Grey's Anatomy recap: Meredith is leaving Grey Sloan Memorial

Boston is one lucky city.

This is not a drill, Grey's Anatomy fans. Meredith Grey is allegedly moving to Boston so that Zola can attend a smarty-pants school for gifted children. And she's going to cure Alzheimer's while she's there. All in a day's work.

We have Jackson to thank for this sudden uprooting. While in Massachusetts, Meredith visits Jackson to blow off steam and have a well-deserved nervous breakdown. She laments how Zola is struggling in school, thanks to her panic attacks, and is completely terrified that her family members will be diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Therapy isn't helping, and Meredith feels powerless.

Jackson has a solution: Cure Alzheimers. Duh. He'll give her a job in a heartbeat, funded by the foundation. Meredith Grey working to cure the disease that took her mother's life? It's what dreams are made of! Jackson claims Meredith isn't having a breakdown — she's having a breakthrough. Let's do this!

Meredith rolls her eyes so far back in her head that I forget the job offer is on the table. Then she picks Zola up from her day as a physics genius, and the tide turns. Suddenly Zola is enthusiastic about Boston. Her only hesitation is that she would be taking Meredith away from running the hospital. Meredith assures Zola that all is well, informing her young daughter that Uncle Jackson offered her a job. Then Meredith texts Jackson and tells him she's in. She's moving to Massachusetts.

Excuse me, Meredith, but aren't you forgetting about a certain adorable doctor? His name is Nick, and he moved to Seattle for you. Does this mean that the relationship is done? Or will Dr. Nick follow Meredith across the country? And will we do that annoying thing we did last year where we flip-flop from one hospital to another? Is this the end of Grey's Anatomy? I have so many questions.

Jesse Williams, Greg Germann, and Debbie Allen on 'Grey's Anatomy'
Jesse Williams, Greg Germann, and Debbie Allen on 'Grey's Anatomy'. Liliane Lathan/ABC

In other news, Bailey and Addison set out to help one of Bailey's friends who runs a clinic nearby. They wade through a sea of angry people holding signs and shouting, "Abortion is murder!"

It's a good thing Bailey and Addison volunteered on this particular day because a woman named Susan called in from across the border. She's experiencing an ectopic pregnancy that has attached to a cesarean scar. It's a life-threatening situation, and her doctor won't perform surgery, so Bailey and Addison are dispatched to pick her up and bring her to the clinic.

But something happens in the car ride. Susan begins to bleed, and Addison is forced to make ends meet with what she has in the van. Bailey encounters a long line of traffic on a back road, and Susan begins to bleed out while waiting for an ambulance. We witness a very emotional monologue as Susan lists all the things she wants to do with her daughter, who is at home waiting for her birthday party.

Addison's face tells us everything. There's nothing the two surgeons can do. They try CPR, but Susan unnecessarily dies on the side of the road. When paramedics finally arrive, Addison loses her cool and blames lawmakers for this woman's death. She shouts that they can't be doctors when the hands that should be helping women are tied.

Miranda later confesses that she had a miscarriage that resulted in a D&C. She's nervous that medical professionals won't even know how to perform a D&C anymore, so she's going to train anyone who wants to learn.

This gives Addison a fresh perspective. She doesn't want to be in Los Angeles anymore. Instead, she wants to move to where her help is most needed. Miranda suggests southern Illinois, which is expected to receive 14,000 women due to recent law changes. And she gives Addison the fancy mobile ER they used over on Station 19 a few seasons ago.

First, can Miranda give that kind of equipment away? And second, is everyone going to move somewhere else on this show?

Finally, the residents are still under the impression that Adams is sleeping with Amelia. Amelia perpetuates this by handing Scout to her nephew to take him to daycare, and everyone sees Adams with Dr. Shepherd's baby in the elevator. Later, he has to find Scout a fresh set of clothes after Scout wets himself. Everyone witnesses this odd errand too, because apart from the lab, the ER, and that one dark hallway with the gurneys, all the residents seem to hang out in the gift shop.

But it's Kwan who tries to trade sexual favors for some neurosurgery time, and when Adams overhears Kwan's suggestion, he comes clean with his aunt. Of course, Amelia is horrified to learn that everyone thinks she's sleeping with Adams, and she swears to her nephew that if he doesn't tell the residents in three days, she will.

All Adams wants to do is be successful without cashing in on the Shepherd name. Amelia's ultimatum annoys him. Just like Catherine not telling Jackson and Richard that her cancer is back is annoying to Tom.

Does this mean Catherine and Richard are moving to Boston too? So Tom can continue to monitor the spread of her cancer? They might as well get a house next to Meredith's. Grey Sloan without the Grey is going to be pretty dull, so let's take the whole gang to Massachusetts!

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