Plugin Directory

Jetpack: seguridade, copia de seguridade, velocidade e crecemento de WP

Jetpack: seguridade, copia de seguridade, velocidade e crecemento de WP



Jetpack is a WordPress plugin that helps you create better content, grow your subscribers, earn money from your website and keep it safe, fast, and secure. You can grow and keep track of your website traffic with Jetpack stats, and create better content with Jetpack AI. You can start a newsletter and grow your audience, turning fans into paying subscribers. Create beautiful content with Jetpack Creator and keep your site fast with Jetpack Boost.


Installation is free, quick, and easy. Set up Jetpack in minutes. Take advantage of more robust features like WordPress site security and design and growth tools by upgrading to a paid plan.


Temos un equipo global de enxeñeiros felices listos para darche un soporte incrible. Fai as túas preguntas no foro de soporte ou contacta co soporte.


Máis seguro. Máis rápido. Máis tráfico.

WordPress security, performance, marketing, and design tools — Jetpack is made by WordPress experts to make WP sites safer and faster, and help you grow your traffic.


We guard your site so you can run your site or business. Jetpack Security provides easy-to-use, comprehensive WordPress site security including auto real-time backups and easy restores, malware scans, and spam protection. Essential features like brute force protection and basic downtime / uptime monitoring are free.

  • Fai unha copia de seguridade do teu sitio en tempo real automaticamente e restaura a calquera punto cun só clic. A capacidade de almacenamento na nube comeza en 10 GB, que é máis que dabondo para a maioría dos sitios, aínda que hai dispoñibles opcións de almacenamento adicionais se fosen necesarias. Fantástico para tendas de eCommerce, especialmente Woo.
  • Manage migration to a new host, migrate theme files and plugins to a new database, easily duplicate websites, create full database backups, clone websites, repair broken websites by restoring older backups or easily set up a test site by creating a duplicate of your existing WP website.
  • See every site change and who made it with the activity log, great for coordination, debug, maintenance, or troubleshooting.
  • Examina o tráfico entrante ao teu sitio de WordPress co noso WAF (Web Application Firewall) e decide se o permites ou o bloqueas en base a varias regras.
  • Engade unha importante capa de protección ao teu sitio co noso WAF (Web Application Firewall), esoecialmente cando os atacantes sabotean de forma activa vulnerabilidades sen parche.
  • Realiza automaticamente exploracións de malware e exploracións de seguridade para outras ameazas de código. Corrección nun clic para restaurar o teu sitio a causa de malware.
  • Bloquea comentarios de spam e respostas de formularios con características anti spam impulsadas por Akismet.
  • Protección fronte a ataques de forza bruta para protexer a túa páxina de aceeso a WordPress de ataques.
  • Supervisa o tempo de actividade e inactividade do teu sitio e recibe alertas instantáneas sobre calquera cambio por correo electrónico.
  • Secure powered login used by millions of sites with optional 2FA (two factor authentication) for extra protection.
  • Actualizar automaticamente os plugins individuais para unha fácil mantemento e xestión do sitio.

Podes mercar todas as características de seguridade de Jetpack no noso paquete de seguridade, ou mercarVaultPress Backup, Scan, e Akismet Anti-spam por separado.


Get blazing fast site speed with Jetpack. Jetpack’s free CDN (content delivery network) auto optimizes your images. Watch your page load times decrease — we��ll optimize your images and serve them from our own powerful global network, and speed up your site on mobile devices to reduce bandwidth usage and save money!

  • Image CDN for images and core static files, like CSS and JavaScript, served from our servers, not yours, which saves you money and bandwidth.
  • Unlimited, high speed, ad free video hosting keeps the focus on your content, not on ads or recommendations that lead people off site.
  • Custom site search is incredibly powerful and customizable. Helps your visitors instantly find the right content so they read and buy more. Works great with WooCommerce / eCommerce sites to help filter products so customers get what they want on your site faster.
  • Recommended to use with Jetpack Boost for ultimate WordPress site speed.


Create and customize your WordPress site, optimize it for visitors and revenue, and enjoy watching your stats tick up. Build it, share it, and watch it grow.

