Anashti’Sul Diety Quest

You say, “Hail, Plumetor Dul’Sadma”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Greetings, mortal. It is little wonder you have come to see me. Now it is time to celebrate, as the Forgotten One is returning to our world once again!”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “The Forgotten One? You must mean Anashti Sul, correct?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Indeed! After all of these long Ages, she will once again walk among the gods as she once did, and shower her gifts of love and compassion upon the undeserving mortals of Norrath! These are truly exciting times to be living in!”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “Pardon me, I do not mean to question you, but I had thought that Anashti Sul was destroyed in her palace in the Void. That is what has been whispered, in any case.”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “No, my little feather, she was not destroyed. Although what happened to her in the Void was not part of her plans, that event will work into the favor of all of us. You see, the victory of those who fought her in that palace merely snapped her tether to the Void itself, catapulting her back to our world!”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “Wait, so is Anashti Sul among us again, then?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Not as of yet. She is materializing on our world now — gathering her strength, reestablishing the conduits of power that anchor her to this world. This is a long and exhausting process, but it is one that even we, as mortals, can assist her with. Imagine — we could help a goddess be reborn in her rightful home!”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “Why would we do that? Was she not banished for crimes against mortals?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Crimes? Nay, they were not crimes. Anashti Sul always worked out of love for the mortals! She was the goddess of life and health… she felt the pain of every creature as it lay wounded, sick, or dying, and she sought nothing less than to eliminate that horror forever.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “So what happened?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “The other gods were jealous of her gifts to the mortals. They saw that they could lose all of their followers to Anashti Sul, once the mortals saw how much she loved them, and the extent that she would go for them. Anashti Sul risked her existence for the mortals, and she paid the ultimate price for her love.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “So she looked after us, rather than abandoning us as the other gods did in the past?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Oh, very much so. Anashti Sul would never have agreed to the pact of the gods, and would not have allowed her followers to suffer as they did. Imagine a world where death and disease were but a memory of the past; where life was eternal and Anashti Sul was watching over all of us as she once did.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “I’ll have to admit, that does sound quite a bit better than what we’re forced to live with now. What can I do to help?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “First, we must gather the followers of Anashti Sul, and prepare them for her return. We will want to begin building the foundation of her canon, so we will want to collect stories of her from the past — lost tomes in libraries across Norrath that have been overlooked by those that do not understand their significance. With those, we can create the stories to teach and enlighten those who might not know the truth of Anashti Sul’s caring nature.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “I would be willing to collect those tomes, if you need me to.”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “I am glad that you see the light of her love, and your willingness to help may be a beacon to others who do not yet see the truth, or have forgotten it.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “Forgotten it? What do you mean?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “I once belonged to a group of worshipers of Anashti Sul, known as the Fellowship of the Peacock. Our group was thought to have been killed to the last member, but we were scattered because of the jealousy of others. Those of us that were left have gone into hiding, most fearing for their lives. Most have forgotten the glory of her word, and a few have even strayed from the path altogether, seeking the light of other deities.”

You have become a worshipper of Anashti Sul.

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “True heresy, to be sure. So you would like me to gather the lost tomes, and the lost members of the Fellowship of the Peacock, then?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Ah, you are definitely a sharp one, my little feather. Anashti Sul will be pleased to have followers such as you in her muster. Now go forth — find the ancient scripts, and find those who have lost their way. When you find someone who you think might be a member of the Fellowship, speak these words: “Can you hear the peacock’s call?” and they will answer, “Indeed, and the feathers are quite beautiful.” They will know it is safe to speak to you.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “Very well then. I will return when I have finished.”

The books were located in the libraries of Freeport, Gorowyn and Neriak.
Almar was found in Butcherblaock:

You say, “Hail, Almar Shi’iz”

Almar Shi’iz says to you, “I have no time to speak with shifty travelers. Be on your way!”

You say to Almar Shi’iz, “If I might have a moment of your time, please…”

Almar Shi’iz says to you, “I said BE ON YOUR WAY. I will summon the guard if I must!”

You say to Almar Shi’iz, “Sir, can you hear the peacock’s call?”

Almar Shi’iz says to you, “… Indeed, and the feathers are quite beautiful. Okay, who are you, and how did you find me?”

You say to Almar Shi’iz, “Plumetor Dul’Sadma sent me. Anashti Sul is returning to Norrath, and it is time for her followers to muster once again.”

Almar Shi’iz says to you, “Are you mad? When I was last with the Fellowship, I was captured and tortured for information regarding the Ewer of Sul’Dae. Why would I risk my life for them once again?”

You say to Almar Shi’iz, “Have you forgotten? Anashti Sul also suffered. Anashti Sul was also punished for doing what was right.”

Almar Shi’iz says to you, “So? Why should that matter?”

You say to Almar Shi’iz, “Would she not look favorably on those who suffer for her, as she did for them? Is it not too much to give of ourselves for her, even if it means giving our very lives? Would you want Anashti Sul to give up on you so easily?”

