
"More than machinery, we need humanity."

Plague Poems – The Two-Hundred-and-Twenty-Fifth Week

Only those who suffer from paranoid delusions truly believe that everyone else is out to get them but I must confess that there are days when I am surrounded entirely … Continue reading

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Plague Poems – The Two-Hundred-and-Twenty-Fourth Week

You’ve probably heard that in the summer when someone tells you to put on sunscreen what they are saying is that they care about you. So please hear me when … Continue reading

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Plague Poems – The Two-Hundred-and-Twenty-Third Week

We laugh at horror movies for being unrealistic, faced with so many clear signs of the dangers ahead how unbelievable it is that the characters so blithely proceed yes, we … Continue reading

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“the ultimate religion of our seemingly rational age” – Revisiting Mumford’s “megamachine”

“If you fall in love with a machine there is something wrong with your love life. If you worship a machine there is something wrong with your religion.” – Lewis … Continue reading

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Who are you calling a Luddite? – A review of Blood in the Machine

“If the Luddites had never existed, their critics would have to invent them.” – Theodor Roszak   There are two kinds of work about the Luddites. One of these takes … Continue reading

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“Y2K was a very real threat indeed” – a review of the HBO documentary Time Bomb Y2K

“Ironically, the greater our success, the more ‘evidence’ critics will cite for declaring that Y2K was an illusion. But it’s always easier to predict the future after it becomes history.” … Continue reading

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If Only Beating Climate Change Was This Easy – A review of the boardgame Daybreak

“I’m a pessimist about probabilities, I’m an optimist about possibilities.” – Lewis Mumford (1977) If you’re a fan of complicated boardgames, chances are good that you have some experience sitting … Continue reading

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Okay, what now? – Thoughts in the Aftermath of Students Submitting AI Generated Work

“To be ‘against technology’ makes no more sense than to be ‘against food.’ We can’t live without either. But to observe that it is dangerous to eat too much food, … Continue reading

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In Memory of David Golumbia

“The lesson from the work that this book deploys is that we have to learn how to critique even that which helps us (much as computers help us to write … Continue reading

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“If you don’t have a printing press, you don’t have a movement,” – A Review of Kathy Ferguson’s “Letterpress Revolution”

“Anarchists fiery, revolutionary publications embodied their determination to struggle. Their aesthetically pleasing publications embodied their beautiful ideal.”   What comes to mind when you hear the word “anarchist”? A crust … Continue reading

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“Y2K is real. It’s coming” – On the Righteous Gemstones and Remembering Y2K

A furious crowd had gathered in front of a prominent televangelist’s church. With placards denouncing the church’s leadership—accusing them of lying—the former members of the flock chanted angrily. And when … Continue reading

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What I Wish I Had Known About Applying for Academic Jobs

The start of August brings with it the first smattering of academic job postings. Professors from all over begin excitedly posting “come work with me” messages on social media, academic … Continue reading

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What I Wish I Had Known Before Writing My Dissertation

So, you’re getting ready to write a dissertation. Or, you’re contemplating going down a path that (if taken) will eventually require you to write a dissertation. Good for you. Normally, … Continue reading

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“Computers enable fantasies” – On the continued relevance of Weizenbaum’s warnings

“The computer has long been a solution looking for problems—the ultimate technological fix which insulates us from having to look at problems.” – Joseph Weizenbaum (1983)   Trying to keep … Continue reading

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No Such Thing as a Free Lunch : Labor in Open Source Systems Implementations

This post is adapted from a presentation I gave at the Amigos Library Technology Roadmap conference earlier this month. I supervise the library systems unit at a public R1 university … Continue reading

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A Luddite Library

“If the Luddites had never existed, their critics would have to invent them.” – Theodor Roszak   One way of telling that controversies about technology are intensifying is to watch … Continue reading

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Waiting for the Fail Whale – What Y2K can teach us about Twitter

“What we use is not ours simply because we use it.” – Erich Fromm   Breakdowns have an annoying habit of not arriving on time. It often seems as if … Continue reading

