
Beige Modern Fashion Business Out Of Office Instagram Post
Beige Modern Fashion Business Out Of Office Instagram Post
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Number of seniors across the NYC metro area that Griot sees annually.

“At GRIOT I feel so alive. The staff hear us, see us and make us part of their planning. We’re not just people who attend. I don’t know what I would do without GRIOT.”


Age: 69

"We want to tell our story to make an impact on people we meet on a daily basis," The majority of us didn't think that we would be here today. I'm so happy and proud to be here today to tell my story. I'm not ashamed to tell my story because it's my story. I'm the only one who is able to tell my story."


Age: 72

"I am so close to my GRIOT family and my extended GRIOT family. We go to movies together, go shopping together, go to exhibitions together. We do everything!"


Age: 70

"I never really hung out with a gay group. I was more shy, in the closet. But GRIOT is my first time. And I feel really comfortable. Some older gay women don't want to be gay anymore. So ... I call them and tell them about activities going on at the center. “


Age: 65

"I looked at a couple of other senior centers, but GRIOT was it. Maybe because it was gay. But it's my kind of people … They're my family."


Age: 69