Almar Shi’iz says to you, “Well… of course not…”

You say to Almar Shi’iz, “Then why would you do so? Now is the time. Anashti Sul returns to Norrath even against the judgment of her fellow deities. She returns for us, once again bringing her gifts to Norrath!”

Almar Shi’iz says to you, “Oh, what a cowardly fool I have been! My eyes were blind to the truth, and I nearly lost my way forever!”

You say to Almar Shi’iz, “Don’t be too hard on yourself. Although you might have lost your way for a time, it is not too late to rejoin the muster. The Fellowship needs all of us, and your help will be invaluable to teach others her word.”

Almar Shi’iz says to you, “You are right! I have been to many ports in this world, and I have friends in many places. I will carry her message forward, and will risk my life if need be. Imagine… Anashti Sul could really be returning to bring her gifts to us! I will be ready!”

You say to Almar Shi’iz, “I know you will. I will tell Plumetor Dul’Sadma that you have rejoined us. Farewell for now.”

And then it was off to Thundermist Village in the Steppes:

You say, “Hail, Allelia Halkreeb”

Allelia Halkreeb says to you, “Welcome to Thundermist Village! Beware the centaurs in the plains… many are not very friendly at all.”

You say to Allelia Halkreeb, “And they are quite loud as well. But I hear something above that… something louder.”

Allelia Halkreeb says to you, “Is that so? What might be echoing out in the valleys?”

You say to Allelia Halkreeb, “Can you hear the peacock’s call?”

Allelia Halkreeb says to you, ” Indeed, and the feathers are quite beautiful. What are you doing here? Has the Fellowship been reborn?”

You say to Allelia Halkreeb, “The Fellowship never died. The muster might have been scattered, but it is time to rejoin and spread Anashti Sul’s message to the corners of Norrath.”

Allelia Halkreeb says to you, “Have you forgotten? The Fellowship was hunted down! We barely escaped with our lives! Would we not risk our lives once again by stepping out into the open?”

You say to Allelia Halkreeb, “Of course. But Anashti Sul stepped out for us in the past, too. She did not flinch when the other gods persecuted her, and did not back down when faced with retribution for her actions on our behalf.”

Allelia Halkreeb says to you, “I have a good life here. I am betrothed, and am looking to start a family. How could I leave all of that behind to risk my life once again?”

You say to Allelia Halkreeb, “Would you not want your loved one to live forever, as he should? Would you not want the gifts of Anashti Sul to be showered upon your new family, as they once would have been?”

Allelia Halkreeb says to you, “Well… of course I would. How could I not want such a thing?”

You say to Allelia Halkreeb, “How would that even be possible if Anashti Sul had turned her back on us so many lifetimes ago? What if Anashti Sul had taken the easy path, rather than doing what was right for those she loved? Because of her tenacity, those gifts will be there for us when Anashti Sul returns.”

Allelia Halkreeb says to you, “Is it true? Is Anashti Sul truly returning to us again?”

You say to Allelia Halkreeb, “Of course she is. And those who are there to greet her will be first in line to receive her grace, as will those that we love.”

Allelia Halkreeb says to you, “Very well, then. Count me in. I will rejoin the Fellowship, and spread the word of Anashti Sul to any who will listen… and louder to those who will not. All will hear of her glory, if I have anything to say about it!”

You say to Allelia Halkreeb, “Anashti Sul herself would be pleased. I will inform Plumetor Dul’Sadma of your heartfelt decision. Farewell for now.”

And finally, to Qeynos!

You say, “Hail, Curys Kasin”

Curys Kasin says to you, “Ah, have you come to hear the glories of Rodcet Nife? He returns to us! The light of Rodcet Nife will shine throughout Norrath once again!”

You say to Curys Kasin, “Is that so? What about the light of a true god? The light of one seemingly forgotten even by those who once followed her teachings?”

Curys Kasin says to you, “What… what do you mean? Anash… I mean Rodcet Nife is the true light of this world!”

You say to Curys Kasin, “Ahh, is that so? I think there is more to you than meets the eye. Can you hear the peacock’s call?”

Curys Kasin says to you, “What a strange… strange thing to say. I have no idea what…”

You say to Curys Kasin, “I ask you again. Can you hear the peacock’s call?”

Curys Kasin says to you, “Please… do not — Indeed. And the feathers are quite beautiful. You are not here to kill me, are you? Rodcet Nife will protect me!”

You say to Curys Kasin, “Will he? And how do you know that?”

Curys Kasin says to you, “He is the light of life! He brings healing and hope to those who have none! With his return, we again will have the power to fight the darkness!”

You say to Curys Kasin, “If I am not mistaken, did Rodcet Nife not abandon you once before? What makes you think he would not do so again?”

Curys Kasin says to you, “He did not abandon us! He did what was best…”

You say to Curys Kasin, “Did he now? Leaving our ancestors in a torn world without this beacon of light and hope as you now profess, retreating from those who once trusted him? Is that the mark of a compassionate deity?”

Curys Kasin says to you, “Did Anashti Sul not leave as well? She has been gone for ages!”

You say to Curys Kasin, “Condemned for showing TRUE love for the mortals! Sent into oblivion for daring to give the mortals freedom from pain and suffering of all kinds! She did not leave us — she was wrested from us by the jealousy of the very deities who abandoned us!”