  • Auto publish blog posts and products to social media by simply using our tools to connect to Facebook, Tumblr, Mastodon, and LinkedIn.
  • Comparte fácilmente publicacións de Instagram nas túas páxinas e entradas de blog.
  • Collect a payment or donation, sell a product, service, or membership with simple integrations with PayPal and Stripe.
  • Grow traffic with SEO tools for Google, Bing, Facebook, and XML sitemap created automatically.
  • Advertise on your site to generate revenue. The ad network automatically does the work for you to find high-quality ads that are placed on your site.
  • Manage Jetpack features from anywhere with the official WordPress mobile app, available for Apple iOS (iPhone or iPad) and Google Android.
  • Looking for Customer Relationship Management? Check out the Jetpack CRM plugin which works alongside Jetpack to give you a simple and practical way to build relationships with your customers and leads.


Con Estatísticas de Jetpack, non terás que ser analista de datos para ver o rendemento do teu sitio.

  • Estatísticas e analíticas avanzadas do sitio para axudarche a entender ao teu público.
  • Descobre as entradas e páxinas que xeran mellor rendemento.
  • Averigua quen está a crear o contido máis popular no teu equipo coas nosas métricas de autor.
  • Controla doadamente os teus hábitos e tendencias de creación de contido ao longo dos anos.
  • Consulta as tendencias semanais e anuais coa opción que amosa o máis destacado dos últimos 7 días e do último ano.
  • Consulta en que redes sociais se comparte máis o teu contido.
  • Explora datos en tempo real sobre visitantes, me gusta e comentarios.
  • Obtén información detallada sobre os referentes que traen tráfico ao teu sitio.
  • Descobre de qué países proveñen os teus visitantes.
  • Mide os clics nas ligazóns, as reproducións de vídeos e as descargas de arquivos no teu sitio.


Experience the ease of crafting professional content with intuitive and powerful AI. Jetpack AI Assistant effortlessly integrates with your WordPress editor, offering an intuitive interface to interact with AI.
This powerful block lets you generate diverse content at your command, significantly reducing the time and effort required in content creation.

Simplemente proporciona unha suxerencia e mira como etpack AI Assistant crea atractivas entradas de blog, páxinas detalladas, listas estruturadas e táboas completas; todo adaptado ás túas necesidades.

  • Aproveita o poder da IA directamente dende o teu editor.
  • Obtén contidos personalizados de alta calidade.
  • Mantén estándares profesionais con facilidade.
  • Traducións a múltiples idiomas con tecnoloxía de IA ao alcance da túa man, rematando coas barreiras lingüísticas.


Consegue novos fans ao promover as túas publicacións e páxinas en millóns de sitios na rede publicitaria de e Tumblr.

  • Crea o teu anuncio. Elixe a túa audiencia. Fixa o teu presuposto. É así de doado.
  • Amplía o teu alcance por só uns poucos dólares.


Quickly customize your site to make it stand out — no coding needed.

  • Temas: temas sinxelos de WordPress para empezar co teu sitio.
  • Related posts — Keep visitors on your site by automatically showing them related content they will be interested in.
  • Gallery and Slideshow tools — Image galleries, carousel slider, and slideshows for WP sites and stores.
  • Subscricións — Facilita aos visitantes darse de alta para recibir notificacións das túas últimas publicacións e comentarios.
  • Contact form — Easily build unlimited contact forms for free without any coding. Receive email notifications for each response. Integrate with mail solutions like Creative Mail to reach your customers and leads quickly. Connect to Jetpack Anti spam (powered by Akismet) to filter submissions.
  • Compatibilidade con oEmbed: incrusta facilmente imaxes, entradas e ligazóns de Facebook e Instagram.


Jetpack is updated monthly to ensure seamless integration with top WordPress plugins and other tech products.

  • Built for WooCommerce: Jetpack and WooCommerce are both made by Automattic. Backup, Scan, Anti-spam, integrate perfectly for Woo / eComm stores.
  • Jetpack is fully compatible with v2.0 of the official AMP plugin for WordPress.
  • Coñece mellor aos teus clientes e o funcionamento do marketing coa integración de Google Analytics (GA).
  • Plataformas de redes sociais: Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr e LinkedIn.
  • Simple Blocks to customize your site: Pinterest, Whatsapp, Podcast player, GIFs, maps, tiled gallery, slideshow.
  • Payment processors: easily collect payments or donations and sell products through Stripe and PayPal.
  • Site speed and performance plugins: Works great with WP Super Cache by Automattic and Cloudflare.
  • Contact form: Anti-spam (Powered by Akismet) blocks spam comments for Jetpack forms, Contact Form 7, Ninja Forms, Gravity Forms, Formidable Forms, and more.
  • Other tech integrations: Instagram, Creative Mail, Mailchimp, Calendly, Whatsapp, Pinterest, Revue, and more.


