
Easy Digital Downloads is the Best Digital eCommerce Plugin for WordPress.

Join 50,000+ smart business owners who use Easy Digital Downloads to easily manage their store and sell everything from eBooks, to WordPress Plugins, PDF Documents, and more. No code required.

153 Snippets
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70+ Downloads

Auto Register Login Link

Replaces the login link included in the Auto Register email, which directs customers to log into…

Disable emails on free purchases

If the purchase was for a free product, don't send any emails.

Replace Add to Cart With Download for Subscribers

If the user is recurring or has purchased the product already, shows a link to download…

Continue Shopping Button

Adds a "Continue Shopping" button to the left of the Update/Save Cart buttons on checkout.

File Size Display

After the download content, shows a list of the download files and their sizes

Change user role for buyers

This is useful if, for example, you want buyers to be able to access dedicated content…

Verify Email Domain

During the banned email checks, see if the domain being checked has DNS configured, if not…

Add a custom field to the checkout screen

Allows one to add a custom field to the checkout screen

Add Wallet Deposit Levels

Deposit levels are pre-defined in EDD Wallet. This plugin allows you to add custom deposit levels,…

Hide Payment Icons When Free

Hide payment icons on the checkout form when cart total is free

Custom Countries

Illustrates how to add a custom list of countries This list will be used anywhere EDD…

Replace Add to Cart with Download

If the user has purcahsed the product already, show a links to download each file associated…

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