Curys Kasin says to you, “But Rodcet Nife is here now… he is returning to Norrath and the Plane of Health! Can you not feel his power?”

You say to Curys Kasin, “Can you? Or are you preaching the words of others who fed you lies when you were weak?”

Curys Kasin says to you, “It’s true! I turned to the Temple of Life to save my own skin! I lost hope when I thought the Fellowship was destroyed! Oh, I have been so foolish! Will Anashti Sul forgive my transgressions?”

You say to Curys Kasin, “Perhaps. But that is between you and her. Choose your restitution quickly, however, as Anashti Sul is returning to us as we speak.”

Curys Kasin says to you, “Oh dear… what will I do? What… wait! I have an idea! Perhaps it was a good thing that I was brought here!”

You say to Curys Kasin, “Why is that?”

Curys Kasin says to you, “Well, Rodcet Nife is the god of health and life now, just as Anashti Sul was in the past. It’s possible that they will either become close allies — or intense rivals. As a trusted member of the Temple of Life, I can report of the activities of their followers, which could be invaluable to the Fellowship!”

You say to Curys Kasin, “Hmm… true enough. That very well could be useful.”

Curys Kasin says to you, “Yes, yes! Look! I already have something to tell you!”

You say to Curys Kasin, “Is that so? What is it?”

Curys Kasin says to you, “Well, there are rumors that the Temple has been investigating an outbreak of creatures out in Antonica. I’ve heard that a group called the Cabal of the Fyr’Un might be responsible for it.”

You say to Curys Kasin, “So? What does that mean to us?”

Curys Kasin says to you, “When we were members of the Fellowship, the legend of the waters of the Fyr’Un was often whispered among our ranks. It’s possible that these are more followers of Anashti Sul, carrying out her commands very close to here.”

You say to Curys Kasin, “Okay… tell me more.”

Curys Kasin says to you, “The Temple has been quite thorough in confronting the Cabal and the creatures associated with them… something about digging graves in the hills. If that is the will of Anashti Sul, then perhaps we can continue the work started by the Cabal! Dig up the graves marked by Anashti Sul herself, and we will be doing her work!”

You say to Curys Kasin, “Very well, then. I’ll go out and find those graves. Thank you for the information.”

Curys Kasin says to you, “See? We can find information on both sides this way! Anashti Sul would be pleased, would she not?”

You say to Curys Kasin, “It’s not for me to say. However, I will send word to Plumetor Dul’Sadma of your intentions. Good luck to you, and farewell for now.”

You say, “Hail, Plumetor Dul’Sadma”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Ah! Anashti Sul’s little feather has returned! How goes your journey? Did you find the tomes and the lost members of the Fellowship?”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “I did, Plumetor. Here are the books you asked for.”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Ah! You did very well! And about the missing members? What did you find?”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “It is true that a few members lost their way from the muster. However, they have found their way back to us, and are now working in their own ways to help spread the word of Anashti Sul, and to do her work.”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Excellent! The more members for the Fellowship and for her muster, the stronger she will be when she finally arrives on our world. You have done well, little feather, but there is much more to do. For now, go forth, and speak her word to any who will listen. It’s likely we will need you once again in the future, and I am certain you will be ready.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “I will be. Farewell for now.”

You say, “Hail, Plumetor Dul’Sadma”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Welcome back, little feather. I am pleased you have come back, as there is more to be done. Are you ready to carry out her will?”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “I am. What is it that Anashti Sul asks of me?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “I have spoken to Sai’lis Ka’shish – the one you knew as Curys Kasin. He spoke of a prophet of Rodcet Nife, one known as Seeress Ealaynya Ithis. She was the first to receive the visions of the Prime Healer, and was the first to announce his return.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “What does that have to do with us?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “She met her untimely end recently, and was laid to rest in a tomb underneath the Temple of Life by the Celestial Watch. A new prophet has taken her place, and is spreading the lies of the Prime Healer to the people of Qeynos.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “What should we do about it, then?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “While we are not in a position to deal with the new prophet as of now, we might be able to learn more about the Prime Healer from the Seeress herself.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “How can we do that? She is no longer among the living.”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Anashti Sul’s power is not limited to the living. Her gifts can be granted to all, live or dead. Although the Seeress might have once followed the weak god Rodcet Nife, she will see the light once the gift of Anashti Sul is given to her — it is impossible not to.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “Very well then, but why do we need this information? What can she give to us?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Her visions might provide insight into the reasons of Rodcet Nife’s return. Coming back now was indeed quite timely… if Rodcet Nife had not come back now, then the Plane of Health — the rightful home of Anashti Sul — would have been vacant when she came back. We need to know if the gods are once again conspiring against Anashti Sul now that her return is imminent.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “I see. How will we do that, now that she has been laid to rest in the tomb?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “First, you will need to bring her the grace of Anashti Sul — the Gift of Waking Dream. This will not only give her the spark of life once again, but also allow her to see the world as it truly is… and to experience the love of Anashti Sul firsthand. With that, it’s likely she will be willing – even eager – to supply you with the information you need.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “How do I get the Gift of Waking Dream, then?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “You will need to create it once again, as there are no more vials of it left in Norrath, and haven’t been in many ages. It is the pure essence of life, combined with the lucid dreams of those not clouded by the complexities of their own everyday lives. With those things, you can create the Gift once again.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “Where will I find these things?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Luckily, there is a place where all of these exist within close proximity to each other. The Enchanted Lands teem with the essence of life within them, the most concentrated of which is found in a flower known as Karana’s begonia — a flower completely indigenous to the Enchanted Lands. You will also need the nectar of life, which is some of the purest water found in all of Norrath. You can use this vial to gather the waters of the Lazy Drain, which runs through the Enchated Lands.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “What about the lucid dreams you mentioned?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “That will be quite easy as well. The corrupted halflings found in the Enchanted Lands are completely in the service of the Overseer, no longer concerned with their day to day lives. They are in pure bliss, under his command and not burdened by their own clouded thoughts. Gather some of their blood, which will be the final ingredient in this mixture of the Gift.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “Will that be it?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “For now. Give the Seeress the Gift of Waking Dream, and listen carefully to what she says. If she reports anything worth investigating, then see what you can find. Return to me once you have answers for us.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “I will. Farewell for now.”