If you like Jetpack, consider checking out our other products and bundles

  • Jetpack Complete – The Complete bundle with real‑time security, top performance, and everything you need to grow your business.
  • Jetpack Security – Our Security bundle provides easy‑to‑use, comprehensive WordPress site security, including real‑time backups, a web application firewall, malware scanning, and spam protection.
  • Jetpack Backup – Save every change and get back online quickly with one‑click restores from Jetpack VaultPress Backup.
  • Jetpack Scan – Protect your site from bad actors around‑the‑clock ‑ with our web application firewall (WAF) and automated malware scanning with one‑click fixes.
  • Jetpack Search – Instantly deliver the most relevant results to your visitors with Jetpack Search. No coding required, no ads, and no tracking.
  • Jetpack Boost – Increase your website speed. Enjoy the same performance advantages as the world’s leading websites, no developer required.
  • Jetpack VideoPress – Display stunning‑quality video with none of the hassle. Drag and drop videos through the WordPress editor and keep the focus on your content, not the ads.
  • Jetpack AI – Turn your ideas into ready‑to‑publish content at lightspeed.
  • Jetpack Stats – Keep track of your website visits, popular posts, newsletter subscribers and more.
  • Jetpack Social – Automatically share your website content to your favorite social media platforms, from one place.
  • Jetpack CRM – Jetpack CRM has all of the tools you need to grow your business. It’s also modular, so you can customize it to suit your needs.
  • Jetpack Creator – Craft stunning content, boost your subscriber base, and monetize your online presence.
  • Jetpack Newsletter – Transform your blog posts into newsletters to easily reach your subscribers. Offer paid subscriptions and earn from your content.


  • Akismet Anti-spam – Automatically clear spam from comments and forms. Save time, get more responses, give your visitors a better experience – all without lifting a finger.


  • Blaze – Find new fans by promoting your posts and pages across millions of sites in the and Tumblr ad network.


  • Jetpack Manage – All the tools you need to manage multiple WordPress sites. Monitor site security, performance, and traffic, and get alerted if a site needs attention.


Algunha vez desexaches ter una soa función de Jetpack no seu propio plugin? Agora podes. Bota un ollo aos nosos plugins individuais e instala só o que precises.


  • Jetpack Security provides easy-to-use, comprehensive WordPress site security including backups, malware scanning, and spam protection.
  • Save every change with real-time backups and get back online quickly with one-click restores.
  • Automated malware scanning and one-click fixes keep your site one step ahead of security threats.
  • Promove as túas últimas publicacións, páxinas, e produtos a través das túas canles de redes sociais.
  • Incriblemente potente e personalizable, axuda aos teus visitantes a atopar rapidamente o contido correcto – xusto cando o precisen.
  • Consilta qué é o que mellor funciona coas métricas de rendemento do contido. Estatísticas sinxelas pero potentes para facer medrar o teu sitio.
  • Calidade de vídeo impresionante sen complicacións. Arrastra e solta os vídeos co editor de WordPress e céntrate no teu contido en vez de nos anuncios.


Este plugin proporciona 51 bloques.

