
10 am – 7 pm 

7 days a week

62 State Street
Northampton, MA


Looking for a gift for the foodie in your life? 

We have e-gift cards available through our Square site!


To pay with a gift card simply provide your name, email, or the gift card number at the register

^Click to purchase^

Why we can not accept pre-orders or reservations

Answering this question requires an explanation of our baking process. Hungry Ghost Bread’s shop is small. This factor limits the number of people we can safely have available to work which in turn limits our offerings such as more bread or pastries. Additionally, our naturally leavened 24 hour fermentation (which creates digestible bread) is dough driven. This means that when a loaf of dough is over proofing it MUST BE BAKED. Likewise underdeveloped dough must wait its turn. There is no way to predict the development of each individual loaf.

Consequently, inventorying the number and variety of loaves in any given bake is impossible (remember our help is limited). Therefore inventory can not be controlled enough to honor pre-orders and limited help inhibits are ability to accept reserves (we tried it). Bread is baked through out the day beginning around 6:00 am. Baking an oven load of about 70 loaves takes an hour and re-firing the oven for the next 70 loaves can sometimes be well over an hour depending on too many factors to name; but know that humid weather, low barometric pressure is a challenge on many levels in the shop, particularly when our work days are 12 hours long.

We understand that our “first come first served” policy can be frustrating. We appreciate your understanding and support. Clearly good bread is as important to you as it is to us. Thank you!