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– Who We Are –

A no holds barred political committee leading the fight to beat back the radical socialists who hate America, while supporting America First Trump Candidates committed to advancing the MAGA agenda.





The Heartland

All across America, Socialism is on the march. The radical left is emboldened by their victories and is poised to enact their agenda in all 50 states.

The battle has just begun. The time for niceties, spin and nuance is over. These radicals seek to destroy the America that we have come to love, and replace it with an oppressive, freedom-less, overreaching Federal Government that would make any European Socialist proud.

We must fight like the future of our country depends on it, because it does. Fight Back Now America will be leading the charge in all 50 states, supporting candidates and policies that seek to advance the America First Agenda and beat back those in federal, state and local government, the media and really whoever stands in our of putting America and its citizens first.

President Trump has taught us to fight for what we believe and never give up. America is worth fighting for.

The Fight In Washington

The Swamp runs deep. Very Deep.

The establishment from both parties fight every single day in Washington not for you and normal every day Americans-but  to keep their own power.  President Trump has ushered in a new era of American politics-where the forgotten men and women of this country- American citizens from every walk of life finally were given a voice.

Fight Back Now America is the political committee that is unafraid to take on the permanent political power class. Our fight is your fight.  We will support America First, “ Trump-like” Candidates who will take on, fight and win against America’s greatest threats-foreign or domestic.




Help Us Defeat Democrats, Hold RINOs Accountable & Promote MAGA Candidates


The Fight In The Heartland


All across America, Socialism is on the march. The radical left is emboldened by their victories and is poised to enact their agenda in all 50 states.

The battle has just begun. The time for niceties, spin and nuance is over. These radicals seek to destroy the America that we have come to love, and replace it with an oppressive, freedom-less, overreaching Federal Government that would make any European Socialist proud.

We must fight like the future of our country depends on it, because it does. Fight Back Now America will be leading the charge in all 50 states, supporting candidates and policies that seek to advance the America First Agenda and beat back those in federal, state and local government, the media and really whoever stands in our of putting America and its citizens first.

President Trump has taught us to fight for what we believe and never give up. America is worth fighting for.

The Fight In Washington


The Swamp runs deep. Very Deep.

The establishment from both parties fight every single day in Washington not for you and normal every day Americans-but  to keep their own power.  President Trump has ushered in a new era of American politics-where the forgotten men and women of this country- American citizens from every walk of life finally were given a voice.

Fight Back Now America is the political committee that is unafraid to take on the permanent political power class. Our fight is your fight.  We will support America First, “ Trump-like” Candidates who will take on, fight and win against America’s greatest threats-foreign or domestic.

Who Should We Fight Next?