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Japanese oncologist: I didn’t have a covid vaccine because I thought the genetic vaccines were foolish from the beginning

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Prof. Masanori Fukushima, Japan’s top oncologist, said that genetic vaccines are totally unacceptable. “I didn’t choose to get vaccinated because I think it was a foolish decision from the beginning.  I haven’t even opted for the flu shot because I consider it an unwise choice.”

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On 19 April 2024, Commissione Medico Scientifica Indipendente (“CMSi”) held an online conference titled ‘Perspectives of the World Health Organisation: from advisory body to world government?’.  One of the experts giving a presentation was Prof. Masanori Fukushima. 

Prof. Fukushima is a Professor Emeritus of Kyoto University, Director of the Translational Research Centre for Medical Innovation and the Foundation for Biomedical Research and Innovation, President of the Foundation of Learning Health Society Institute and former Director of the Outpatient Oncology Unit of Kyoto University Hospital. He is the author of more than 290 scientific publications.

During his presentation, hosted by Italian biologist Dr. Panagis Polykretis, Prof. Fukushima said:

 “Genetic vaccines are totally unacceptable. The introduction of transgenes into the human body is gene therapy.   How can this be considered acceptable for creating vaccines?

“If you encapsulate mRNA in nanoparticles and administer it you only get off-target effects starting from the ovaries, to the brain, liver, spleen and bone marrow. The biggest problem is going to the bone marrow, the reproductive organs like the ovaries and then every possible organ.

“The fact that spike proteins are still detected in the rash after more than a year makes it obvious that mRNA is producing spike proteins. There is no way for a year-old spike protein to remain in the rash and be detected.

“I didn’t choose to get vaccinated because I think it was a foolish decision from the beginning.  I haven’t even opted for the flu shot because I consider it an unwise choice.”

Commissione Medico Scientifica Indipendente: Prof. Masanori Fukushima – Vaccination mRNA for COVID-19 and unprecedented disaster: acute death and increased cancer mortality rate, 23 April 2024  Source: Died Suddenly on Twitter

The full session from CSMi’s conference can be found in the original Japanese HERE and the English translation HERE.  The beginning of the clip above is taken beginning at timestamp 29:20 and the ending statement was taken beginning at timestamp 30:44.

Giving a fuller description of the full session, Aussie17 wrote the following in a Substack article.

Prof. Fukushima highlights an alarming development in oncology known as “turbo cancer” which has emerged following the use of experimental mRNA gene therapy. It’s important to note that while some “fact checkers” may dismiss “turbo cancer” as a non-existent condition, as Wikipedia has done HERE, it actually refers to what is medically recognised as hyperprogressive disease. Therefore, should you encounter a retarded, bought and paid for fact checker on the term “turbo cancer,” you can direct them to hyperprogressive cancer disease.

As Prof. Fukushima describes, it is “a type previously unseen by doctors, characterised by its incredibly fast speed.” By the time such cancers are detected, they are already “in stage four, advanced cancer.” Indeed, Prof. Fukushima shared, “Doctors have been sensing from the field that something unusual related to cancer may be happening. They were feeling it on the ground.”

Furthermore, Prof Fukushima highlights that “specific types of cancer, in relation to the vaccination, seem to be experiencing excess mortality.” He specifically names cancers such as “breast cancer, ovarian cancer, thyroid cancer,” along with “oesophagal and lung cancer” and, notably, “prostate cancer in men” as being particularly affected. This rise in mortality among these specific cancer types post-vaccination “cannot be simply explained by disruptions such as early screenings being unavailable due to the pandemic, or lost opportunities for treatment,” suggesting a direct and concerning link between these “turbo cancer” cases and the mRNA gene therapy.

Prof. Fukushima then talked about a very sad case he came across. A young man, 28 years old, who was healthy and had never needed a doctor, died suddenly. This happened five days after he got his second Pfizer vaccine. His wife found him dead one morning. The police took his body to a hospital for an autopsy, where a doctor found something shocking. The man’s heart had become so soft that it disintegrated.

This case really worried Prof. Fukushima. He thinks it shows how risky the vaccine can be, especially for people who were healthy and had no sickness before. He believes that such sudden deaths after vaccination are very serious. Prof. Fukushima is frustrated with the lack of media coverage on these critical issues.

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Mary Ann Dowrick
Mary Ann Dowrick
5 days ago

How many more years do we have to wait for msm to,print this information?

Reply to  Mary Ann Dowrick
4 days ago

Won’t matter. The people who listen to msm are so far gone they wouldn’t believe it anyway. They are the same ones that still believe only two (instead of three) buildings demolished into their own footprint on 9-11. They still believe that a lone gunman murdered JFK.

Publishing this is msm will not change the sheep.

Mr O
Mr O
Reply to  Mary Ann Dowrick
4 days ago

It´s about never.

Msm prints news which their owners wants them to print. Good news won´t sell, so they print bad news, with spices of course, because that means money. Money is important, human life not so much.

Thinking is so old-fashioned, but try it. It won´t hurt you.

5 days ago

[…] famous Japanese oncologist explains why he didn’t get vaccinated, and why the creation of genetic vaccines are “totally unacceptable” and “a […]

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
4 days ago

Hi Rhoda,
An interesting article.
Prof Masanori Fukushima, knew C19 vax was unacceptable.
I had read about the Spanish flu, and how the Mormons and Amish, refused the vax and survived.
This should be taught at every school in the World.

Reply to  Dave Owen
4 days ago

They also refused to use tech – at the time of the Spanish flu that tech was radio (waves). The Spanish flu is a complex issue, very similarly how covid was as everything was labelled as Spanish flu while the harm was due to several different reasons including the vaccines you mentioned.
Spanish flu started on a military base where they taught using radio for war-field communication and jumped to a far away other military base where radio was used. (The Invisible Rainbow by Firstenberg)
Then they mass vaxxed first the soldiers, secondly the civils (meantime radio usage become worldwide).
They advised to use Aspirin and overdosed it, in cases where Aspirin was not used, people survived the ‘flu’ in a great number. A couple of decades ago – you may can recall – Aspirin was advised to use to prevent heart attacks even by Hollywood, because it works as blood-thinner, means, if overdosed you can bleed out. The other problem is that it was proven about NSAID drugs that bacteria became nasty in its presence, it was a research around 1986(ish if I recall well) and was published in a medical journal (I happened to read it on whale).

4 days ago

Thank you. I respect him for speaking out and understanding the
jab was not worthwhile. However, oncologists typically use toxic
and invasive therapies to “treat” cancers. These include radiation,
and drugs including chemotherapy (which kills the immune system).
I do find that contrast ironic.

Reply to  Rachel
4 days ago

You are not alone, the purpose of the article is to push the mRNA lie. There is no such thing as spike protein either. They are decomposing cells.
This is their “spike protein” (photo).

Mr O
Mr O
Reply to  Rachel
4 days ago

Covid-vaccine kills immune system too. I can´t see any contrast.

4 days ago

[…] Japanese oncologist: I didn’t have a covid vaccine because I thought the genetic vaccines were foo… Prof. Masanori Fukushima, Japan’s top oncologist, said that genetic vaccines are totally unacceptable. “I didn’t choose to get vaccinated because I think it was a foolish decision from the beginning.  I haven’t even opted for the flu shot because I consider it an unwise choice.” […]

4 days ago

[…] Profesor Masanori Fukušima, přední japonský onkolog, řekl, že genetické vakcíny jsou naprosto nepřijatelné. […]