
MSS Watch: Kenyan-Led Mission to Haiti

After multiple cancellations due to legal, funding and logistical challenges, the first contingent of the Kenya-led multinational security mission (MSS) landed in Port-au-Prince on June 25.

Haiti’s Prime Minister Garry Conille welcomed the arrival of the first Kenyan police officers and announced a robust strategy to liberate Haiti from gang control during a visit to the base of the Multinational Security Support (MSS) mission on Wednesday, June 26. Video by Arnold Junior Pierre for the Haitian Times.

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💡 Essential Reading

Digital platforms help spread and standardize Creole, language experts say

The advent of digital technologies has played a crucial role in propelling the Haitian language onto the global stage, but some challenges remain, experts say

Mandated by the 1987 Constitution, it took three decades for the Haitian Parliament to vote into law a Creole Academy to regulate and enforce the Haitian language’s syntax and usage.

How to take action and help protect older adults from scams

Scammers have grown very convincing. They often can impersonate companies or organizations and make you believe the urgency or need behind their attempts. If you encounter the following signs, you’re likely dealing with a scammer.

Key meetings Conille had during the USA visit that yielded $40 million from IDB

Over weeklong trip with stops in Miami, New York and Washington, D.C., Haitian Prime Minister Garry Conille made the case for funding

Garry Conille met with the heads of several global banking institutions, including the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), American official and representatives of various international aid groups

A desperate crossing: Dominican army uses Haitian deportation for profit

How corruption and deception trap Haitians in a vicious cycle of abuse and deportation across the Dominican border

According to figures published by the IOM, from August 2021 to June 2024, 357,057 Haitian immigrants were expelled from countries in the region, primarily the Dominican Republic (84.86%), the United States, the Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos. In the first half of 2024 alone, 81,289 people were deported to Haiti, with the Dominican…

Publice notices

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We also publish wedding and baby announcements, obituaries, and more.

These stories are part of the Haitians in America series looking at Haitians and Haitian Americans across the United States. Financial support for this work is provided by the Ford Foundation.


Discover Jean-Rabel, northwestern Haiti’s hidden gem for tourists

Yet, Jean-Rabel is mainly known for the odious massacre perpetrated on farmers in July 1987 by paramilitary groups and Tonton Macoutes acting upon alleged orders from local oligarchs

This overview delves into the essential facts, offering a comprehensive look at this fascinating yet remote commune.

Over 25 killed and many kidnapped by gangs in Gressier, Haiti

The Haitian police regained control of Gressier’s, but residents continue to flee the town, fearing a resumption of hostilities

Bolstered by forces from the Nippes, South-East and South departments, officers from the PNH’s special task force were able to chase the bandits and rapidly regain control of…

Catch up on the latest gossip in the Haitian music and entertainment industry.

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“You Don’t Look Haitian”

Haitian American author discusses her inspiration, upbringing, and hopes for young readers in her new children’s book

A story that children from diverse backgrounds can relate to.