From here, you pick flowers, fill a vile with water and slaughter a bunch of Halflings, all in the Enchanted Lands…then you head to the Tomb of the Seeress, just outside of North Qeynos in Antonica. After locating the seeress’ resting place in the tomb, you slip her corpse the Gift of Waking Dream…and she is transformed into a not very lovely (but very TALL) zombie, complete with swarming flies.

You say, “Hail, Seeress Ealaynya Ithis”

Seeress Ealaynya Ithis says to you, “…Rodcet Nife… his voice is silent… where is Rodcet Nife…?”

You say to Seeress Ealaynya Ithis, “As he did once before Seeress, Rodcet Nife has abandoned the ones who trusted him, and allowed you to die. It is Anashti Sul that provides you once again with life, who embraces you when you have been lost.”

Seeress Ealaynya Ithis says to you, “Anash…ti Sul? Anashti Sul… has saved me?”

You say to Seeress Ealaynya Ithis, “Indeed. And now, she needs your help. She needs to know more about Rodcet Nife. Why has Rodcet Nife returned to Norrath? What has brought him back?”

Seeress Ealaynya Ithis says to you, “I… do as Anashti Sul says… I will tell… you. Rodcet… Nife… seeks Berto… xxulous. He returns… to coun…ter the actions of… Bertoxxu… lous. To bring… health… to the diseased.”

You say to Seeress Ealaynya Ithis, “What about the Plane of Health? Did he not come back to take the Plane of Health from Anashti Sul?”

Seeress Ealaynya Ithis says to you, “Rodcet… Nife… never spoke of Anashti Sul… to me. He seeks… Bertoxxulous… the Plague… bringer… his enemy.”

You say to Seeress Ealaynya Ithis, “Hmm… the Plaguebringer. It might be worth finding more information about Bertoxxulous as well. Any potential enemy of Anashti Sul is worth learning more about.”

Seeress Ealaynya Ithis says to you, “What… of me? What does… Anashti Sul want… of me?”

You say to Seeress Ealaynya Ithis, “You have done well. From here, go forth and preach the word of Anashti Sul where you once spoke of Rodcet Nife. You have led and inspired people once before, and can do so again. Once the people see that Anashti Sul has given you life once again, they are certain to see the light of her love for mortals.”

Seeress Ealaynya Ithis says to you, “Yes… Anashti Sul… loves us. Cares… for us… Anashti Sul…”

You say to Seeress Ealaynya Ithis, “I leave you now to carry out your task. Anashti Sul will be watching over you, Seeress.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “I have discovered that Rodcet Nife seems to be unaware of the return of Anashti Sul, or at least was at one point. His primary concern was to counter the Plaguebringer, Bertoxxulous.”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Ah, the repulsive Bertoxxulous. Rodcet Nife has never been strong enough to destroy him, and has, in fact, been bested by his adversary in the past. Only Anashti Sul has the knowledge and ability to truthfully wipe disease from Norrath, erasing Bertoxxulous’s power forever.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “I have even collected information on Bertoxxulous, from one of his followers from the long past. I thought this might be useful to Anashti Sul, to prepare her with knowledge on the activities and nature of her new enemy.”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Ah, well done! Through my communions with her, she will learn more about this foul enemy and those that follow him. You have done well, and have earned a rest. Go in the name of Anashti Sul, and return to me another time. You have proven yourself worthy and able, and I will call on you once again. Farewell.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “Praise to Anashti Sul. I will return once again.”

