Real-time Backups For All text in bold with a 3D cloud on the right with a green checkmark within it

Never Miss a Moment: All Backups Are Now Real-time

Whether you have an eCommerce store, write about your favorite topics online, or promote services on your site, backups are absolutely critical. They provide incredible peace of mind — if your WordPress site is ever hacked or if it goes down for any reason, you can quickly and easily restore it in full.

Until now, Jetpack has offered daily backups as an option for site owners. And while this is a great step to protect your site, Jetpack’s real-time backups are the best way to get complete peace of mind. They save a copy of your site each and every time a change is made — a page is updated, a post is added, a setting is tweaked, or a product is purchased — all behind the scenes without requiring you to lift a finger. That way, you know that you’ll never lose a second of your hard work or a single customer order.

And we believe so strongly that every WordPress site should have real-time backups that we’re making them even more affordable and accessible.

That’s why we’re now including real-time backups in each of our Backup and Security plans.

Why are real-time backups important?

The work you put into your site design and content is valuable to you, your clients, your customers, or your readers. And losing that hard work? It’s unthinkable.

While daily backups are an excellent first step to protect your site, real-time backups take things one step further by saving absolutely every change that you make as it happens.

This is extra important for websites that are updated multiple times a day: eCommerce stores, news sites, blogs, and forums, for example. If your site goes down or is hacked, you still need every single customer order, blog post, and comment.

But real-time backups are also important for WordPress sites that are updated just daily, weekly, or monthly. Why? Because things tend to go wrong at the worst possible time. A plugin conflict, malware injection, or faulty line of code may happen right after you published that new landing page or made all those design changes. If your most recent backup is from yesterday or last week, you could risk losing all of that. But with real-time backups, everything’s saved.

As always, multiple copies of your backups are stored on our super-secure servers — the same ones we use for our sites. And since they’re incremental, always saving just the newest updates to your site, you won’t have to worry about timeout errors or weight on your server. It’s a win-win!

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How are things changing?

We’re phasing out daily backups and will be solely offering real-time backups, but at a more affordable price point. So all Jetpack Backup and Jetpack Security plans will offer real-time backups by default.

The best part? Now, everyone can take advantage of real-time backups at a lower cost. Instead of a flat rate per month or per year, pricing will be based on the amount of storage space you need.

Backups start at $5 per month for the first year including 10 GB of storage, which is enough for most sites. We’re working on adding additional storage solutions for larger sites.

If you’re a current Jetpack Backup customer with daily backups and want to move to real-time, just let us know and we’ll migrate your account.

Superior backups, simplified

Now, comprehensive, real-time backups are available to all Jetpack Backup users. Don’t pay for storage space you don’t need — instead, pay based on the size of your site. 

You can enable backups as part of our comprehensive WordPress security suite, or add them to your site with our standalone backup plugin.

It’s time to rest easy. Know that your site is protected every single second with Jetpack Backup.

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Simon Keating profile
Simon Keating

Simon has worked in marketing and product development for over 10 years, previously at HubSpot, Workday, and now Automattic (Jetpack). He has a varied education, with a degree in chemical engineering and a masters in computer science to his name. His passion is helping people and their businesses grow.

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