Category Archives: Carson McCabe

Tale of Events from Eternity’s Knight (GM Event Log)

The telling of events from Steamfront Mountains to Dagnor’s Cauldron

A number of dragons then appear within the hills outside the city of Qeynos and assumed mortal form. One of their number being a blue drake named Drakel took the form of a high elf, Lady Zavo Zatanov. They gather a band of adventurers to escort them to lair of Lady Vox, who is found howling in rage over the theft of the shard from Veeshans claw; left from when Veeshan struck the world in its creation.

These dragons now in mortal form from the Ring of Scale confront Carson McCabe’s agent and is felled by their hands, attaining the Crystal Claw of Veeshan. Leaving the ruins of Permafrost Keep they run into the lackeys of Mayong Mistmoore that had been sent to escort Kivgor Illbriar back to the halls of Castle Mistmoore. A battle ensues between the dragons and their adventurous allies against the agents of Mistmoore who are driven off, with Lord Galendore left slain. At the commencement of their victory they are asked to aid them in a ceremony that would be performed within the confines of the Rathe Mountains.

At the Rathe Mountains the members of the Ring of Scale that are present begin preparations for their ceremony that will forever rend the veil, and awaken dragons all across the face of Norrath from their slumber. However, before the ceremony can even take place Mayong Mistmoore arrives confronting the dragons and their allies.

Three of the dragons who had now assumed their true form are slain before the gathered adventurers can drive Mayong from the Mountain Passes. With the ceremony now in ruin Lady Zavo asks for a volunteer to sacrifice himself and keep the Crystal Claw of Veeshan in safe keeping, who was then dubbed “The Scaled Claw”.

Dreezil Pockitdip Vindicated

Carson moved up to the witness area and stood quietly. The judge nodded at him and said, “You know tha’ you mus’ speak th’ truth, ‘ere, an’ nothin’ else, righ’?” Carson frowned up at the judge, but only nodded his compliance. Judge Wiggins smiled blearily and ducked down under his desk for a moment. Carson’s frown made an upside-down “V” in the skin over his nose.

Firiona stepped in front of Carson, distracting him. “Carson McCabe, do you recall the occasion on which you first saw the defendant?”

Carson nodded, “Yes, milady, the defendant was brought before me by Guards Heptal and Nonet, along with the contraband stout. They brought him before me and showed me the evidence, at which time I sent him to be locked up in a cell.”

“And did he make no protest?”

“Well, certainly, Firiona, what criminal doesn’t protest his own innocence?” McCabe chuckled at this observation. “Naturally, he said he was innocent. But, the evidence was right there in front of us. He’d been caught red-handed, as it were.”

“What did he say in his own defense, milord?”

“Why… er… I don’t quite recall…” McCabe floundered for a moment. “I believe it was merely a protestation of innocence, no real details.”

“Isn’t it true that you didn’t stop to listen to his story at all?” Firiona smiled sweetly at Carson McCabe. “That you had him sent to the dungeon without hearing his story?”

McCabe sputtered, his face growing red. “Why, I don’t know how you feel you can stand there and accuse me of such injustice, Firiona! You know me better than that!”

“And yet, Dreezil Pocketdip, an acknowledged member of the Deeppockets guild, was sent to the dungeons and you are unable to recount for us the defendant’s explanation. Is that a fair assessment?”

“Well, er… yes. But after all, what more would I need beyond seeing the evidence? I mean, he is a rogue, after all. Why should I lend credence to his tale?”

The judge hiccuped loudly and disappeared under his bench, this time for almost three minutes. Firiona paced in front of Carson while she waited for the judge to sit up straight again. She looked up at him and noted with some satisfaction that his nose was beginning to look very red.

“Now then, milord,” Firiona turned back to Carson McCabe, “what sentence did you impose on the defendant?”

Carson blinked, several times. “Sentence? I had actually not pronounced any particular…er… period of time… that is to say… well… I just had him thrown into the dungeons. I hadn’t considered letting him go just yet.”

“Then what happened was that you put Dreezil into a cell without giving him an opportunity to defend himself, and without knowing when, if ever, he might be released?”

Carson’s face was, by this time, nearly as red as Judge Wiggins’, though not for the same reasons. The judge, by this time, was weaving slightly from side to side as he sat on the bench. His round face was frozen in a beatific smile and his eyes watered slightly as he beamed down on the courtroom.

