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Transitioning from VaultPress to Jetpack VaultPress Backup

If you’re used to the VaultPress backup system, the new Jetpack VaultPress Backup interface might feel a little unfamiliar. This guide is here to help you get to know our new system that we’re excited to share with you

What are the similarities between VaultPress and Jetpack VaultPress Backup?

We’ve worked hard to have the features folks love about VaultPress available within Jetpack VaultPress Backup. At a high level, the products both offer the same backup, restore, and security functionality.

For example, both options can backup a site without needing FTP/SFTP/SSH credentials but need them if you want to restore a site.

As a result, the core of what you know and love with VaultPress you will still find within Jetpack VaultPress Backup.

What are the differences between VaultPress and Jetpack VaultPress Backup?

The main differences now exist at both a code level and in the visual experience.

To explain, Jetpack VaultPress Backup was built to be far more efficient than VaultPress, resulting in backup/restore speeds being far faster than what they were with VaultPress.

Unlike VaultPress, Jetpack VaultPress Backup requires a working Jetpack connection to complete backups properly. 

Whereas VaultPress displayed backups on a single page in a separate dashboard, Jetpack VaultPress Backup shows your backups listed within your overall site’s Activity on

This means your restore events are now logged in your site’s Activity, an addition previously not available on VaultPress. We made this change to help unite our different interfaces from VaultPress and to help give better context for when backups occur, allowing folks to make better decisions about when to restore their site.

For example, previously, you might restore your site using VaultPress without knowing when a security threat first appeared on your site. With Jetpack VaultPress Backup, you’ll be able to see inline where the threat first appeared, and work back from there to determine the best time to restore!

Where are my backups?

VaultPress displayed your backups on their own Backups page, listed by day (and by an hour if you had a Jetpack VaultPress Backup or Security plan).

Instead of listing a page of backups labeled only with a date/time, Jetpack lists events that occur on your site. You can see these events in your site’s Activity, and restore your site to a specific event (rather than a specific date/time).

This helps, for example, if you know that everything was working fine before you updated a certain plugin. Instead of searching through backups to find the one before you updated the plugin, you can just find the ‘plugin updated’ event for that plugin, and restore your site to that point.

What if I want to restore?

To restore your site to an earlier date, go through your site’s Activity until you see the date you want, then select an event that corresponds to the time period you want to restore to. More information about Restoring your site:

Where do I see security alerts?

Like backup and restore events, Security alerts will appear within your site’s Activity. This will allow you to make better decisions around when you might need to restore your site. Security alerts will be sent by email and as notifications on

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