Jetpack Partners

Hosting Partnerships

Jetpack augments WordPress core by providing the tools everyone needs to build, manage and secure their websites.

Exploring Opportunities

Partnering with Jetpack offers unmatched flexibility and bespoke configurations, as well as the most unique revenue incentives available. Here are just a few recommendations we make for hosts, but you can mix and match or create your own partnership strategies.

Bundle high-value free Jetpack products. 

Save both OpEx and CapEx costs by bundling Jetpack free services with all of your WordPress hosting plans.

Jetpack features dozens of free security, performance and growth features including:

CDN: 24 trillion images served, no configuration needed, resizes images to serve them lightning fast, reduces your storage and bandwidth costs.

Brute‑force protection: Over 22 billion malicious log‑in attempts blocked reducing costs and minimizing password risks and lockouts.

Upsell Jetpack in your registration flows.

Our partners see 30‑40% of their customers adding a paid service during checkout.

Add Jetpack Backup, Scan, and/or Akismet as an upsell during registration to make your infrastructure safer and faster.

Jetpack Backup comes with real‑time restore points in the activity log. Your customers can see every change on their site and have the freedom to experiment worry‑free.

Jetpack Scan scans files and databases for malware, fixing most issues with a single click. This lowers your cost‑to‑serve by reducing simple security tickets.

Build trust and loyalty through free‑trials.

For customers who like to try before they buy, we have free trials.

Convert potential customers to paid users by integrating free trials into the registration process.

Jetpack’s confidence in our products allows us to offer these trials, giving your audience a chance to test and experience them.

Bundle premium Jetpack services into higher‑tier offerings.

Complete your managed WordPress offering with premium Jetpack services.

There are plenty of Jetpack competitors out there, but partnering with competitors means your customers have to deal with additional UIs, onboarding processes, and support teams.

Simplify your customers’ experience and deliver the most comprehensive and fully integrated WordPress‑first experience possible with Jetpack.

Create stickiness with add‑on sales from your marketplace.

The more customers buy from you the happier we all are. 

Partner with Jetpack to sell our range of products easily with our licensing API. Your customers trust your recommendations, and add‑on sales create stickier customers who won’t migrate or repurchase services.

Enjoy deep discounts so you can sell Jetpack for less, increasing your revenue while providing superior service. Your share of the revenue is annually recurring because we want a true partner not just an affiliate.

Integrate at the infrastructure level for even greater convenience.

Jetpack offers two world‑class, system level services that can for improved site integrity and security.


Block comment and form spam across all of your sites without
the need for CAPTCHA via our API. Only pay for what you need.

Per‑site API call limit also available. Eliminate your costs by
selling Akismet licenses to customers who need it most.


Includes a powerful API‑accessible database that identifies
and fixes WordPress site vulnerabilities.

Fix issues proactively. Builds trust with your customers and
strengthen your security and support teams..

Offer the best managed WordPress cloud hosting in the world with WP Cloud

The only cloud platform built from the ground up just for WordPress.

We’re the only cloud platform team fully dedicated to optimizing WordPress. Your customers will feel the difference with WP Cloud, and you’ll be able to expand to new markets even faster.

Create a competitive and robust e‑commerce offering with WooCommerce

How Jetpack and WooCommerce Plugins Work Together.

Partnering with Jetpack and WooCommerce enables your hosting company to offer a comprehensive and unrivalled e‑commerce hosting solution. With Jetpack’s suite of security, performance, and growth tools, you’ll provide a solid foundation for your clients to build and manage their online stores seamlessly. WooCommerce, the world’s most popular e‑commerce platform, offers extensive features and customization options, ensuring your clients can create the perfect online store for their unique needs. By combining the strengths of Jetpack and WooCommerce, you’ll attract a wider customer base, boost sales, and enhance customer satisfaction.

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