Carson jumped up, stamped his foot angrily and shouted at Firiona, “How can you accuse me this way, milady? I will not sit here and be insulted so! Why, this…”

Judge Wiggins interrupted with an even louder, if somewhat slurred, voice, “Sharrup! Orr’er in th’ Court! Siddown an’ sharrup, McCabe! Lissen t’ th’ lady talk, why doncha…? The judge’s voice trailed off as a smile once more settled over his features and he folded his arms comfortably on the bench before him. Carson sat down as if his legs suddenly refused to hold him up. He sat, stunned, staring at the judge, who disappeared again behind the bench for a moment.

Firiona grinned to herself. She looked over at Dreezil encouragingly. Dreezil was stunned and amused. He could see the rosy glow on the judge’s face as clearly as anyone in the courtroom could. He stifled a snicker, thinking how Carson had agreed to abide by Wiggins’ decision. Not wishing to anger McCabe, however, he straightened himself and composed his features.

“Thank you, your Honor,” smiled Firiona. The judge grinned back and lowered his chin to rest on his wrists, his eyelids drooping just slightly. He winked at Firiona once and settled in to listen.

“Carson McCabe, is it normally your practice to assume the guilt of a person before even examining the evidence?”

Carson sputtered angrily, not even noticing when Judge Wiggins slipped down behind the desk. “Firiona! How could you? You know me much better than that.”

“Yes, Carson, and I have always known you to be fair. I have never known you to take anything at face value. Perhaps the case you saw was not a case of Blackburrow Stout, though, could that be possible?”

“Why… “Carson’s brow furrowed. “It had the distinctive markings, and was filled with the very bottles the Blackburrow gnolls are famed for using. I don’t know how it could be anything else!”

“Did you examine the contents of those bottles, McCabe?”

“I did not…” Carson’s brow smoothed out and he looked just a bit resigned. “No, Firiona, I’m afraid I neglected to even determine if they were full or empty.” Carson raised both hands in a conciliatory gesture. He smiled weakly.

“Then you don’t truly know what was in the case, is that correct?”

“Yes, Firiona, that is correct.” Carson’s sheepish expression fitted him oddly.

Firiona smiled at her friend. “Perhaps we should take a look at the evidence at this time. Your Honor…” Firiona looked up at the empty bench. “Your Honor?” Firiona approached the bench and walked around it to the side where the case of stout had been resting. The judge suddenly appeared above the desk, red-faced and grinning widely.

“Yesh, what izh it?” The judge slurred amiably. “Oh… yesh.. edivence. Yesh… here you go, Finiroa… Rinifoa… er… Faryena, whatever yer name is.” He reached down and lifted up the wooden box, which rattled loudly. Firiona quickly grabbed it, fearing it would fall. She placed it atop the desk and looked it over. Only three of the bottles remained intact. All the others had been opened and emptied. She peered up at the judge, her expression bland. She picked up the heavy wooden case again and carried it over to Carson.

“Is this the case you saw the defendant carrying?”

“Well, no, I didn’t see him with it myself, but the guards who arrested it brought it to me directly.”

“Oh? So they saw him carrying it, did they?”

“So they indicated to me, yes.”

Firiona carried the box over to Dreezil and laid it on the ground near him. It was easy to see that the halfling would have had a difficult time carrying even a few full ceramic bottles of the potent brew in a heavy wooden box like this one.

“Your Honor, may I request that the defendant be unshackled, please?” Arvelion frowned unhappily and began to whisper noisily.”

“Sharrup, you!” The judge yelled at the chamberlain. “Yes, Feery-owna,” he pronounced carefully, “you may. Guard! Unlock th’ pris’ner.”

“Thank you, your Honor. Now then, Dreezil,” Firiona said to the halfling as he rubbed his wrists gingerly, “please pick up the crate for me, if you would?”

Dreezil bent his knees and tried to reach the sides of the box lengthwise, but his short arms just didn’t reach. He turned the box sideways and tried to grab it from one end. His arms didn’t quite reach to its middle, but he managed to stand with the box in front of him. Firiona took one of the three full bottles from the end nearest Dreezil and replaced it in the other end. The wooden case tipped forward and Dreezil almost dropped it. He leaned back precariously to balance.