You say, “Hail, Plumetor Dul’Sadma”

Dul’Sadma says to you, “Ah, you couldn’t have come at a better time. Anashti Sul has sent me a task once again, and there is no one more able to carry out her commands than you. Are you ready?”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “Of course I am. Tell me of your visions.”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Anashti Sul is not pleased with the state of Norrath as it is. Not only has a weak god taken over her precious Plane of Health, but has also allowed a deity of disease to spread pox and pestilence throughout Norrath. And as you discovered, Bertoxxulous even poisoned all of the Thundering Steppes at one time! Rodcet Nife has proven to be nothing short of a failure!”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “I couldn’t agree more. What should we do about it?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “We can do little directly, but Anashti Sul will work to protect us against these threats to the mortals of Norrath. To do that, she will require her army, and this is where we come in.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “What must we do?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “The Sul’Dal elves of the Sinking Sands were once the followers of Anashti Sul, the first to discover the truth of her love for us after she was banished, in spite of the attempts of the jealous gods to erase her memory and deeds forever. Even as they have passed into history, the Sul’Dal still follow her vehemently, and would willingly march as an undying army, should she call. You must find the spiritual leader of the Sul’Dal, and tell her that Anashti Sul calls to her people once again.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “I will carry out Anashti Sul’s wishes. Is there more I can do?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “As a matter of fact, there is. Anashti Sul spoke to me of another army, one that she amassed in the confines of the Void during her imprisonment there. With her connection to the Void severed, they cannot follow her to this world, and thus cannot fight with her. She says that other members of this race have found their way into Norrath, and have established conduits that they might pass through. We must collect these reality anchors from these pockets, so that Anashti Sul might be able to create one of these dimensional rifts herself, allowing her army to pass through as she commands.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “I will go to prepare her armies, then. I will return once I have carried out her wishes.”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “You are proving to be quite the industrious little feather. Go now, and I await your return.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “Until we meet again.”

The spiritual leader of the Sul’Dal is found in the Sinking Sands:

You say, “Hail, Celistae d’Galdis”

Celistae d’Galdis says to you, “I hear…I hear a faint voice, lost to me in the billowing sands of time. It sounds so close, but so faint at the same time…”

You say to Celistae d’Galdis, “Do you recognize it? Do you recognize the voice of Anashti Sul?”

Celistae d’Galdis says to you, “Anashti Sul? Can it be? Can it be that the Forgotten Goddess is found once again?”

You say to Celistae d’Galdis, “It is true. She is coming back, and she seeks to pass the word to those who have proven faithful. She is looking to rally the Sul’Dal elves under her wings, so that they might march forth as part of her army on Norrath.”

Celistae d’Galdis says to you, “To serve Anashti Sul… to finally carry out the deed we waited so long for, carrying her word and her gifts as our sword and our shields. We have waited for this day for many lifetimes.”

You say to Celistae d’Galdis, “Anashti Sul will be pleased. The Sul’Dal have proven eternal followers and faithful believers in her power, and will certainly be well rewarded on her return.”

Celistae d’Galdis says to you, “I will enter the Silent City, and begin spreading the message there. I will need your help in the Sinking Sands, however.”

You say to Celistae d’Galdis, “Oh? What can I do to assist you?”

Celistae d’Galdis says to you, “Many of our warriors have been lost to the sands, wandering forever, separated from their bodies. You must locate these disembodied spirits and reunite them with their bodies, so that they might be whole once again. They have undoubtedly heard the voice of Anashti Sul as well, and will be eager to serve her on her return.”

You say to Celistae d’Galdis, “I will find these disembodied spirits and lead them back to their bodies. Farewell to you.”

After reuniting the spirits with their bodies, it is off to the Obelisk of Lost Souls to collect the anchors, and then it is back to the Sands once again….

You say, “Hail, Plumetor Dul’Sadma”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “You make Anashti Sul proud, little feather. Please tell me you bring me good news.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “I do. I have brought the word of Anashti Sul to the Sul’Dal elves, who, as we speak, are rallying themselves in preparation for her return. I have also collected the reality anchors and rift essences that allowed a group of shadowed men to maintain a link to Norrath. Hopefully, these will allow Anashti Sul to create such a pocket, herself, to bring her army through.”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Very well done, little feather! With her armies on the ready, Anashti Sul will be ready for war, if she is forced into it — or if she chooses to march against the Plaguebringer or even Rodcet Nife, himself. They will see her terrifying power first hand, and woe be to any who choose to stand in her way.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “What else should we do to prepare?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Nothing for now. I will pray for more guidance, and will let you know if there is more to be done. This could take some time, so please go out in her name for now. Be ready to come if she should call.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “I will. Farewell to you for now.”