  • Form Create forms to collect data from site visitors and manage their responses.
  • VideoPress Embed a video from your media library or upload a new one with VideoPress.
  • Paid Content Restrict access to your content for paying subscribers.
  • Podcast Player Select and play episodes from a single podcast.
  • Tiled Gallery Display multiple images in an elegantly organized tiled layout.
  • AI Image (Experimental) Automatically generate an illustration for your post, powered by AI magic. We are experimenting with this feature and can tweak or remove it at any point.
  • Blog Stats Show a stats counter for your blog.
  • Nextdoor Embed a Nextdoor post for your neighbors on your blog.
  • Jetpack AI Search Provide a summarized answer to questions, trained on the sites content. Powered by AI.
  • Cookie Consent Display a customizable cookie consent banner. To display this block on all pages of your site, please add it inside a Template Part that is present on all your templates, like a Header or a Footer.
  • Sharing Buttons Give your readers the ability to easily share your content with X, Facebook, Tumblr, LinkedIn, and a host of other services to help spread your message across the web.
  • Related Posts Display a list of related posts.
  • Star Rating Rate movies, books, songs, recipes — anything you can put a number on.
  • Payments Sell products and services or receive donations on your website.
  • Like Give your readers the ability to show appreciation for your posts.
  • Send A Message Let your visitors send you messages with the tap of a button.
  • Ad Earn income by adding high quality ads to your post.
  • OpenTable Book a reservation with OpenTable.
  • Mailchimp Allow readers to join a Mailchimp audience.
  • Donations Form Collect one-time, monthly, or annually recurring donations.
  • Image Compare Compare two images with a slider. Works best with images of the same size.
  • Google Docs (Beta) Embed a Google Document.
  • Pay with PayPal Add credit and debit card payment buttons with minimal setup. Good for collecting donations or payments for products and services.
  • Calendly Embed a calendar for customers to schedule appointments.
  • Tock Reserve a table at your restaurant with Tock.
  • Latest Instagram Posts Display an automatically updating list of the latest posts from your Instagram feed.
  • Goodreads Features books from the shelves of your Goodreads account.
  • Subscribe Subscribe to this blog's posts as a newsletter.
  • Recipe (Beta) Add images, ingredients and cooking steps to display an easy to read recipe.
  • Top Posts & Pages Display your most popular content.
  • Story Add an interactive story.
  • Map Add an interactive map showing one or more locations.
  • GIF Search for and insert an animated image.
  • AI Assistant Elevate your content creation with our AI-powered Gutenberg Block, offering seamless customization and generation. Bear in mind that, as an evolving tool, occasional imprecision may occur.
  • Slideshow Display multiple images in sequential order.
  • AI Paragraph (Experimental) Automatically generate new paragraphs using your existing content, powered by AI magic. We are experimenting with this feature and can tweak or remove it at any point.
  • Eventbrite Checkout Embed Eventbrite event details and ticket checkout.
  • Voice to content Transform your spoken words into a post ready to publish with AI.
  • Repeat Visitor Control block visibility based on how often a visitor has viewed the page.
  • Writing Prompt Answer a new and inspiring writing prompt each day.
  • Payment Buttons Sell products and subscriptions.
  • Subscriber Login Show links for subscribers to login, logout, or manage their subscription.
  • Pinterest Embed a Pinterest pin, board, or user.
  • Blogroll Share the sites you follow with your users.
  • Google Calendar Embed a Google Calendar.
  • Markdown Add headings, lists, or links to plain text with ease.
  • Contact Info Add an email address, phone number, and physical address with improved markup for better SEO results.
  • Business Hours Display opening hours for your business.
  • Payment Button Button allowing you to sell products and subscriptions.
  • Sharing Button Display a sharing button, allowing users to share your post.
  • Paywall Limit access to the content below this block to chosen subscribers.


Instalación automatizada

Installation is free, quick, and easy. Set up Jetpack in minutes.

Alternativas manuais

Alternatively, install Jetpack via the plugin directory, or upload the files manually to your server and follow the on-screen instructions. If you need additional help read our detailed instructions.

Preguntas frecuentes

Jetpack é gratis?

Yes! Jetpack’s core features are free for non-commercial sites.

These include: site stats, a high-speed CDN for images, related posts, downtime monitoring, brute force attack protection, automated sharing to social networks, sidebar customization, SEO (search engine optimization) tools, and much more.

Debería mercar un plan de pago?

It depends on your site and what kind of protection, performance, and design you need. If you make money from your site, the answer is “yes.” For context, Jetpack’s paid services include real-time backups, security scanning, spam filtering, video hosting, site monetization, search, priority support, and more.

Para saber máis acerca dos servizos esencias de seguridade e WordPress que ofrecemos e consultar como podemos mellorar o teu sitio, visita a nosa páxina de plans.