“Your Honor, I think it’s clear that Dreezil didn’t carry this box filled with full bottles of Blackburrow stout. As you can see, with less than half the weight of the box on the far end, Dreezil is barely able to balance it. The weight of this box is obviously too much for him to have carried any distance.” Firiona turned to the jury and pointed at Dreezil, red-faced and puffing a bit at the weight he was holding.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I’m certain you can see that this halfling could not very well have carried this box full of the distinctive ceramic bottles of Blackburrow stout. And I am about to show you something I have learned that may surprise you. Sionachie, if you would, please bring me the additional evidence.” Firiona turned to her friend, who stood calmly near the doors.

Sionachie hitched up a leather sack, the sight of which brought a look of horror to the face of both Heptal and Nonet, sitting there in the front of the courtroom. The half-elf bard carried the bag to Firiona and returned to her place near the doors. Firiona lifted the bag, clinking with bottles, and rested it on the table in front of her. She spoke clearly in the room.

“Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, this bag was found in the quarters of the two guards seated behind the chamberlain.” She turned and pointed at both Heptal and Nonet. “It was found there just this morning, by my friend, Sionachie Heartsinger, after the guards had left for the courtroom. I’d like you to take a look at what is inside.”

Firiona opened the bag and held it out so that the jurors could see the ceramic bottles of Blackburrow stout inside. The jurors gasped and muttered among themselves as they considered the meaning of this development. Twelve pairs of eyes turned to the two guards, who sat there fidgeting as the paladin continued.

“You will notice that these bottles appear to be of exactly the same type as the ones in the wooden case that Dreezil is holding. They bear the stamp, in the gnollish script, of Blackburrow, as do the others. As to what is inside them, I invite you to determine that for yourselves.” Firiona held out the bag to the jurors and offered each a bottle of the creamy brown brew. She smiled softly as she watched them helping each other open the bottles and taste the contents. With twelve of the remaining bottles gone, the sack was considerably lighter. She offered the last few to the judge, Carson and Arvelion. When the latter refused, she drank the last bottle herself.

“Well, now that you’ve tried the drink, what would you say it was?” Firiona turned to the first juror, who answered, “Blackburrow stout!” Firiona smiled.

“And you?” Firiona asked the next. He answered likewise.

“Carson, what is your assessment?”

He turned to her and replied, “Why, the jurors have already told you, Blackburrow stout.”

“I find it extremely interesting, your Honor, that so many of these jurors and Carson McCabe himself have tasted enough of a contraband brew that they are able to identify it so easily.” Firiona allowed herself the ghost of a smirk as the judge chortled.

Carson’s face darkened slightly, but Firiona smiled at him. “Don’t worry, Carson, I understand that you’ve traveled extensively, and to be honest, this is a very distinctive flavor. Having tasted it once, you’d recognize it easily again, I’m sure.” Carson relaxed slightly and Firiona went on.

“The thing is here, your Honor, that there were many more bottles originally taken than the ones produced here as evidence. Apparently Guards Heptal and Nonet had the rest stashed in their quarters. I think we’re pretty much agreed that the brew within them is, in fact, Blackburrow Stout. Perhaps we should turn to the defendant to learn from him exactly what happened?

“Dreezil, you may put the box down,” Firiona smiled at the halfling lad. “Now then, Dreezil, on your oath to the Deeppockets, please tell us how you came by the stout?”

Judge Wiggins burped loudly as Dreezil began his testimony, having finished off his bottle of stout, wiped his mouth on the back of one forearm and settled himself comfortably to listen.

“I’d seen those two in th’ woods, Firiona, er… milady. They were drinkin’ th’ stout, ye know. Gunrich, a goblin I know in the Misty Thicket, he told me they’d beaten him for it. Robb’d him, they did. I track’d them back t’ where they were campin’, milady, an’ watch’d ’em drink ’emselves silly. They went t’ sleep an’ I took what was left in that sack. Brought it back ‘ere, thinkin’ I was gonna get meself a reward f’r it, ye know. But b’fore I could turn it in, they caught up t’ me an’ grabb’d me. They made t’ bring me t’ Carson, but stopp’d on th’ way an’ pulled out one o’ their cases, fillin’ it from me sack. They left th’ rest in their quarters, ye know. I tried t’ tell ‘im, milady, but ‘e wouldnae listen t’ me.” Dreezil ran out of breath near the end of his declaration and stood there panting softly.

