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Biden Administration Tightens Broker Access to To Thwart Rogue Sign-Ups

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services said it has received more than 200,000 complaints in the first six months of the year about people being signed up for Obamacare plans or switched to new plans without their consent.

At Trump’s GOP Convention, There’s Little To Be Heard on Health Care

Republicans were once the party of Obamacare repeal and abortion opposition. They’ve said little about either issue in Milwaukee.

Misleading Ads Play Key Role in Schemes to Gin Up Unauthorized ACA Sign-Ups, Lawsuit Alleges

Misleading money-for-groceries ads helped lure people to call centers where some were enrolled in Affordable Care Act coverage — or switched from their existing plans — without their express permission, a new lawsuit alleges.

A California Medical Group Treats Only Homeless Patients — And Makes Money Doing It

Healthcare in Action, a California medical group that exclusively serves homeless people, has tapped into growing demand and funding for street medicine services. Three years in, the innovative nonprofit is raking in revenue and serving thousands of people who otherwise might flock to the hospital for high-cost care.

Montana’s Plan To Curb Opioid Overdoses Includes Vending Machines

Details about where the machines would go — and how they would help those most at risk — are sparse. The state has proposed using them to distribute naloxone and fentanyl testing strips.