The Bachelorette recap: A Fiji fantasy falls apart

Fantasy Suites week becomes a bit of a horror show for Charity when one guy shows his true colors and another returns to win her back.

How's this for a magic trick? This week on The Bachelorette, Charity sent one of her three final men home before the Fantasy Suite. But by the end of the episode, she still had a trio of men vying for her heart.

Let's recap!

Charity kicks off the final leg of her "journey" in Pacific Harbor, Fiji. "It is so romantic!" gushes Charity as she does the promotional-consideration-provided-by-walk through of her suite at the Pearl Resort and Spa. Though ending things with Aaron after hometown dates is still weighing on her heart, our Bachelorette is ready to move forward with Dotun, Joey, and Xavier. But first… it's Jesse Palmer time!

Jesse Palmer hits the tropics on 'The Bachelorette'
Jesse Palmer hits the tropics on 'The Bachelorette'. ABC

Pink linen for the win! The host has Charity run through her final three guys — she's got a few doubts that Xavier is ready to be engaged; things with Dotun are so amazing she wonders if he's too good to be true; and she needs confirmation that she's getting "the real Joey" — and then sums things up with a question: "Is it safe to say that you're still falling in love with three men at the same time now?" Short answer: Yes. On to the dates!

Xavier is up first. A boat called the Tropic Bird brings him to meet Charity on the private island of Nanuku, and they share a warm embrace on the beach. "I can see a future with him," says the Bachelorette, who is hoping that today's date will bring her "peace" with the idea that Xavier is ready to declare her the One. And Charity has come prepared. Bring in the reinforcements!

Fijian cultural leaders on 'The Bachelorette'
Welcome, Joshua and Makareta!. ABC

"We are so happy to have you here with us today," says Makareta. She takes Charity aside to prepare her for today's demonstration of a traditional Fijian wedding ceremony. Joshua, meanwhile, helps Xavier get into his traditional Fijian attire and then paints and oils his bare torso. Okay, Xavier — now you're ready to receive your queen.

Charity makes a grand entrance on 'The Bachelorette'
Charity makes a grand entrance on 'The Bachelorette'. ABC

(Did anyone else just break out into a chorus of, "She's your queen to be…" from Coming to America? No? Just me?)

From there, Joshua and Makareta teach Charity and Xavier a traditional dance and then take them through a kava ceremony. It's all very special and beautiful, but it's also quite serious — which is making Xavier nervous. "It's pretty intense, I will say," he admits. "I still have a bit of fear because getting married is a huge responsibility." You are correct, sir, so don't f--- it up.

Hmmm, that's odd. Why are we suddenly in San Diego? Shouldn't we be moving on to the evening portion of Charity's date with Xavier? What is the meaning of this, Team Bachelorette?

Aaron B. on 'The Bachelorette'
Aaron doesn't want this 'journey' to be over. ABC

Oh, hey Aaron. Why are you packing a suitcase, bud? Didn't you just get back to San Diego? "I just got eliminated by Charity a couple nights ago after hometowns," he says. "The last time I saw her, Charity tells me that she's not sure if she made the right decision… There's a lot of things I want to say to her, so now I'm going to Fiji to go after the woman that I'm falling in love with." Interesting choice! I'll admit, Charity did sound quite unsure of her decision when she sent Aaron home, so I can understand why he's willing to give it another shot — especially when doing so involves a free trip to Fiji.

Back in the South Pacific, Charity and Xavier are sitting down for what just might be the worst pre-Fantasy Suites date in Bachelorette history. "My heart is fully committed, but my head is, like, putting my heart against the wall and telling it to stop," says Xavier in his confessional. "I'm nervous, obviously, about the things that I have to tell her, but I hope that she will accept me for me."

Hmmm… what "things" could Xavier possibly have to tell Charity at this point? Surely, he hasn't waited until almost the very end of this "journey" to drop some kind of emotional bombshell on the Bachelorette, right? RIGHT?


He starts off with some vague warnings. "My heart is 100 percent with you, but I think the doubt and the fear [are] the boxes that can't be checked," says Xavier. Charity's spidey senses are clearly starting to tingle, but she's doing her best to both offer Xavier assurances about their relationship while also encouraging him to Open Up™ about his doubts more. And after some more hemming and hawing, he finally does.

"Another aspect that was very serious for me, that is very serious for me, is, you know… Uh…" Spit it out, dude!

Xavier on 'The Bachelorette'
Oh, ffs dude. ABC

To quote Simone from A Black Lady Sketch Show: THE SCREAM I JUST SCRUMPT! Xavier, are you serious, bro? You know that infidelity is what ruined Charity's last relationship — and nearly ruined her self-esteem — and yet you hid your cheating past from her until it was time for Fantasy Suites? Hell to the no. Zero out of five stars.