Carson looked over at his two guards, who recognized the look of accusation in his eyes and bolted for the doors. They shoved Sionachie harshly out of the way and burst through the doors to escape.

“After them!” shouted Carson McCabe. “Guards! Go to their quarters and don’t let anyone enter them until I’ve had them searched!” Several guards and onlookers chased out of the courtroom after the two guards. The judge stood and shouted for the jury to remain seated, and then promptly lost his balance and sat down, hard.

Firiona stepped up to the jury and addressed them. “You see, ladies and gentlemen, the guards Nonet and Heptal have been heavily involved in the smuggling for quite some time. Other bags found in their rooms,” she said as she gestured Sionachie forward, carrying several small bags, “contained large amounts of gold. It seems that they were making a fairly good sideline out of smuggling, too. I don’t think it would be out of line for me to offer you this gold as recompense for your work here today, ladies and gentlemen. To make up for what you have lost in wages, having left your own trades to come here and assist us in learning the truth.” Firiona handed a small bag of gold to each juror and then turned back to the judge.

Furley was weaving back and forth and smiling happily on the bench as he looked down at Firiona. He put his chin on one palm, resting the elbow on the desk, so he could focus on her. “S’ank you, Feeny… Feery-owna,” he slurred, “you did a jate grob… er… jood gob… um… Nice work!” He looked around at the courtroom and once again banged his knife hilt on the desktop, declaring, “Releash the pris’ner! He’s issonent, er… innocent! Let ‘im go. Thish court is adjourn’d!” He climbed down from his bench and weaved across the room, where the onlookers, Firiona, and Carson were milling around.

“Carshon,” the judge eyed him blearily, “you make sure to put thozhe guardsh of yourzh in that shame shell that Dreezhil was in, you hear?” He nodded as if he knew something very important, then smiled at Firiona. “Me lady, you come to Rivervale any time you want. I’ll zhow you aroun’, don’chyou worry.” Firiona chuckled softly and shook the judge’s hand.

“Milady Firiona, my apologies,” said Carson McCabe to the paladin as the judge ambled away. “I will be more careful whom I trust without examining evidence for myself in future, of that you can be sure.”

“Thank you, Carson, that is all anyone can ask of you.” She smiled at him warmly. “And I hope you will handsomely reward those who return the guards to you as well.”

“You can rest assured, Milady, it is worth a great deal to me to have such criminals apprehended. To think how long this may have been going on. I’m shocked, but very glad you’ve helped to root out this evil. You have my gratitude.” He took Firiona’s hand and bowed low over it. She smiled and headed off to her rooms with Sionachie.

Hours later, McCabe offered additional bags of gold and a jewel apiece to those who had accompanied his guards to apprehend the smugglers. Arvelion grumbled, but brought out huge pitchers of ale for all and they drank merrily long into the night.

Dreezil Pockitdip on Trial

Three days later, Firiona had managed to assemble twelve jurors from the surrounding countryside and the visiting judge, retired soldier Furley Wiggins, in the great hall of High Keep Castle. Arvelion had been appointed to represent the prosecution and Firiona was prepared with her defense. Furley, a grizzled veteran of many battles, was comfortably ensconced in a velvet-cushioned chair behind a large table. Two guards walked in with Dreezil between them, his wrists manacled to a length of wood he bore on his shoulders. They simply did not trust rogues with locks, it seemed. Dreezil bore a somewhat pained and dejected expression on his normally impish face. The guards led him to a seat in front of and to the left of the high table where he could be seen by all.

Judge Wiggins pulled a dagger from his belt and rapped the table with the base of its hilt.

“Settle down, now, settle down!” He tried to get the attention of the assembly. The jurors murmured as they settled in their seats. Firiona stood quietly and watched while the room grew quiet and then stepped forward.

“Your Honor, I want to thank you for allowing us to present this case before you, and for taking the time to travel here from Rivervale for this purpose. If you will permit me, I would like to explain the nature of the case before us today.

“Dreezil Pocketdip here, who is a resident of Rivervale, and is an acknowledged member of the Deeppockets Guild there, has been accused of smuggling. To be more precise, he is accused of smuggling one case of Blackburrow Stout. His accusers are present in the courtroom, as is Dreezil himself.

