
Urge U.S. Bishops to excommunicate Joe Biden for pledging to restore Roe v. Wade

  • 51,673
“I will restore Roe v. Wade as the law of the land again.”

Stand with Fr. Fidelis as he is jailed for defending unborn babies

  • 15,881
Father Christopher “Fidelis” Moscinski has been jailed for participating in a Red Rose Rescue at an abortion facility in Michigan.

PETITION: No to mandatory vaccination for the coronavirus

  • 1,082,876
1,000,000 signatures reached! Calls for mandatory coronavirus vaccination must be firmly rejected by policymakers at every level of government.

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I stand with Archbishop Viganó

We are praying for you.

  • 10,532

Say 'No!' to Elon Musk allowing pornography on X

Pornography degrades everyone.

  • 9,986

Join the call for the USCCB to disband the CCHD

Funding anti-Catholic causes.

  • 3,529