Facebook is finally making a ‘Dislike’ button

Brace yourselves: the Facebook “Dislike” button is coming.

Despite previously saying the social network wasn’t planning to build a “dislike” button, CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed during a Tuesday Q&A session that his company has indeed been working on one.

I think people have asked about the dislike button for many years,” Zuckerberg said. “Today is a special day because today is the day I can say we’re working on it and shipping it.”

The exact form a “Dislike” button may take is still up in the air. What [users] really want is the ability to express empathy,” Zuckerberg added. “Not every moment is a good moment.”

Facebook has long shied away from building a “Dislike” button over concerns it would invite rampant negativity. “That isn’t what we’re here to build in the world,” Zuckerberg said.

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