You say, “Hail, Plumetor Dul’Sadma”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Your timing is quite impeccable, little feather. Once again, it is time to work on Anashti Sul’s behalf, and you are the one to carry out the deed.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “I have been waiting for her call. What is it we must do for her?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Anashti Sul is ready to make her return to Norrath, and she is preparing to take back the Plane of Health, as it is rightfully hers. However, she has mentioned something troubling… something that has even angered her.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “What is it that she found?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “The Ewer of Sul’Dae, her precious artifact, has been destroyed, and the pieces removed from the temple of the Fountain of Life! It no longer funnels the power of the Fyr’Un as it once did, and the River of Life is dwindling down to nothing. Without that artifact, Anashti Sul will have a far more difficult time claiming what is rightfully hers.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “Is there a way to repair the Ewer of Sul’Dae? Is there nothing we can do?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “I have sent out other members of the Fellowship in search of the shards of the Ewer of Sul’Dae. If what I am hearing is true, then it might be that the dark elves of Neriak have collected the pieces in a foolish attempt to repair it and harness the power for themselves.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “Should we go in and retrieve it then?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “First, marching into the home of the Teir’Dal and attempting to remove something by force would certainly prove deadly to any who tried such a thing. Secondly, you might be underestimating the size of the Ewer of Sul’Dae… there is no way you could lift it or even move it yourself.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “So what can we do, then?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Anashti Sul is close enough now that her power can return the Ewer if we can empower it once again. To do that, we will need to collect waters from the River of Life, the Fyr’Un. If we return the waters of the Fyr’Un to the Ewer, then Anashti Sul can use her connection to the Ewer to move it herself.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “Where is the water we need, then?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “It is within the Living Tombs. You’ll need the purest of these, from a pool known as the Pool of Immortality. Take this vial and fill it with the water from that pool. It is found on top of the central building in the Trade District there. Collect that water and find where the Ewer is being kept in Neriak.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “I will. I shall return once Anashti Sul has reclaimed the Ewer for herself.”

After entering the Living Tombs and filling the vial with water from the Pool of Immortality, it is time to go to Neriak…

You say, “Hail Sharnar D’Zauer”

Sharnar D’Zauer says to you, “Welcome to the halls of the Dark Bargainers. Deals can be made here for most anything you might be searching for.”

You say to Sharnar D’Zauer, “That’s good to know. There is something I am looking for, something that I have a feeling I can only find here.”

Sharnar D’Zauer says to you, “Is that so? Well, if the coin is right, I’m sure something can be arranged. What might you be looking for?”

You say to Sharnar D’Zauer, “I’ve heard rumors that you might know something about the Ewer of Sul’Dae. I require that artifact, and if I must pay for it, then so be it.”

Sharnar D’Zauer says to you, “You must be joking. The Ewer is not for sale, and you couldn’t take it if you wanted to. There must be something else we can offer you… we have artifacts here from all over Norrath.”

You say to Sharnar D’Zauer, “No. I do not need any of those. I need the Ewer of Sul’Dae. Where is it?”

Sharnar D’Zauer says to you, “You fool. Where do you think you are? You can’t just walk into here and begin making demands of the Tier’Dal. It won’t end well for you at all.”

You say to Sharnar D’Zauer, “Perhaps, perhaps not. But I have the power of Anashti Sul behind me, and I am prepared to die in her service, if need be. However, regardless of the outcome for me, you will not survive if things should turn bloody. I am prepared to lose my life in search of the Ewer… are you prepared to lose your life to protect it?”

Sharnar D’Zauer says to you, “I should call the guard right now…!”

You say to Sharnar D’Zauer, “Do it. See the truth of my words. But I will find the Ewer, either with your help or after I separate your head from your shoulders. The choice is yours, but I grow impatient.”

Sharnar D’Zauer says to you, “Prepared to die for the Ewer? Well, you’d better be. Fine then. It isn’t like you will make it to the Ewer, anyway. None can even approach the workshop where it is now.”

You say to Sharnar D’Zauer, “Workshop? You mean it has been repaired?”

Sharnar D’Zauer says to you, “Indeed, it has been. However, it might have been the worst mistake ever make by the Dark Bargainers in our long history.”

You say to Sharnar D’Zauer, “How so?”

Sharnar D’Zauer says to you, “Bah, find out for yourself, follower of Anashti Sul. If you want the Ewer so bad, then go fetch it. We’ve hidden the tunnel to the workshop behind a tapestry just down the path there, next to the ogre stand right below us. Go ahead and claim the Ewer… if you can.”

You say to Sharnar D’Zauer, “Wasn’t that far easier? I will worry about the Ewer, you worry about your own hide once the Queen finds out that you’ve given up one of her secrets. Farewell to you.”

Sharnar D’Zauer says, “Certain… complications arose while the Ewer of Sul’Dae was being reconstructed. Some of the inhabitants that you speak with here may not be as they appear.”

A stroll through the workshop eventually leads to the Ewer, which Anashti Sul can now claim. It is back to the Sands. Again.

You say, “Hail, Plumetor Dul’Sadma”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “…”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “I’m sorry to interrupt your meditation, but I have good news. I have returned the waters of the Fyr’Un to the Ewer of Sul’Dae, and witnessed it vanish before my very eyes.”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Ah, that is good news. That means that Anashti Sul has claimed her precious artifact, and is now prepared to materialize in our world. You have done well, little feather… very well indeed.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “Thank you, Plumetor Dul’Sadma. Is there anything I need to do now?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Not now. I’m sorry to be so brief, but I must continue my communion with Anashti Sul. She is close… so very close…”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “I understand, and I will go for now. I will return another time.”

