Amazon May Owe YOU Money!

Amazon May Owe YOU Money!

If you are an e-commerce entrepreneur, you must keep a sharp eye on your bottom line. After all, every dollar counts when you run your own business. 

This is why you must claim your Amazon FBA refunds regularly. If you haven’t filed for FBA reimbursement before, it’s time to get started. Even if you have made your claims in the past, you can always learn more about maximizing your refund. 

It may come as a surprise, but if you sell on Amazon Amazon may owe you money right now. However, if you do not claim this money via an Amazon FBA refund, you will not see it again. 

But why would Amazon owe you an Amazon FBA refund? Whenever an incorrect transaction against your Amazon Seller account occurs, this is called a discrepancy. This can be anything from fee overcharges to inventory losses. In short, when Amazon messes up, you could be entitled to compensation. 

Let’s take some time to learn exactly how Amazon FBA refunds work and how you can get your cashback in your pocket.

Notepad with eligibility written on it

When are you eligible for Amazon FBA refunds?

Many situations may merit an Amazon FBA refund. This is understandable given the range of processes products go through in Amazon’s care. To maximize your refund, you must understand how each type of reimbursement works. 

For sellers who are serious about getting as much money back as possible, Getida offers a comprehensive Amazon FBA reimbursement solution. Getida’s state-of-the-art software ensures that no discrepancies will go unnoticed and your cash will be safely returned. We will explore the advantages of Getida’s approach later, but for now, let’s look at the five common discrepancies.

  1. Amazon FBA Fee Errors 

Every Amazon FBA seller is familiar with the various fees charged by Amazon. Although most FBA fees are unavoidable, fee overcharges could mean you are eligible for an Amazon FBA refund. An especially common fee overcharge happens when Amazon uses the wrong weight or measurements to calculate shipping fees for your product. 

This type of error can cost you a lot because you will be overcharged for every single product that sell. More alarmingly, Amazon may update your product weight or measurements at any time, so you might not even realize that a discrepancy has occurred. 

Remember to have the correct product dimensions ready when you file for this kind of FBA refund.

  1. Destroyed inventory

Some sellers do not realize that Amazon has the right to throw away or destroy inventory as they see fit. Amazon does not need to wait for a seller’s permission before destroying of a given item. Fortunately, when this happens you can file for an FBA refund. Keep in mind that unless you keep a sharp eye on your records, this type of discrepancy can be easy to miss.

  1. Lost inventory

Your products go through a lot as they travel to Amazon’s warehouse, enter their storage space, and then make their way to customers. It comes as no surprise that there are many opportunities for a product to go missing during these processes. This does not make it any less discouraging when your products get lost, though. 

You can find out whether any of your products have gone missing by viewing Amazon’s inventory reconciliation reports. These reports will give you a look at the details of your inventory for the last 18 months.

Since reviewing these reports can be tedious, Getida’s services can make all the difference. While Getida identifies every discrepancy in your inventory reconciliation reports, you will be free to tackle all the other tasks on your to-do list. After all, sifting through months of data is hardly something most entrepreneurs have time to do.

Damaged package on conveyor belt

  1. Damaged inventory

After doing your research and finding the perfect products, it can be disheartening to find out one of those products has been damaged. However, if your product was damaged while in Amazon’s care, you can file for an FBA refund. 

Damaged Inventory Reports are the best way to find out when one of your products has been damaged. These reports will document: 

  • When a product is damaged in the fulfillment center.
  • When a product is damaged on its way from the fulfillment center to a customer. 
  • When a product has gone missing in the last 30 days.
  • When shipments are lost or damaged on their way to fulfillment centers. 
  1. Customer return errors

Amazon is a customer-focused platform and customer returns are an inevitability for any FBA seller. During the returns process, many discrepancies can potentially occur, making you eligible for an Amazon FBA refund. 

A few common customer return discrepancies include:

  • Items returned in damaged condition.
  • Items returned outside the designated time window.
  • Incorrect item returned, but refund still issued.
  • Refunds exceed the amount the customer paidMan handing another man money

Getting your Amazon FBA refund

Now that you know Amazon might owe you money, you are probably keen to get your Amazon FBA refund as soon as possible. But what is the best way to get your refund?

Some sellers choose to hire a Virtual Assistant (VA) to help with the task. Although outsourcing some tasks to a VA can be helpful, you must find the right candidate to handle your Amazon FBA refunds. If the individual does not have the right level of experience, they might fail to find all discrepancies. You should also make sure you find a VA you trust since they will have access to your Seller Central account.

Another option is to file your Amazon FBA refunds on your own, but this means spending many hours analyzing your account transaction history. Many Amazon sellers are simply too busy running their business to spend this kind of time on Amazon FBA refunds.

If you want to maximize your refund while protecting your time, Getida’s Amazon FBA refund solutions are the best option. As we discussed earlier, Getida’s specialized software will zero in on all discrepancies going back 18 months. This means you won’t have to leave any money on the table. You will be able to rest assured that no stone will be left unturned in your account audit.

Unlike some companies, Getida handles all the different types of discrepancies so the whole claims process will be completed, not just part of it. Getida’s claims department is made up of former Amazon FBA reimbursement employees so they know exactly how to get your cash back.

What happens next?

Remember that claiming your Amazon FBA refunds is a key part of success as an Amazon seller. Whether your products are lost or fees have been overcharged, you are entitled to reimbursement. 

Getida can help you get back all of your money while leaving you free to attend to the other areas of your business. Since Getida only charges a fee once they have secured your FBA refund, you can relax in the knowledge that you are making your resources count.

Take five minutes to sign up with Getida today to get a free estimate of your FBA refund!

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