"I wanted to tell you that because I know that that is, like, very triggering for you," says Xavier. "It was disrespectful. It's not the man that I am. And I know that for a marriage you cannot do that. That's why I felt the need to tell you because I thought you deserved to know."

Oh really, Xavier? You know that cheating is not okay in a marriage? Congratulations! Do you want us to put a gold star in your "Basic Facts of Human Existence" notebook or something? I'm sorry, rose lovers, but f--- this guy.

And yet somehow… it gets worse. Naturally, Charity is very upset, and she excuses herself from the table to vent and cry on her own. "I've experienced infidelity on and off for about six years," she says. "It literally breaks you." Still, the Bachelorette feels like she owes it to Xavier and their relationship to "hear him out." She goes back to the table and is almost apologetic for her emotions — "it's a sensitive spot for my life" — and Xavier responds with, "Don't worry, I'll never be unfaithful again." Just kidding! Instead, he says, "If you do end up with me, I don't want to ever be unfaithful to you."

You don't want to? Guess who's in charge of that, sir: YOU! This is either an "I will" or "I won't" situation. What you want is secondary. Charity asks Xavier if he was unfaithful multiple times (yes, in the span of five days), and it happened two years into his relationship. "I just chose myself instead of choosing her," he admits.

Charity's response to this, however, is perfect: "Thank you for feeling that I am deserving to know, because I 100 percent am." Hell yeah, queen! And now she wants to know what work Xavier did on himself to become a "better person" after this moral failing. Rose lovers, I wish I could tell you he had a good answer — like therapy, repentance, staying out of the dating world for a while so he could grow as a person — but he does not.

"I think the main thing I learned and that I did to, like, grow from that was, to like, just be more introspective," he says. "I was just in tune with like, 'Okay, why am I doing this?'"

Yeah, he's basically just saying random words and hoping one of them sticks. And Charity knows it; you can tell by the way she starts downing her champagne out of pure frustration (and perhaps to stop herself from saying something she regrets).

New drinking game: Every time Xavier says something stupid, chug. ABC

Once again, folks, it gets worse. Xavier says he "questions" whether he could resist the temptation to cheat if he's "put in that position again." In other words, if he's on vacation with his "boys" and some temptress is trying to lead him astray, will he remove himself from the situation? "I know how to deal with that now," insists Xavier, but Charity isn't buying it.

"I refuse to ever go back there," says the Bachelorette, who wants Xavier to tell her point-blank if he thinks it's possible that he could cheat again. Of course, his answer is terrible. "It's not a possibility if I chose to be with you and you choose to be with me," says Xavier. "Being in a girlfriend status and, like, doing that, that's like, 'Damn, that s--- sucks.'" Charity cuts him off: "I'll be damned!" she exclaims. "It's inexcusable for any level, are you kidding?"

No. No, he's not kidding. Oh, and by the way, Charity, Xavier wants you to know that "hell yes" it's going to be hard for him to be monogamous and give up the "freedom" of the single life. And this just truly blows her mind: Like bro, if we're in love and want to get married, it shouldn't be all that hard. When Xavier backtracks — oh, if we choose each other, it won't be hard — Charity tries again to get a clear answer. "Then you're saying you're good. Is that what you're saying?"

Xavier's response: "I'm good, but it's f---ing scary." Okay, fair enough. It would be foolish to leap into a lifelong commitment without acknowledging what a big, and at times scary, responsibility it is. Charity seems fairly satisfied with this answer, and she pulls out the Fantasy Suite date card. But she's got one more question before she's ready to hand it over.

Bachelorette grab
Charity isn't sure if Xavier is Fantasy Suite-worthy. ABC

"The question of the day is, can you be someone that will show up for me at the end of this if we both feel like this is right in our hearts? Can this be somebody who will maintain loyalty to me?" She begins to cry. "I want this for us. I want this to work," Charity continues, wiping away tears. "I just need to know that you're going to put in the work to make it work. So… will you do that for us?"

If you thought Xavier couldn't get any worse, rose lovers, you'd be wrong. Instead of giving Charity a simple and emphatic "yes" as an answer to her questions, he says this:

Xavier on 'The Bachelorette'
Oh my GOD, stop talking, dude!. ABC

Okay, I'm paraphrasing. But what Xavier actually said isn't much better. "In my heart, there is not any f---ing doubt. But in my mind, there is that doubt. And for me to get to that point, it has to happen tonight. I need to see more."

Awwww HELL no. I need to say it again, rose lovers: F--- this guy. In this instant, Charity is done. "What do you need to see? Nothing!" she fumes in her confessional. "Us in a bedroom is not going to determine whether or not you can see longevity in a relationship."

