Late Night with the Devil

Late Night with the Devil

I hate to jump on the bandwagon but in this case said wagon is pretty damn important, so...

AI is a parlor trick used by bored middle schoolers which is gradually being pushed by professional movie studios. AI is incapable of making art, it has no mind, no feelings, and it is not alive. It's a fucking program which searches through the work actual artists have devoted countless hours of their lives to and attempts to recreate it. It will never be a valid form of artistic expression, because even though most modern art is derivative in nature (not a bad thing. derivative doesn't mean robot copy.) it is still original work birthed from the minds of people who are truly alive and willing to celebrate that through the most inherently human practice in our species' history.

Real people worked on this, translated their thoughts and feelings and humanity into this the way they would any artwork. That matters. But it also matters that that same work has been taken and made a test run for AI as a way to replace real people. It doesn't matter if it's a single frame of the movie or extended sequences or just character designs. It will get worse. It has continued to get worse. The only way to stop it is to refuse to watch any film, TV, or media that uses AI. Even if it's a mockumentary horror movie that looks right up my alley. Which really sucks.

Also, if you made it this far, I would be wrong not to suggest you read more on this position from actual professional writers and not just a random 16 year old on the internet (that's me!) Point still stands.

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