"When they want you silent, speak louder."
-Riley Gaines
Turn young men and women into the next generation of conservative leaders for America.
Dan Crenshaw

Conservatives focus on the nation’s school boards:

The Leadership Institute announces the launch of a new program to train the next generation of conservative candidates for the nation’s school boards.

"With this vital new program, the Leadership Institute will now prepare conservatives all across America to challenge the left's control over the nation's locally elected school boards."
Morton C. Blackwell
President, Leadership Institute

Claim your free, 60-page guide to grassroots campaigning

A nearly unlimited number of books are available about political topics. Most teach you how to take the right positions on issues, frame the debate, or understand political theory. But few teach candidates how to win.

Hear the story of Congressman Alex Mooney who knocked on more than 10,000 doors -- and beat an entrenched incumbent. You'll learn exactly how he did it alone with bonus interviews from grassroots leaders.

Leadership Institute Graduates Are Everywhere!

Photo of Jim Jordan

Jim Jordan - US Rep OH

If you want to accomplish anything of significance, it's never easy. It's always hard. But we need to stand up. If there is not a strong United States of America, the world gets truly dangerous. Thank you LI for training young people in these values.

Photo of Grover Norquist

Grover Norquist - Americans for Tax Reform

Without effective activists on the ground, policy reform faces tremendous uphill challenge. By far, the easiest way to change government is from the grassroots, and in order to drive that kind of change, conservatives must be effective in the trenches. The Leadership Institute makes that possible.

Photo of Kat Timpf

Kat Timpf - Fox News

As part of my job at the Leadership Institute's Campus Reform, I received TV training that taught me the skills I needed to feel confident in my first few appearances -- and then the feedback on those appearances that I needed to sharpen them. I hadn't had any kind of formal TV training beforehand.