Truly. ABC

Yes, f--- this. And F--- HIM. Time to send this trifling jackass home. "Me in this moment of being Charity Lawson, who Charity Lawson is in 2023, not willing to settle… I'm going to be selfish in this moment," says our Bachelorette. She picks up the date card again. "I wish I could open this. But it's not happening." She says she's "sad and disappointed," but her decision is final. "Let's go," she demands, standing up. "Come on."

As they stand by the Reject Minivan, Xavier tries to save himself one more time. "You can put me in this car…" But Charity interrupts him. "And I am!" That's right, dude! You are going home. And no last-minute "I love you" whispered into Charity's shoulder during your tense goodbye hug is going to change anything. Go away. Stop talking. And for God's sake, try therapy.

The next day, Charity is still upset, but she is confident in her decision. "I'm not here to fix anybody. I'm not here to build a man."

That's an amazing business idea, tbh. ABC

Amen to that, ma'am. Now, on to your date with Joey!

Who doesn't love a little ATV ride through the jungle? Unfortunately, the ATV conks out just a few minutes into their ride. Is it foreshadowing? Or just one of the many vicissitudes of life that couples in the real world face every day? Either way, Charity is pleased with how chill Joey is about the whole situation. "He's just appreciating what this moment is supposed to be entailing, and that's just the both of us," she says.

Charity and Joey hit the road on 'The Bachelorette'
Charity and Joey hit the road on 'The Bachelorette'. ABC

They stroll to a little waterfall and take a seat on a rock. The conversation turns to his hometown date, and Joey admits he spent the week worrying about why she was crying when she said goodbye to him. Charity tells him about Uncle Joe's comment and his concern that she wasn't seeing "the real Joey." To his credit, Joey doesn't get defensive. He explains that he wanted the date to go well, and he was caught off guard by his uncle showing up. "I think I just felt a lot of pressure," he says. "And then him showing up… I was uncomfortable. That's the only way I can describe it."

He seems genuine enough, especially in comparison to Xavier. Charity says she feels "a lot better" about Joey, and they head to the waterfall to swim and make out. "I'm eager to tell Joey I'm falling in love," she says. "But I need to feel 100 percent sure."

Joey, meanwhile, hopes to use the dinner portion of the date to Open Up™ to Charity about how he's sometimes scared, nervous, less-than-confident — in other words, how he's a human being. "There is a part of me that has belief that sometimes people fall in love with the idea of me," he explains. "And then they get to know me a little bit better, they maybe don't think it's like who I truthfully am anymore." Joey adds that his only concern about the "journey" as it stands is that because it's so short, Charity hasn't had the chance to see him "in a funk."

Though he's a confident and cheerful guy on the outside, "I am human, and there are moments where I don't feel that way, but then I try to push to be that person that everyone sees me to be. That's the part that can be taxing." Joey says that's why sometimes being in a relationship with him can feel like "a roller coaster," and at this point, he's worried that if he proposes to Charity, she'll be unhappily surprised by what life with him is really like. But the Bachelorette appreciates his honesty and says she can relate to his self-doubt. "I feel I'm a lot like that in a sense," she says, adding that she's "actively working on" letting go of her people-pleasing ways.

It's all going so well that Joey upgrades his "I'm falling in love with you" to a full "I am in love with you." And she LOVES it. "After the day that we spent," she says, "it's not even a matter of am I falling in love with you? I am in love with you. It is the best feeling." Dang, that's huge!

Charity and Joey kiss on 'The Bachelorette'
Charity and Joey kiss on 'The Bachelorette'. ABC

Look, I know we've all discussed some of our doubts about Joey — is he just putting on an act to be the Bachelor? — but now my emotional pendulum is swinging back in the positive direction. At this point, I believe Joey is genuine. Maybe I'll be made to look foolish for this statement, but it's a risk I'm taking willingly.

Anyhow, Charity gives Joey the Fantasy Suite card, and he accepts. Obviously. Cut to:

Charity and Joey enjoy the morning after on 'The Bachelorette'
Charity and Joey enjoy the morning after on 'The Bachelorette'. ABC

"I am in love with Joey!" announces Charity. They sit down in front of a nice-looking breakfast — though they don't eat any of it, of course — and then part with mutual "I love yous."

I'll admit that I'm pretty surprised Charity went full "I love you" with Joey. I thought she was saving that for Dotun. But who knows — maybe she'll drop the L-bomb on the tall Nigerian sweetie during today's date.

Charity meets Dotun at the Royal Davui Island Resort, where a pair of jet skis are waiting for them.

Dotun and Charity ride jet skis on 'The Bachelorette'
Dotun and Charity get their jet ski on. ABC

The Bachelorette reiterates her concern that Dotun may be "too good to be true," but she also knows that it's okay to stop looking for something to go wrong. They zip around the waves and beach up on a sandbar for some champagne. Charity raves about Dotun's parents, and how his mother prayed with her, which felt very special to our Bachelorette, who is a woman of faith. "My prayer life is very important," she says. "That moment with your mom was pure… I literally love your family so much." (Same! Give Dotun's parents their own show!)

