this very tender and soft side of herself," Wonders adds. "It's a romance that has effectively unleashed Riley's being able to be in touch with her emotions, and actually makes her feel some type of way."

Looking at the fan response to the teen couple, the actress says, "From both sides, people seem to really relate to this sort of love story between Greta and Riley. It's very much like a push and a pull, and something that everyone can kind of project themselves into, whether it's through Greta's perspective or through Riley's perspective. It is like this universal inability to communicate how you're actually feeling — and that's what's so frustrating."

Going into the midseason finale, after Greta has left Riley in a moment that had Wonders herself "heaving" and "rocking back and forth," the actress says, "You see a breakdown from Riley, and a lot of characters, from Chester and even from Greta in a way, I think, just going forward." While a premiere date for the second half of Generation season 1 has yet to be announced, Wonders teases that "for Riley, there's a lot more to come in the second half with what actually [are] the specifics of what she's going through. And it's been so fun, so I can't wait for people to see."

Watch the full episode of Scene Stealers with Wonders above. Part 1 of Generation season 1 is now streaming on HBO Max.

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