Late Night with the Devil

Late Night with the Devil

I’m always such a fan of found footage esque movies so I knew as soon as I saw the trailer that I was going to enjoy it. The film delivers on every promise and, especially with the short runtime, is a great watch. As someone who is a big fan of the use of practical effects, this film felt so real and grounded in reality despite the supernatural aspects (until the end)

However, the use of AI art in the film was incredibly distracting and disappointing. To see an indie film with a lot of support behind it (the opening titles seemed like they were going to go on forever) blatantly use AI art instead of hiring artists to make a couple stills really annoyed me every time they came up, which is a lot more frequent than some people online were saying. As someone who has studied Graphic Design for 2 years and is now studying Moving Image Design these visuals really upset me because, if a small indie film can get away with using them, what’s to stop all productions from using them?

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