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Theses on the Techlash

“The problem is not to use technology but to realize that one is used by it.”- Paul Virilio   Once a term gets widely adopted by the press, and earns … Continue reading

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The Internet is Broken. Can We Fix It? – A Review of Ben Tarnoff’s “Internet for the People”

Can you remember the moment when you first suspected that there was something wrong with the internet? Was it when you started to get creepily specific targeted ads? Was it … Continue reading

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Life’s a Glitch – what the non-apocalypse of Y2K can teach us

As families watched from home, Dick Clark stood on the steps of the town hall hosting the final New Year’s Rocking Eve of the millennium. The excited crowd chanted the … Continue reading

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Where We’re Going, We’ll Probably Still Need Roads – a Review of Paris Marx’s “Road to Nowhere”

You can learn a lot about your society’s relationship to technology by looking at its streets. Are the roads filled with personal automobiles or trolley-cars, bike lanes or occupied parking … Continue reading

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Singing About the Dark Times – Theses on Doomerism

In the dark times Will there also be singing? Yes, there will also be singing. About the dark times. – Brecht   It sure seems like things aren’t going particularly … Continue reading

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Jonah, Cassandra, and the Doom-Sayers — Reading Lewis Mumford During the Pandemic

“If we would conquer the hell that now threatens to engulf us, we must not seek merely for a little less hell, we must not content ourselves with a sort … Continue reading

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“Technology in the Present Tense” – Notes from a Weary Luddite

“The future is not a blank page; and neither is it an open book.” – Lewis Mumford   1. Here is a confession from a weary, self-identified Luddite: For someone … Continue reading

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Balance of Terrors – on Günther Anders

“You should not begin your day with the illusion that what surrounds you is a stable world.” – Günther Anders It has been 70 years since Bert the Turtle instructed … Continue reading

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“I’m so sick of Y2K!” – A review of Y2K: The Movie

“I’m so sick of Y2K!”   Contrary to the stereotype that every disaster movie begins with the experts being ignored, there is at least one disaster movie that begins with … Continue reading

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“Things Just Go On” – More Theses on Doomscrolling

“That things just go on is the catastrophe” – Walter Benjamin. One of the risks of declaring victory is the possibility that your declaration will prove to have been premature. … Continue reading

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Look Around – Yet Another Piece about “Don’t Look Up”

Truly, I live in the dark times! The guileless word is folly. A smooth forehead Suggests insensitivity. The man who laughs Has simply not yet heard The terrible news. – … Continue reading

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Inventing the Shipwreck

“Our societies have become arrhythmic. Or they only know one rhythm: constant acceleration. Until the crash and systemic failure.” – Paul Virilio “Conversations about technology tend to be dominated by … Continue reading

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Against Technological Inevitability – On 20th Century Critics of Technology

“The myth of technological and political and social inevitability is a powerful tranquilizer of the conscience. Its service is to remove responsibility from the shoulders of everyone who truly believes … Continue reading

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The Magnificent Bribe

“The bargain we are being asked to ratify takes the form of a magnificent bribe.”- Lewis Mumford (1964) “Nearly 50 years ago, long before smartphones and social media, the social … Continue reading

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Specters of Ludd – A Review of Gavin Mueller’s “Breaking Things at Work”

A specter is haunting technological society—the specter of Luddism. Granted, as is so often the case with hauntings, reactions to this specter are divided: there are some who are frightened, … Continue reading

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Imagine the End of Facebook

“On the one hand the computer makes it possible in principle to live in a world of plenty for everyone, on the other hand we are well on our way … Continue reading

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Librarian Was My Occupation – Remembering the Occupy Wall Street People’s Libary

In the fall of 2011, the angry shout of “we are the 99%!” could be heard echoing in localities big and small across the US. The movement had seemed to … Continue reading

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The Climate of Despair – Climate Change, COVID-19, and the Feeling of Impending Doom

