Dagda Icefury

Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20001017195502/everquest.station.sony.com/hht/h_hc_dagda.shtml

Dagda is a strong woman, firmly rooted in the physical world. She is most comfortable dealing with things she can touch, hear, and smell. A follower of The Tribunal, she believes in the tenants of absolute justice, but, for the most part, has little use for the gods. The realms of spirit and magic are best left to those who have the time to worry about such intangible things. The extent of her mystical experiences consist of a single dream she received from Tunare, though she never knew nor cared about its source, that foretold her meeting the gnomes, Ognit and Dabner. Other than this, she has found that obstacles are best met head-on where she can see them face to face, smell their breath, and hear the crunch of their bones.

Dagda saved the gnomes Ognit and Dabner in Everfrost many years ago when raiders attacked them. She has grown very fond of, and indeed loves, them both. She respects them for their inherent mystical and spiritual abilities, but she is keenly aware of their physical frailties. She vowed to defend them both, and does so with the ferocity of a bear defending her cubs.

Dagda is by no means simple, and is truly a genius in the realm of tactics and combat. She is literate enough to read the common tongue with little difficulty, and speaks both the common tongue and her native tongue fluently. Her knowledge of other languages is generally limited to curses and taunts, of which she has gathered quite an arsenal. She generally communicates in a short and very direct fashion, leaving no room for misinterpretations.

Dagda knows that Ognit is very intelligent and respects his knowledge, though she sometimes questions its use. She is most impressed and thoroughly fascinated by his ability to tinker and create wondrous things. Indeed, this is the medium through which she can relate to him best. The useful objects he builds allow her to perform any number of tasks, so useful, in fact, that she thinks he would be better off giving up the study of wizardry to become a full-time tinker. After all, it’s just fine to call down the very fire of Fennin Ro upon the mighty Glacier Bear at 300 yards, but when it is mauling your head off it’s of little use.

Dagda shares a healthy sibling-like rivalry with Ognit. Being an accomplished tactician, she is aware of the simple fact that at a distance Ognit would have the clear advantage, and would win were they to ever do battle. However, she also knows that if she got her hands upon him, she would be the victor. Despite being quick to anger at times-and she and Ognit have often exchanged heated words-Dagda would never raise a hand against either of the gnomes she has sworn to protect.

Dagda views Dabner in a much different light. She has on countless occasions felt his healing touch as a cleric. For one who is so firmly rooted in the phycial world, it is for her a wonder to watch wounds disappear. She sees him as a very simple, yet very compassionate and loving soul. She loves him as a brother, and treats him in a somewhat patronizing manner. She would never consider speaking an unkind word to him, nor will she tolerate those that might. She is aware of, and also a bit saddened by, a crush Dabner has upon her. Dabner is simply too short for her tastes. She would much prefer a man of might with whom she would not worry. However, as a warrior she respects his raw courage in battle and his unfailing loyalty to his friends.

Though she is closest to the gnomes, Dagda also shares a strong respect for her companions. It is Firiona Vie, Sir Jevik, and Thubr Axebringer she most deeply admires. They are all mighty warriors in her eyes. She acknowledges the skills of the rogue Dreezil Pocketdip, and views him as a skilled fighter. His ways of stealth are an effective way of dealing with his natural halfling handicaps in her eyes. Though she is not a warrior and not as skilled as the others with a sword, the bard Sionachie is a valuable asset to the group. Her rousing battle songs inspire a zeal that makes combat that much more exciting.

For the wizard Al’Kabor, Dagda has little love. Respecting the immense power he wields, she has a healthy fear of him. After his recent threats against Ognit, however, her opinion of him has since plummeted.

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