Stand with Bishop Strickland as Pope Francis removes this faithful shepherd who loves the Church

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Bishop Joseph Strickland is being cruelly removed from his diocese by Pope Francis, despite being America's most faithful shepherd.  

This merciless attack on Catholic orthodoxy by Pope Francis demands a prayerful response today, so please sign our petition pledging to pray for Bishop Strickland as Pope Francis removes him from the Diocese of Tyler, Texas. We will be presenting Bishop Strickland with your prayer pledges, so sign up now!

SIGN & SHARE: We stand with Bishop Strickland as a faithful shepherd who only ever loved his flock

The most stunning thing is that Bp. Strickland's Diocese of Tyler has one of the highest vocations per capita in the United States. 

Bp. Strickland has led the diocese for over ten years and been lauded by faithful Catholics for his promotion of love for Christ in the Eucharist and traditional Catholic teachings. But he is now being cancelled for, among other things, defending the Catholic Church against error.  

The Vatican has had Bp. Strickland in their crosshairs for sometime, not least because, like St. Paul corrected St. Peter, Strickland publicly corrected several heterodox statements from Pope Francis.

Known as ''America's bishop'', he has been outspoken in defending life and family, and has insisted that Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament be respected, which led him to refuse to give pro-abortion politicians Holy Communion.

Bp. Strickland has been fearless in his fight for fidelity to the teachings of the Catholic Church. In a recent episode of The Bishop Strickland Show, presented by LifeSiteNews, Bishop Strickland states that he is willing to suffer martyrdom, red or white, for defending the truths of the Catholic faith.

His unwavering dedication to promoting Jesus Christ and His Truth has had a profound impact on the lives of countless individuals. 

We stand with Bishop Joseph Strickland, his love for Christ in the Eucharist, his devotion to Our Lady and the selfless work he has undertaken to foster greater fidelity among the clergy and even the Pope.  

SIGN & SHARE: We stand with Bishop Strickland as a faithful shepherd who only ever loved his flock

Please share this petition TODAY with your friends and family. We must pray for Bishop Strickland in this most painful trial.


Pope Francis personally removes America's Bishop Joseph Strickland - LifeSiteNews