“It is only for the sake of those without hope that hope is given to us.” – Walter Benjamin   Whenever the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issues … Continue reading

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All our grievances do, in fact, remain connected

[hi, long-lost other writer here, apologies for the long absence] Two things got libraryland heated last week, and at first glance they have little to do with each other. First … Continue reading

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Technological Lessons from the Pandemic

“The public be damned is the private motto of the majority of our citizens: which means that they are damning themselves; and at a serious crisis like the present one, … Continue reading

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Theses on Technological Pessimism

We fly over the mountains As though there was nothing to it Great are the works of humans! But bread for all? We can’t do it. Child, ask why Can … Continue reading

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Theses on Techno-Optimism

“If you fall in love with a machine there is something wrong with your love-life. If you worship a machine there is something wrong with your religion.” – Lewis Mumford … Continue reading

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Burn it All – a Review of “Your Computer is on Fire”

It often feels as though contemporary discussions about computers have perfected the art of talking around, but not specifically about, computers. Almost every week there is a new story about … Continue reading

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They meant well (or, why it matters who gets to be seen as a “tech critic”)

“We need technology to live, as we need food to live. But, of course, if we eat too much food, or eat food that has no nutritional value, or eat … Continue reading

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Broom-Scrolling? Assume-Scrolling? Bloom-Scrolling? – what comes after Doom-Scrolling?

“The true path is along a rope, not a rope suspended way up in the air, but rather only just over the ground. It seems more like a tripwire than … Continue reading

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Authoritarian and Democratic Technics, revisited

“The viability of technology, like democracy, depends in the end on the practice of justice and on the enforcement of limits to power.” – Ursula Franklin I. Is technology a … Continue reading

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The Cassandra Conundrum

“We hate the people who try to make us form the connections we do not want to form.” – Simone Weil   One Let us begin with a riddle. Question: … Continue reading

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“The Tree of Science” an English translation of Eugene Huzar’s “L’arbre de la Science” [Part 1]

When the locomotive of progress carries us away, it is quite permissible to ask the mechanics who direct it to be prudent and to moderate its speed before having assumed … Continue reading

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Plague Poems – The Two-Hundred-and-Twenty-Second Week

You probably know someone who has lived through a disaster. Or someone who has lived through a car accident. Perhaps even someone who has lived through a cancer diagnosis. But, … Continue reading

June 21, 2024 · 1 Comment

Plague Poems – The Two-Hundred-and-Twenty-First Week

Please, do not worry, though it is behind a mask I promise you that I have not forgotten how to smile yes, I know, I know, I need to find … Continue reading

June 13, 2024 · 1 Comment

Plague Poems – The Two-Hundred-and-Twentieth Week

I’ve heard it said (by a prominent doctor) that this pandemic “did not have to be as bad as it was,” and they are right it did not have to … Continue reading

June 7, 2024 · 1 Comment

Plague Poems – The Two-Hundred-and-Nineteenth Week

Behind me in the checkout aisle a man in a flag shirt kept asking why I was wearing a mask but I was not listening to him not really anyways … Continue reading

May 31, 2024 · 1 Comment

Plague Poems – The Two-Hundred-and-Eighteenth Week

I asked my doctor if there is a decent alternative to wearing a respirator to protect yourself and she said yes there is a decent alternative to wearing a respirator … Continue reading

May 24, 2024 · 1 Comment

Plague Poems – The Two-Hundred-and-Seventeenth Week

In the early days of the current pandemic everyone was sharing a map which reassuringly showed the countries best prepared and the countries least prepared for a pandemic but that … Continue reading

May 17, 2024 · 1 Comment

Plague Poems – The Two-Hundred-and-Sixteenth Week

If only I knew how to convince people that they should care about sick cattle and dead birds but I don’t even know how to convince people that they should … Continue reading

May 10, 2024 · 2 Comments

Plague Poems – The Two-Hundred-and-Fifteenth Week

Be kind to yourself so what if during this pandemic you didn’t finish your novel learn to play guitar or master sourdough the only thing that matters is that you … Continue reading