You say, “Hail, Plumetor Dul’Sadma”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “I have been awaiting your return.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “I am pleased to serve Anashti Sul once more, if needed. What can I do?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Anashti Sul is prepared to return to Norrath, but is trapped in between the Void and Norrath. We must help guide her through, help her to materialize in our world.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “What does she require of us?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “We must perform an ancient rite… one forgotten to time, to all save one god, one who has collected the knowledge of all the ages past. It is in an ancient tome that existed even before Anashti Sul was banished. You must find this tome and follow the ritual that it details.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “Very well, then. Where can I find this tome?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “It is likely within a city that once hid the secrets of Zebuxoruuk himself, the Forbidden City. You will need to find the tome within its halls, and follow the instructions of the rite to help Anashti Sul return to her rightful home.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “Where will I perform this rite?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Do it within the one temple that still stands in her honor, the Fountain of Life. It is there that the Ewer now sits, and there where she can gather her power in solitude.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “The Fountain of Life? Isn’t that within the Silent City?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “It is. However, Anashti Sul is awaiting your arrival, and the way will be clear. Simply enter the Silent City from the entrance within the Sinking Sands, and you will be granted passage to the Fountain of Life this one time to perform the rite.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “Anashti Sul is always looking out for us. It is an honor to serve her.”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Indeed it is. Now, find that tome, and enter the Fountain of Life as instructed. You are very lucky indeed — you will be the first of the mortals to witness Anashti Sul as she returns to Norrath. How very incredible that would be!”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “I am looking forward to greeting her on her return, then. Farewell for now.”

So it is off to Mara and the Forbidden City, where the book is retrieved, which instructs you to gather the blood of those “borne of the Ewer” which are clearly ghouls and vampires way over in the Loping Plains. This is, of course, needed for the ritual. After all is collected, it is then back to the Living Tombs, this time to the Empowered Fountain of Life. The rite is performed and the Avatar appears.

You say, “Hail, Avatar of the Forgotten”

Avatar of the Forgotten says to you, “At long last! After so many millennia… I feel the power of the living mortals of Norrath surge through my being! I have returned from the edge of non-existence!”

You say to Avatar of the Forgotten, “Anashti Sul! Long has Norrath awaited this moment! The Forgotten Goddess is lost to us no more!”

Avatar of the Forgotten says to you, “Ah, Lodge. I have heard much of you, and the work you have done with Plumetor Dul’Sadma on my behalf.”

You say to Avatar of the Forgotten, “I have. I have done everything that was asked of me in your name, and your name alone!”

Avatar of the Forgotten says to you, “And you will be rewarded for your efforts, be certain of that. You have brought together my followers, rallied my armies, and even assisted me in returning the Ewer of Sul’Dae to its rightful home in this very temple, once again feeding the waters of the Fyr’Un. Yes… yes, you are quite the useful mortal, are you not?”

You say to Avatar of the Forgotten, “Thank you, my lady. I have dedicated myself to serving only you. What will you do now that you have returned?”

Avatar of the Forgotten says to you, “Hmm… I do not feel the presence of Xul’Varien, but instead I sense this new being — Bertoxxulous, if I have heard correctly, who is evidently the new Lord of Pestilence. I will be watching that one carefully. However, I have a more pressing matter at hand, which is the one who replaced me, Rodcet Nife.”

You say to Avatar of the Forgotten, “What is your plan?”

Avatar of the Forgotten says to you, “My plan, in simplest terms, is to retake the Plane of Health, which I created from my own essence! How dare Rodcet Nife take my home as if it were his own! It will be sweet justice when I wrest it from his hands using such a familiar army, and show those foolish enough to follow him who the true deity of life is!”

You say to Avatar of the Forgotten, “What can we do to help you?”

Avatar of the Forgotten says to you, “For now, I will gather my strength and prepare my armies. However, I want you and Plumetor Dul’Sadma to announce my return to the followers of Rodcet Nife. I want to tell them the truth of my word, and show them the gifts that I will bring to them. I will send the prophet to speak on my behalf, but I want you to gather my gifts.”

You say to Avatar of the Forgotten, “How can we do that?”

Avatar of the Forgotten says to you, “Here. Take this, and find followers of Rodcet Nife out in the hills of Antonica. Give them my Gift, and they will join the prophet in her declaration of my return. Once you have completed your task, meet up with the prophet just outside the Temple of Life. She will provide you with further instructions from there.”

You say to Avatar of the Forgotten, “I will do as you command.”

Avatar of the Forgotten says to you, “I know you will. You have done very well, and your deeds will not be forgotten. Now go. I have much to attend to.”

You say to Avatar of the Forgotten, “As you wish. Farewell.”

Having been given the a decanter of blessed Fyr`Un water, it is off to Antonica to turn followers of Nife into followers of Anashti Sul – the water turns them into mildly intelligent zombies…a conversation can be held with them. More or less. And so it is time to rendezvous outside of the Temple of Life in North Freeport. Accompanying Plumetor Dul`Sadma are the 5 ex-Nife followers that are now zombies.

