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SEO Tools

Optimize your site for search engines by taking advantage of Jetpack SEO tools.

Jetpack offers tools you can use to optimize your site and content for better search engine rankings and results. For general features and FAQs, please see our information page.

Enable SEO Tools

The SEO Tools can be enabled from your Dashboard, WP Admin, or directly from the WordPress Editor.


  1. In the top left corner, click Switch Site and select the Jetpack-connected site you want to enable SEO tools for.
  2. Go to Tools → Marketing → Traffic and activate the “Enable SEO Tools to optimize your site for search engines” option under the “Search engine optimization” section.

From WP Admin

  1. Go to Jetpack → Settings → Traffic
  2. Activate the “Customize your SEO settings” option under the “Search engine optimization” section. Once enabled, the various settings will be available for editing directly from the WP Admin dashboard.

From WordPress Editor

  1. Go to Posts > Add New.
  2. Click on the Jetpack plugin sidebar.
  3. Expand the “SEO” panel title and click on Activate Jetpack SEO.

Once activated, you should be presented with two options for SEO Title and SEO Description.

Once you have updated those SEO fields, you can preview what your content will look like on social networks and Google searches. To do that, expand the Social Previews panel and click Preview. From there, switch between the various platforms to review how your content would look on there.

You can read more on Social Previews here: Social Previews

Additional SEO customization options

Custom Title Formats

Customize how your content titles appear and improve your search page ranking for your site.

Go to Dashboard →Tools → Marketing → Traffic. From the “Page Title Structure” section, you can reorder items such as “Site Name” and “Tagline”, and also add custom separators between the items. The inserted tokens are dynamically updated to match your site. As an example, the “Site Title” token will be replaced with your actual site title, while the “Archive Title” will be generated based on the post type.

Screenshot of Custom Title forms, showing options for Front Page, Posts, Pages, Tags, and Archives.

Front Page Meta Description

Meta descriptions are a general overview of the contents of your site. Search engines sometimes use this information to determine the site’s relevance for specific searches. This meta description setting applies to your site’s front page only.

Example Front Page Meta Description

They have limited space on search result pages — about 160 characters (although search engines may display more based on the search query). You can use this tool from Portent to calculate and preview your description.

Still need help?

Please contact support. We’re happy to advise.

Privacy Information

SEO Tools is deactivated by default. It can be activated at any time from the WP Admin dashboard. Visit Jetpack → Settings → Traffic and look under the “Search engine optimization” section. In the dashboard, visit Tools → Marketing → Traffic to find the “Search engine optimization” section.

Data Used
Site Owners / Users

For activity tracking (detailed below): IP address, user ID, username, site ID and URL, Jetpack version, user agent, visiting URL, referring URL, timestamp of event, browser language, country code.

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Activity Tracked
Site Owners / Users

We track when, and by which user, the feature is activated and deactivated. We also track when, and which, configuration settings are modified.

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Data Synced (Read More)
Site Owners / Users

We sync options that identify whether or not the feature is activated and how its available settings are configured.

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