May 3, 2024 · 2 Comments

Plague Poems – The Two-Hundred-and-Fourteenth Week

At first they will tell you that everything is going to be okay and when this no longer convinces you they will assure you that at least it won’t get … Continue reading

April 26, 2024 · 1 Comment

Plague Poems – The Two-Hundred-and-Thirteenth Week

When you hear them say (and you will hear them say) that avian influenza only poses a risk to farm workers do not reply by telling them “for now” no, … Continue reading

April 19, 2024 · 2 Comments

Plague Poems – The Two-Hundred-and-Twelfth Week

This pandemic is a once in a lifetime event yes, this pandemic is just a once in a lifetime event at least this is what I tell myself as I … Continue reading

April 12, 2024 · 2 Comments

Plague Poems – The Two-Hundred-and-Eleventh Week

At the pandemic’s start I did not worry, for I believed that compared to the other crises we face handling the pandemic would be easy, in the pandemic’s fifth year … Continue reading

April 5, 2024 · 1 Comment

Plague Poems – The Two-Hundred-and-Tenth Week

If you must grumble that the pandemic has now lasted longer than it took you to earn your high school diploma or earn your bachelor’s degree just tell yourself that … Continue reading

March 29, 2024 · 2 Comments

Plague Poems – The Two-Hundred-and-Ninth Week

They are not angry with you my exhausted friend for trying to protect yourself (or for trying to protect them) from the virus no, my exhausted friend, they are angry … Continue reading

March 22, 2024 · 1 Comment

Plague Poems – The Two-Hundred-and-Eighth Week

When you hear them say (and you will hear them say) that the burden of the old guidelines was too much was just too much to bear know that when … Continue reading

March 15, 2024 · 2 Comments

Plague Poems – The Two-Hundred-and-Seventh Week

We are ready so very ready to change the world and do whatever is needed to take this rotten world and built it anew. Yes, we are ready so very … Continue reading

March 8, 2024 · 2 Comments

Plague Poems – The Two-Hundred-and-Sixth Week

All of us were told that we must be willing to make sacrifices unfortunately as it turns out some of us are the sacrifice others are willing to make. * … Continue reading

March 1, 2024 · 2 Comments

Plague Poems – The Two-Hundred-and-Fifth Week

In the dark times will there also be big games lavish performances funny commercials and celebrity appearances? Yes, in the dark times there will also be big games lavish performances … Continue reading

February 23, 2024 · 2 Comments

Plague Poems – The Two-Hundred-and-Fourth Week

The reports have confirmed that last week was the fifth in a row in which the plague claimed more than 2,000 lives and though 10,000 deaths is only one tenth … Continue reading

February 16, 2024 · 2 Comments

Plague Poems – The Two-Hundred-and-Third Week

Abandoned to death and pestilence to famine and war we keep saying that the cavalry isn’t coming but we are wrong we are woefully wrong for what are the four … Continue reading

February 9, 2024 · 2 Comments

Plague Poems – The Two-Hundred-and-Second Week

Everyone keeps saying we are in a different place yes, now we are in a different place that thanks to vaccines and boosters and some immunity we are in a … Continue reading

January 31, 2024 · 2 Comments

Plague Poems – The Two-Hundred-and-First Week

Amidst pestilence and death and famine and war how strangely comforting it is to not actually believe in the four horsemen. * After I told her that I always feel … Continue reading

January 26, 2024 · 1 Comment

Plague Poems – The Two-Hundredth Week

By the fifth year of the pandemic it has become quite clear that we cannot “they have to make their own decisions” our way out of the pandemic and yet … Continue reading

January 19, 2024 · 2 Comments

Plague Poems – The Hundred-and-Ninety-Ninth Week

The year is new the plague is old. * A headache and fatigue nausea and fogginess these are normal symptoms of a hangover after a celebratory night and I hope, … Continue reading

January 12, 2024 · 5 Comments

Ne'er do wells



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