Por qué preciso unha conta de

Since Jetpack and its services are provided and hosted by, a account is required for Jetpack to function.

Xa teño unha conta de WordPress, pero Jetpack non funciona. Qué está a pasar?

A account is different from the account you use to log into your self-hosted WordPress. If you can log into, then you already have a account. If you can’t, you can easily create oneduring installation.

Cómo vexo as miñas estatísticas?

Once you’ve installed Jetpack, your stats will be available on your Jetpack dashboard and through the official WordPress mobile app.

Cómo podo contribuir a Jetpack?

There are opportunities for developers at all levels to contribute. Learn more about contributing to Jetpack or consider joining our beta program.

Qué máis inclúe Jetpack?

Jetpack is the ultimate toolkit for WP for both the classic editor and the block editor, giving you everything you need for a professional site. It includes the following features:

  • Rexistro de actividade: supervisa todos os cambios realizados no sitio para fines de depuración, solución de problemas ou mantemento.
  • Ads — Earn income by displaying high quality ads on your site.
  • Beautiful Math — Use the LaTeX markup language for writing complex mathematical equations, formulas, and more.
  • Carousel slider — Display a gorgeous full-screen photo browsing experience with comments and EXIF metadata.
  • CDN — Helps your pages load faster by allowing Jetpack to optimize your images and serve your images and static files (like CSS and JavaScript) from our global network of servers.
  • Comments — Replace your default comment form with an improved system with integrated social media login options.
  • Comment Likes — Allows readers to like other comments to show their agreement, approval, or appreciation.
  • Formularios de contacto: ofrece aos teus lectores a posibilidade de porse en contacto sen dar a túa dirección de correo electrónico persoal.
  • Custom CSS — Customize the appearance of your theme without creating a child theme or worrying about updates overwriting your customizations.
  • Tipos de contido personalizados: engade tipos de entrada personalizados (custom post types ou CPTs) ao teu sitio.
  • Downtime Monitor — Alerts you via electronic mail if your site goes down to ensure you keep uptime.
  • Extra Sidebar Widgets — Extra widgets you can add to your blog, including RSS Links and Facebook Like Boxes.
  • Gravatar Hovercards: fai que o teu perfil de Gravatar visible para os usuarios que visualicen o teu blog.
  • Google Analytics (GA): fai un seguemento das estatísticas do teu sitio de WordPress grazas a Google Analytics.
  • Infinite Scroll — Pulls the next posts automatically into view when the reader approaches the bottom of the page.
  • JSON API — Authorizes applications and services to securely connect to your blog, and allows them to use your content or offer you new functionality.
  • «Gústame»: permite aos lectores amosar o seu aprecio polas túas entradas cun só clic.
  • Markdown — Allows you to compose posts and comments with links, lists, and other styles using regular characters and punctuation marks. Markdown is used by writers and bloggers who want a quick and easy way to write rich text without having to take their hands off the keyboard.
  • Detección de malware – exploracións de malware automáticas que axudan a protexer o teu sitio web de WP cunha resolución automatizada.
  • Notifications — Receive notifications for new comments and Likes in your admin bar and on your mobile device.
  • Compatibilidade con oEmbed: incrusta facilmente imaxes, entradas e ligazóns de Facebook e Instagram.
  • Plugin Management — Allows easy site maintenance by choosing which plugins update automatically.
  • Publicar por correo electrónico. Publica entradas usando calquera cliente de correo electrónico.
  • Protección: protexe o teu sitio contra ataques de acceso por forza bruta tradicionais e distribuídos.
  • Publicize — Share new posts on social media networks automatically, or schedule future shares with custom messages.
  • Related Posts — Show contextual posts your visitors might be interested in reading after they’re done with their current post.
  • Secure Auth — Secure powered login used by millions of sites with optional 2FA (two factor authentication) for extra protection.
  • Explorador de seguridade: antivirus e detección doutras ameazas para o teu sitio WordPress con resolución automatizada.
  • Busca: un potente substituto para a busca integrada de WordPress, desenvolvida por Elasticsearch, na nube de
  • Ferramentas de SEO — Optimiza o teu sitio para motores de busca aproveitando as nosas ferramentas de SEO.
  • Compartir — Engade botóns de compartir ás túas entradas do blog para que os lectores poidan compartir facilmente o teu contido.
  • Shortcode Embeds — Embed videos from YouTube and other media across the web.
  • Site Backup — Automatically back up your entire site. Duplicate, clone, migrate, transfer to a new host, and easily restore. Previously known as VaultPress.
  • Estatísticas do sitio: visualiza as visitas do sitio por data, así coma as páxinas e as entradas máis populares.
  • Site Verification — Verify your site for use with Google, Bing, and Pinterest and their tools.
  • Mapa do sitio: xera unha lista de páxinas que serán indexadas por motores de búsqueda como Google o Bing.
  • Spam Filtering — Automatically filter out spam comments, product reviews, or contact form submissions.
  • Subscricións: permite aos visitantes recibir notificacións das túas últimas publicacións ou comentarios.
  • Tiled Galleries — Display your image galleries in three different styles: a rectangular mosaic, a square mosaic, and a circular grid.
  • Video Hosting — Upload videos for fast, reliable hosting on
  • Ligazóns curtas a xera ligazóns curtas e sinxelas ao teu contenido usando o dominio
  • Visibilidade de widgets: configura os widgets para que aparezan só en páxinas concretas.
  • Toolbar — The Toolbar feature replaces the default admin bar and offers quick links to the Reader, all your sites, your profile, and notifications.

