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Celebrating Jeremy Soule in EverQuest

If you think of Jeremy Soule you might immediately be hit by the feeling of warmth that comes with outstanding soundtrack of Skyrim and Oblivion. But did you know Jeremy Soule was involved in multiple projects in the EverQuest franchise?

Most PC gamers first introduction to Jeremy’s everquest vision was that legendary moment he walked on stage at the EverQuest Next landmark presentation leaving us breathless

Jeremy filled Landmark with an enchanting atmosphere that filled you with wanderlust as you explored, what could have been, one of the most impressive projects to hit the gaming scene since minecraft

It’s clear just how much Jeremy wanted to make this project succeed. I often am left wondering what this game could have been like if it had been given the extra time it needed in the oven. To find that perfect combat system and gameplay appeal that could be backed by a patient investor

Sometimes I wonder if the soundtracks will be left to rot in some headquarters never to see the light of day in another project (despite efforts to build an EMU). I still listen to them to this day – they fit very well in many great roleplaying games that have a lack luster soundtrack and oh boy do they enhance the gaming experience

I used to be sad thinking Jeremy would never wish to join an EverQuest project again due to his bad experience on EverQuest next. It was then that I noticed jeremy had been involved in not just landmark but nestled in the credits of EverQuest Online Adventures you can see Jeremy Soule’s involvement

Admitedly i had never played much of EQOA (but maybe there is time) though I had heared it’s halas soundtrack many years ago and some of the pieces used in the Plane of Time zones in EverQuest. Maybe it was because he wasnt’ as famous and there wasn’t a big announcemnt back then – despite his many successful projects on some of my most beloved games (Dungeon Siege, Total Annihalation <3)

Knowing this makes me realise Jeremy was coming back to EverQuest for Landmark and if he can do that once maybe he can do it once again to finish what he started

Jeremy, wherever you are and whatever project you’re working on, thank you so much for the special moments you have given me in so many games over the decades. Maybe one day you might see little old norrath worthy of your bardic presence once more

PS. Please can we get EQOA soundtrack on Youtube Music

Please take the time to visit Jeremy on Soundcloud