
LeBron James's Taco Tuesdays with his family have become the social media event of the summer

The best LeBron James development this summer isn’t the Los Angeles Lakers’ acquisition of Anthony Davis.

No, it’s Taco Tuesdays in the James household.

I’m dead serious. James has used his Instagram stories over the past year to highlight Tuesday night meals with his family and filmed himself, his kids and wife shouting “TACO TUEEEEEESDAYS!” every week. It’s endlessly delightful. And in his latest edition, The Brow joins them and fits right in.

Please, James family: Keep doing this. It’s adorable, it’s fun and with what feels like months until the NBA season, we need your Taco Tuesdays posts to carry us.

Here’s the latest one with a cameo from Davis:

And this one from May:

From all the way back in October:

He’s even got other kids inspired to join in:

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