Qué bloques inclúe Jetpack?

Blocks are the individual sections that make up a page. There are many block types for you to use. Each block can be edited or moved independently of other blocks. The following is a list of all blocks currently available in Jetpack.

  • Bloque de anuncios – O bloque de anuncios permíteche inserir unha unidade de anuncios de JetPack en calquera parte do contido de calquera entrada ou páxina.
  • Business Hours Block – The Business Hours block allows you to display your business’s opening hours on your site.
  • Calendly Block – Jetpack’s Calendly block allows your visitors to schedule one-on-one appointments, group events, and team meetings directly from your website.
  • Contact Info Block – The Contact Info block lets you add your contact information (email address, physical address, phone number) to any post or page.
  • Donations Block – The Donations block lets you add a payment button to any post or page for a donation, tips, and other contributions, using Stripe as the payment gateway.
  • Bloque de Eventbrite: con este bloque, podes incrustar eventos nas entradas ou nas páxinas.
  • Bloque de formulario: este bloque permíteche engadir un formulario á túa entrada ou á túa páxina.
  • GIF Block – The GIF block allows you to easily search for and embed an animated GIF image from Giphy directly into a post or page on your WordPress site.
  • Bloque de calendario de Google: permíteche incrustar doadamente un calendario de Google na túa entrada ou páxina.
  • Image Compare Block – The Image Compare Block allows you to display and compare the differences between two images side by side (or above and below) thanks to a slider.
  • Latest Instagram Posts Block – The Latest Instagram Posts Block lets you display your most recent images from Instagram on your site. The block update automatically updates when you post new images to Instagram.
  • Bloque de Mailchimp – O bloque de Mailchimp permite que os visitantes se unan á túa lista de Mailchimp.
  • Bloque de mapa: este bloque permíteche engadir un mapa a calquera entrada ou páxina do teu sitio.
  • Markdown Block – With the Markdown block you can create formatted content using only regular characters and some punctuation marks.
  • OpenTable Block – With the OpenTable block, you can add a reservation form on posts or pages.
  • Bloque de pago con PayPal: permíteche engadir un botón de pago a calquera entrada ou páxina e comezar a recibir inmediatamente pagamentos a través Paypal por produtos físicos, artigos dixitais ou doazóns.
  • Payments Block – The Payments Block lets you add a payment button using Stripe as the payment gateway. It works for one-time and recurring payments.
  • Bloque de Pinterest – O bloque de Pinterest é a forma máis sinxela de incrustar contido de Pinterest no teu sitio: permiteche incrustar táboas, perfís e pins.
  • Podcast Player Block – Jetpack’s Podcast Player block allows you to easily show your visitors a listing of recent episodes from a podcast and play them on your website.
  • Related Posts Block – The Related Posts feature scans all of your posts’ contents, analyzes it, and uses that to display contextual posts your visitors might be interested in reading after they’re finished with the current post.
  • Repeat Visitor Block – The Repeat Visitor block enables the author to control the visibility of its nested block(s) depending on how many times a visitor has previously visited the page.
  • Revue Block – The Revue block creates a simple signup form for readers to opt-in to receive your newsletter.
  • Slideshow Block – The Slideshow block lets you insert an image slideshow into a post or page.
  • Bloque de valoración con estrelas: permite calquera autor do sitio engadir recensións ao sitio.
  • Subscription Form Block – The Subscription Form Block allows you to insert a subscription form within the content area of any post or page, enabling your readers to get notifications when you publish new posts.
  • Tiled Gallery Block – With Tiled Galleries you can display your image galleries in four styles: tiled mosaic, circular grid, square tiles, and tiled columns.
  • Bloque de vídeo: mellora o bloque de vídeo de WordPress existente e permíteche subir vídeos dende o teu ordenador para aloxalos en en lugar de nos servidores do teu proveedor de aloxamento.
  • WhatsApp Button Block – The WhatsAPP Button block will allow your customers to send them a message to enquire about their product or services, or ask for support. Clicking on the button will open WhatsApp and pre-fill the phone number and initial message.