You say, “Hail, Plumetor Dul’Sadma”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Ah, little feather. I am glad to see you here. We are within the lion’s den, as it were, ready to bring the message of Anashti Sul directly to the followers of her rival, Rodcet Nife.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “Indeed, and I am ready. What must we do?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Anashti Sul herself has asked that I deliver her message, but I cannot enter the grounds near the Temple of Life without bringing the attention of the guards in the temple. That might end poorly for us, indeed.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “How can I help, then?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “You might be able to enter the Temple of Life without arousing too much suspicion. Go into the temple itself and look for a way to create a distraction. If the guards rush you, defeat them. That should create enough of a diversion that I can enter the grounds and deliver the message as commanded.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “How will you get out?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Do not worry about that — I will take care of it. Now go and return once the diversion is done.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “I will return soon.”

You say, “Hail, Plumetor Dul’Sadma”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Is it done? Is it safe to enter?”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “Yes. I have created a sufficient diversion that should tie up the guards for a few minutes at least. Now is the time to move.”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Very good, little feather. Please feel free to accompany me if you would like to watch the show, or make your way out of here… it’s up to you, as your part in this is done. Head to the Sinking Sands, and I will speak to you in our usual place.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “Thank you, Plumetor Dul’Sadma. And farewell.”

The entourage walks straight into the courtyard of the Temple of Life (this was neat, imo). Time for a stump speech!

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says, “Greetings, followers of the one known as Rodcet Nife! Do not be alarmed. I am here only to speak the truth to you!”

Disciple Telas`velle says, “By the Gods! What has happened to those people? ”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says, “I am here to guide you from your unenlightened path! I am here to deliver you the message of the true Goddess of Life, the one who rightfully rules the Plane of Health and has worked for the benefit of mortals in the past!”

Murgen says, “Anashti Sul… she is the true one…”

Jeizin says, “Anashti Sul… is… Life…”

Toranim Skyblade says, “What is this heresy?! ”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says, “You pay homage to a “god” who promises you health and life, but what has he brought you? Can you not still die? Are there loved ones who do not still get sick?”

Liyah says, “Never… die…”

Gerehmie says, “No sick… ness…”

Prelate Lorhym Ithpsym says, “Rodcet Nife is a beacon of light in this world! Through his teachings, we can fight the horrors of disease and pestilence, but none can hold back death forever! That is foolishness!”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says, “Ah, but there is one who can, and who has introduced her gifts to us in the past! Imagine living eternally, without fear of the blackness of death! You can truly live forever under her wing, free from disease, free from oblivion!”

Curlose says, “Eternally…”

Murgen says, “Live… forever…”

Gerehmie says, “Be… with us…”

Prelate Lorhym Ithpsym says, “What — as one of THOSE? Perish that thought! That is not existence! It is servitude!”

Medic Brendan says, “What you offer is worse than death itself!”

Ethri Vasou says, “Lies!! That’s all you speak!”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says, “See? You are so blinded by your lies that you cannot see the beauty of Anashti Sul’s gifts! You would rather follow a god who offers nothing, provides nothing, and does not work on your behalf? Anashti Sul was banished because of her love for mortals, and her efforts to share that love with you! Would Rodcet Nife face extinction to do what was best for you?”

Liyah says, “Anashti Sul loves… us…”

Jeizin says, “You… blinded…”

Toranim Skyblade says, “How did she get in here?! What is going on?”

Disciple Telas`velle says, “What did she bring to us? This?! Look upon them! They are nothing but shells! Their bodies may walk, but their eyes are lifeless! It is you who are blinded!”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says, “You will see the truth of my words in time. When you are lying on your deathbeds calling for help from your weak god, you will see just what the limits of his power are. Then… then you will beg for the gifts of Anashti Sul! Pray that she sees mercy on you before you fade into the nothingness!”

Jeizin says, “In time… in… time…”

Gerehmie says, “See… the… truth…”

Curlose says, “You will… beg…”

Ethri Vasou says, “I’ve had enough of this madness! Someone call the guard!”

Medic Brendan says, “First Bertoxxulous, and now this?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says, “There is no need for that. I will be going, then. Think about what I’ve said, though. Your minds may be closed to the truth, but I know your hearts see differently. Seek me out when you are ready for enlightenment.”

Murgen says, “Know… the truth…”

Gerehmie says, “Not… ready…”

Prelate Lorhym Ithpsym says, “Go then! And take your deceitful words with you!”

Guards are coming…time to go! And so it is back to the Sands, one last time to speak to the Plumetor.

You say, “Hail, Plumetor Dul’Sadma”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Ah! Here you are! I have been waiting for you!”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “I am glad to see you made it through your ordeal unharmed, Plumetor Dul’Sadma.”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Of course I did. With the protection of Anashti Sul, and your help, I had more than enough time to deliver the truth of her word to the Temple of Life, and made it out without an issue. You have done very, very well.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “Thank you again, Plumetor. Is there anything more to be done?”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “Not unless Anashti Sul calls on us again during her struggles with her enemies. Until then, we must simply spread the word of her love and her grace to the unenlightened, and continue our work in her name.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “Then I go forth to do just that.”

Plumetor Dul’Sadma says to you, “As do I. Don’t be surprised if you hear from me again. Until then, however — Anashti Sul be with you, little feather.”

You say to Plumetor Dul’Sadma, “And with you. Farewell.”

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