Poetry Pairing | ‘That Harp You Play So Well’

Related ArticleCredit Peter Arkle

In this, our last Poetry Pairing for the school year, Marianne Moore’s “That Harp You Play So Well” is matched with the essay “Sing to Me, O Muse (But Keep It Brief),” by David Lehman.

Stay tuned for the winners of our Seventh Annual Found Poem Challenge, coming later this month.

To view all of the Poetry Pairings we’ve published in collaboration with the Poetry Foundation since 2010, and to find activity sheets to help with teaching them, visit our collection.

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Poetry Pairing | ‘viewfinder’

Related ArticleCredit Illustration by James C. Best Jr./The New York Times

Happy National Poetry Month!

Not only do we offer this month’s Poetry Pairing, featuring Kirby Knowlton’s “viewfinder” matched with a 2014 article, “Tangled Web of Memories Lingers After a Breakup,” by Nick Bilton, but we are also currently running a Found Poem Student Contest as well as an open poetry discussion forum. Join us.

To view all of the Poetry Pairings we’ve published in collaboration with the Poetry Foundation since 2010, and to find activity sheets to help with teaching them, visit our collection.

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Poetry Pairing | ‘Too Much’

Halls of the Academy for Young Writers, a high school in Brooklyn, are lined with portraits of students holding up signs for acceptance of gay, bisexual and transgender students. Related Article Credit Benjamin Norman for The New York Times

March’s Poetry Pairing features Tyler Ford’s poem “Too Much” and a 2015 Op-Ed column, “From Caitlyn Jenner to a Brooklyn High School,” by Nicholas Kristof.

To view all the Poetry Pairings we’ve published in collaboration with the Poetry Foundation since 2010, and to find activity sheets to help with teaching them, visit our collection.

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Poetry Pairing | ‘Invitation to Love’

Transit, venus, poem, roses. Related Article Credit Bill Hayes

February’s Poetry Pairing features Paul Laurence Dunbar’s poem “Invitation to Love” and a 2012 City Room blog post, “From a Familiar Stranger, a Poem Written on the Stars,” by Bill Hayes.

To view all the Poetry Pairings we’ve published in collaboration with the Poetry Foundation since 2010, and to find activity sheets to help with teaching them, visit our collection.

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Poetry Pairing | ‘Memento’

Even the most omnivorous collectors of friends acknowledge that sometimes it is necessary to cross out some names from their little black book. Related Article Credit Hadley Hooper

This month we again feature the work of a young poet alongside a New York Times article. Here, Lily Cao’s poem “Memento” appears with a 2012 article, “It’s Not Me, It’s You,” by Alex Williams.

To view all the Poetry Pairings we’ve published in collaboration with the Poetry Foundation since 2010, and to find activity sheets to help with teaching them, visit our collection.

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Poetry Pairing | ‘The Fascination of What’s Difficult’

The poet and dramatist William Butler Yeats. Related 2009 Article Credit Credit National Library of Ireland

This month we pair William Butler Yeats’s famous poem “The Fascination of What’s Difficult” with Dwight Garner’s 2009 piece, “Celebrating Yeats, Revered for Verse, but Who Aspired to a Life in the Theater.”

To view all the Poetry Pairings we’ve published in collaboration with the Poetry Foundation since 2010, and to find activity sheets to help with teaching them, visit our collection.

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Poetry Pairing | ‘Inward’

Related Article Credit Brian Rea

This Poetry Pairing is the first of four we’ll publish this school year that feature poetry by young writers. Here you will find Britney Franco’s “Inward” presented along with the 2012 article “Welcomed With Open Arms in Mumbai” by May Jeong.

To view all the Poetry Pairings we’ve published in collaboration with the Poetry Foundation since 2010, and to find activity sheets to help with teaching them, visit our collection.

Here are two activity sheets you can use with any edition of this feature — and you might also check out the Poetry Foundation’s page of Articles for Teachers and Students:

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Poetry Pairing | ‘Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802’

Pedestrians crossing London’s Waterloo Bridge, with St. Paul’s Cathedral seen in the background. Related Article Credit Andrew Testa for The New York Times

This Poetry Pairing, our first for the 2015-16 school year, features William Wordsworth’s “Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802” and the article “My London, and Welcome to It” by A. A. Gill.

To view all the Poetry Pairings we’ve published in collaboration with the Poetry Foundation since 2010, and to find activity sheets to help with teaching them, visit our collection.

Here are two activity sheets you can use with any edition of this feature — and you might also check out the Poetry Foundation’s page of Articles for Teachers and Students:

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Poetry Pairing | ‘The Garden by Moonlight’

Allen Bush and his wife, Rose Cooper, converted the barn on their Kentucky property into an office and table tennis arena, adding a glass garage door for light. Related Article Credit Robert Rausch for The New York Times

This Poetry Pairing, our last for the 2014-15 school year, features Amy Lowell’s poem “The Garden by Moonlight” and the article “Plants With Roots Attached” by Michael Tortorello.

To view all the Poetry Pairings we’ve published in collaboration with the Poetry Foundation since 2010, and to find activity sheets to help with teaching them, visit our collection.

Finally, here are two activity sheets you can use with any edition of this feature:

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