Jetpack tamén creou extensións para algúns bloques do núcleo de WordPress:

  • Social Previews – This extension of the Block Editor allows you to preview what your post / page will look like on search engines and social media.

Preciso un certificado SSL?

You don’t need an SSL Certificate to run Jetpack on your WordPress website. However, it’s recommended to integrate them both into your overall WordPress security strategy. An SSL certificate (Secure Sockets Layer certificate) creates a secure connection between your website and your site visitors’ browsers. It encrypts any data shared on your site — like addresses, emails, phone numbers, and credit card information — and protects that data from hackers.

If you don’t have an SSL certificate, your site will show a “not secure” warning on users’ browsers, which can reduce your legitimacy in their eyes. SSL certificates also have a positive impact on search engine rankings.

The process of setting up an SSL certificate will depend on your hosting provider. Some hosts include free certificates, while others charge annually.

Cómo funciona Jetpack con WP Super Cache?

WP Super Cache works by caching your WordPress pages as static HTML pages so that page requests, for an already cached page, do not need to be processed by the WordPress PHP scripts. Typically, most visitors of your site will view cached versions of the WordPress pages, so your server will have more processing power to serve an increased number of users.

Jetpack has an image CDN that works by caching and serving your WordPress images globally from its own servers. These plugins are both maintained by Automattic and work together to give you ultimate site speed.

Automattic actively develops Jetpack Boost to help you increase your website speed in ways beyond WP Super Cache. We recommend using Jetpack Boost instead of WP Super Cache.

Qué versión de PHP preciso?

Os sitios deben basearse en PHP 7.0 ou versións posteriores, pero Jetpack sempre é compatible coa versión máis recente de PHP.

Pode Jetpack axudar ao meu sitio a cumplir co RXPD?

Our Cookie and Consent Banner can help you comply with GDPR. The European Union’s ePrivacy Directive (often referred to as the ‘cookie law’) and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) place requirements on website owners and operators to provide information about, and gain consent for their use of cookies.

Pode utilizarse Jetpack para transferir webs a un novo provedor de aloxamento?

Jetpack Backup can do a full website migration to a new host, migrate theme files and plugins to a new database, create full database backups, clone websites, repair broken websites by restoring older backups and allow you to easily set up a test site by creating a duplicate of your existing website.


