Asian Americans

Asian Americans Preview

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Asian Americans is a five-hour film series that will chronicle the contributions, and challenges of Asian Americans, the fastest-growing ethnic group in America. Personal histories and new academic research will cast a fresh lens on U.S. history and the role Asian Americans have played in it.

Aired: 05/11/20 | Rating: NR

Major funding for ASIAN AMERICANS is provided by Wallace H. Coulter Foundation; Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB); Public Broadcasting Service (PBS); Ford Foundation/Just Films; National Endowment for the Humanities; The Freeman Foundation; The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations; Carnegie Corporation of New York; Kay Family Foundation; Long Family Foundation; Spring Wang and California Humanities.

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“As America’s home for documentaries, PBS is committed to telling stories that illuminate and celebrate the rich diversity of our country,” said Paula Kerger, PBS President and CEO. “We are proud to share this important series with our audiences, and to deepen understanding about the extraordinary impact of...

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