Free Beacon Peter Hasson

'He Sounded More Like a Publicist': Media Ethics Expert Pans MSNBC Host Scarborough's Defense of Biden

Morning Joe's Biden cheerleading 'has long blurred the lines' between journalism and PR, ethics expert says

July 12, 2024

Oregon Doctors Could Soon Lose Their Licenses for ‘Microaggressions’ Under Proposed Medical Board Rule

State's proposal will have ‘chilling effect on speech,’ top expert warns

June 18, 2024

Joe Biden's 'Equity Agenda' Has a New Target: Kidney Transplants

HHS proposal would push hospitals to prioritize low-income patients in bid to address 'racial inequities'

May 27, 2024

DEI Hits the VA: Biden's Veterans Affairs Department Offers Race-Based Training Programs That Exclude White Vets

'Equity' means realizing 'treating everybody the same might not be enough,' VA official Shawn Liu says

May 13, 2024