Dotun has something he wants to get off his chest as well: He did not know that people get engaged at the end of The Bachelorette. He had to ask one of the other guys a few weeks ago what happens in the finale of the show! When they told him it ends in an engagement, Dotun says he was taken aback for "a millisecond," but only a millisecond. "I thought about you," he tells Charity. "And I'm actually fine with that." Oh man, that is SO sweet. Look out, Joey — Dotun is coming for your frontrunner status!

Charity and Dotun smooch on 'The Bachelorette'
Charity and Dotun share a smooch on the sandbar. ABC

"I'm smitten and in love with Charity," says Dotun, as he and Charity head to dinner. He's hoping to hear the same "magical words" from the Bachelorette before heading into the Fantasy Suite. But Dotun knows that you don't get something without giving something, so he begins the conversation by sharing all his feelings first. "The scary part is that I'm not scared," he says. "The way that I care about you, the way that I feel about you when I see you… All these things are such a clear sign to me. It's scary how easy it is to say that I'm genuinely in love with you, Charity."

And she LOVES that love.

Bachelorette grab
The l-bombs are flying!. ABC

"I don't want to hold that in, and I'm not going to hold that in anymore," continues the Bachelorette. "And it feels so fricking good to say!"

For those of you keeping score at home, Charity has now said "I love you" to Joey and Dotun. At least she doesn't have to choose between them this week, since Xavier already took care of the elimination by being a d-bag. For now, just bring on the old-timey Fantasy Suite key!

The Fantasy Suite key on 'The Bachelorette'
These keys, LOL. ABC

Of course, Dotun is on board. "I say 100 percent yes, this night, and hopefully every night for the rest of our lives," he says. Swoooooon! Have a good night, you lovebirds.

The next morning, Dotun and Charity snuggle in bed for a bit before saying a sad goodbye. "I'm so over these goodbyes… I respect her decision to make sure all options are exhausted," says Dotun. "But it doesn't feel good."

Welp, it must be time for the rose ceremony, right? Everybody put on your finest formal wear and… Wait, sorry. There's a bit of a situation at reception.

Aaron shows up on 'The Bachelorette'
No stalkers allowed. ABC

Oh, boy — Aaron's here, and he's determined to track Charity down. Though the nice lady at the front desk shuts him down (as she should), Aaron doesn't give up. He walks through the lobby and heads out back to the pool, where at last, he finds Charity relaxing on a deck chair with her blurry-faced friends.

Charity is surprised to see Aaron on 'The Bachelorette'
What the WHAT?. ABC

Yeah, she's surprised. Charity gets up and gives Aaron a hug. "I can't believe my eyes," she tells producers. "I said goodbye to Aaron last week, but he's here in the flesh, and am I mad about it? No. Like, I'm excited to see him." Once she regains her composure, Charity sits down with Aaron for some real talk. Aaron says he's been thinking about their breakup since hometowns, and he knows there's more he could have given to their relationship. Plus, Charity's admission that she wasn't sure about the decision to send him home has been echoing in his brain ever since. "That's really why I'm here," he says. "I want to know if you've been thinking about it as well."

Short answer: Yes. "I've been thinking about it every single day," admits Charity. "That does still stand that I don't know if I made the right choice… I was, like, falling in love, and that's something that I hadn't verbalized to you."

On the one hand, I appreciate Charity's honesty. On the other hand, I really don't want her to take Aaron back at the expense of Joey or Dotun. She's probably really second-guessing herself about Aaron after her disastrous dinner with Xavier, but from the outside, it doesn't seem like her relationship with him is better than it is with the final two she has now. Do you agree, rose lovers? For now, though, Aaron is thrilled to hear that Charity is "falling in love," and he's hoping that this means he won't have to get back on a plane to San Diego tonight. But first, Charity needs time to think.

Charity on 'The Bachelorette'
Charity is in a pickle on 'The Bachelorette'. ABC

Aaand we end on a cliffhanger. We'll have to wait to find out what Charity decides about Aaron. Next week is the Men Tell All (a.k.a. the Everybody Hates Brayden and His Stupid Hair episode), and the edit for the finale makes it look like Aaron is still around. Until then, rose lovers, we're left with a lot of questions. First and foremost: How dare you, Xavier? Also: Should Charity choose Dotun or Joey? (Or, theoretically, Aaron?) And do you think Charity knows that those little lizards will just drop their tails if you attempt to pick them up with a broom? (True, and truly disgusting, story.) Let me know your thoughts on Twitter @KristenGBaldwin.

The Bachelorette airs Mondays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on ABC.

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