12 de Xullo, 2024
Sorry to say that I am now looking at alternatives to Jetpack as it looks to be going the way of Adobe and many other tech firms. Whatever move fast and break things business graduate focused on revenue has taken recent steps has soured the tech for me and the non-profit community education project I run. Even the ‘free’ version has now created a situation where the visitor statistics are next to useless; I consider this a bait and switch tactic that has destroyed my/our trust in the management of some talented coders at Automatic. My chief concern is that I will not be able to effectively export all the data which belongs to the project before removing what has become a cumbersome and bloated plugin which seems to be a zero sum game in terms of server load. Thank goodness for the general Wordpress ecology which means that there is a market of other options and opportunities for talent to produce alternatives enabling migration. To add to this, ‘the support’ I engaged is yet another rubbish flow chart ai automated response which cannot deal with non stock questions or slight difference – ai feels so gimmicky for the choss it produces. So, this is a review I am leaving to see if the customer message reaches the Jetpack management before we abandon ship and hope in what was a long and happy relationship with this plugin. Like Youtube management and Google management have u-turned on aggressive monetization strategies, there is the hope that Automatic will do a rethink; if not, it is a case of abandon ship. This will become another average-to-ugghh technology on the market which noob’s turn to or those who use sledgehammers to crack nuts (i.e. pay for more server resources and costs etc). This is an interesting time for tech economic ecology of the digital world where we will see management styles sink operations which have built up excellent reputations over time – rich pickings for those writing case studies. To recap, the last straw of affection for this plugin was with the crippling of visitors statistics leaving a useless free version for non-profits. Have a word with yourselves Jetpack, you were better than this.
11 de Xullo, 2024 1 resposta
Totally out of touch. Paying $200 for some basic stats is ridiculous when you can get much more advanced tracking for free with GA4. On top of that, I have a completely non-commercial, non-profit website that I do in my spare time for love, but Jetpack insists that it is commercial and I can’t use their free stats. Other than that, 99% of the plugin’s features are completely useless.
11 de Xullo, 2024 1 resposta
A bit of confusion at first, but the help of a really knowledgable support – nailed it within minutes. Relieved and happy to do business.
10 de Xullo, 2024 1 resposta
Don’t use this plugin, it’s shit unless you hate money. Free features were turned to paid. Wordpress should stop working with Jetpack.
6 de Xullo, 2024 1 resposta
It was once a decent enough plug-in, but its been going downhill for the last few years. Worse still is I now pay 82 Euro a year for it, twice what it was last year, and am having nothing but problems. Moreover, they want me to pay extra to view my statistics, which were once free for all. They say its because I have adverts on my website – they don’t earn me any money, just contribute to the cost of self hosting. I will not be renewing with them when my current plan ends. And I would not recommend paying for the plug-in, there is NO value in it. Complete waste of money without the stats, an absolute rip off. Worse still, it eats into speed and has a lot of technical issues. In addition, I’ve been using WordPress for 17 years and have dealt with many plug-ins that time and I can tell you the response time from Jetpack is really bad. I remember about 8 or 9 years ago when I was using Jetpack for FREE I had a technical issue and the support team got back to me same day and were extremely helpful. But now, even though I am paying (for nothing in essence) it takes days for support or customer service to get back to me and they are far from helpful.
4 de Xullo, 2024 1 resposta
This is one of the OLDEST plugins. I am not against people making money but I recently gave a donation because the “sales” page to unlock BASIC STATS (which should be FREE) makes it appear like this donation gives you access to these features. Nope, it doesn’t. When you are on the “pricing” page it gives you an option. If you are not for profit you can choose to make a donation. Again you are on the page where you pay or make a donation to unlock more stats. This does NOT give you the stats. Whatever you do, do NOT give this plugin your money. It is really not worth it at all.
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Rexistro de cambios

13.6 – 2024-07-02


  • AI Assistant: Hide input when user types on extended block.
  • Goodreads Block: provide support for additional profile URLs.
  • Newsletter: Add ability to manage the newsletter byline appearance.
  • Newsletter: Adding a new toggle to control the newsletter author line.
  • Newsletter: Email replies can become comments on your blog.
  • Social: Add Threads preview to Social Previews.
  • Tiled Gallery: Increase accessibility of Tiled Gallery carousel images.

Improved compatibility

  • Block Editor: Ensure that no Jetpack features are displayed in the site editor’s sidebar when not necessary.
  • General: indicate compatibility with the upcoming version of WordPress – 6.6.
  • Offline Mode: do not display Jetpack’s outbound SSL notice when in Offline mode.

Bug fixes

  • AI Assistant: Disable extensions when AI Assistant block is hidden.
  • External Media: Do not display External Media options in the Caption edit field.
  • External media: Ensure connect URL has the correct blog ID and verification values.
  • Like block: Fix editor styling.
  • Publicize: Fix a race condition with refreshing the active social connections.
  • Slideshow: Ensure whole block is selectable in the editor.
  • User Content Link Tracking: Check domain before redirecting to

See the previous changelogs here