“Your Honor, I believe that what has happened here is that the defendant has been accused strictly on the basis of circumstantial evidence – evidence which, in and of itself, is not sufficient to demonstrate the commission of any crime. ”

“As the defendant’s counsel, Your Honor, I will be attempting to show how the events occurred which led to Dreezil’s arrest and incarceration. I believe the jury will see that Dreezil was not involved in smuggling, but rather, was attempting to assist the authorities here in High Hold Pass in their efforts to end the smuggling. Furthermore, I will try to demonstrate that there are, in fact, other parties involved in nefarious and illegal activities right here in Highkeep.”

The onlookers murmured amongst themselves at this declaration. Firiona looked over at Carson and noted with satisfaction the look of mild surprise on his face. She turned back to the judge and summed up her statement.

“As I said, Your Honor, I thank you for allowing us to appear before you today. ” The high elf sat down and folded her hands in her lap, looking over at Arvelion.

The chamberlain stood up and faced the jury. “It’s very simple, ladies and gentlemen. This halfling rogue,” he said with obvious distaste, “was caught with the evidence in his hands just outside the keep. When I have produced my witnesses, there will be no question in your minds that he is indeed guilty of smuggling Blackburrow stout. I’m certain you will see that this rogue deserves to be punished for his nefarious activities and that you will see your way clear to finding him guilty as charged. I thank you, ladies and gentlemen, and you, too, Your Honor, for taking the time to hear this case today.” He turned back toward Firiona, smiling smugly in anticipation of his easy victory.

“First, Your Honor, I would like to present evidence in this case. There is a certain case of Blackburrow Stout in the possession of the defendant’s counsel, which I would like to ask that she produce at this time.” Arvelion sneered haughtily at Firiona. She returned his glance blandly and stood, easily lifting the heavy wooden case and carrying it over to the judge’s bench.

“Your Honor, at the prosecution’s request, I would like to enter this case of Blackburrow Stout into evidence at this time.”

The judge looked down, one eyebrow twitching slightly. He motioned to Firiona to place the case on the floor near his seat, behind the bench.

“Very well,” said Judge Wiggins, “it can remain right there until it has been properly identified by witnesses.” He peered down at his side, where the case lay, just out of sight behind his bench. Firiona returned to her seat and allowed herself a tiny smile.

“Now then,” said Arvelion, “I would like to call one Guard Heptal to the stand, if you please?”

A tall guardsman moved to the front of the courtroom and took his place in front of the jury. Judge Wiggins glared down at him from under beetled brows and challenged him, “Guard Heptal, you must speak only the truth, by your oath of fealty and your honor as a guardsman, do you understand?”

Heptal nodded quickly. Arvelion faced him and cleared his throat delicately before beginning. “Heptal, please tell us under what circumstances you first met the accused, if you would?”

The tall guard’s face reddened slightly, unaccustomed as he was to public speaking. “Well, sor, y’see, I was comin’ out of the gate, to take m’ place on duty, y’know. An’, y’see, here was this halflin’ just walkin’ up t’ me, with this big ol’ case in his arms. Just as brazen as can be, y’know, walkin’ up to th’ gates an’ grinnin’. So I says to m’self, I says, hmmm… somethin’s funny about that one, I just know it. So I walks up to him and I says, HOLD! That’s what we says to strangers, y’know. So he stops and I looks and sure enough, there he is, big as day, holdin’ a case o’ Blackburrow Stout, he was! I know that’s got to be smuggled, since it isn’t legal here in Highkeep or parts hereabouts, so I takes it and I arrests him, Your Lordship, sir. And there he sits, plain as day, he does. Right over there.” He pointed at Dreezil.

Dreezil frowned unhappily. The judge ducked down behind his bench, momentarily out of sight of all onlookers. A tiny pop and hiss could be heard if you were close enough, though no one but Dreezil actually was. He tilted his head to the side slightly and looked over, puzzled. The judge popped back up and Dreezil could see a slight flush on his face from this close distance.

Arvelion continued, “How did he say he had come by the contraband, Heptal? Would you please tell the Court?”

“Well, um…” Heptal hesitated, “I didn’t exactly… er… well, y’see, I didn’t question him m’self, y’know. I took him t’ Carson McCabe, y’see, an’ he told me t’ put th’ rogue in a cell, is what happened, y’know. But the only place he could’ve got it is from some gnoll from Blackburrow o’course. Everybody knows that’s where it comes from, y’see, an’ so that’s where he must’ve got it.”

“Have you ever seen this kind of contraband before, Heptal?”

“Yup, I sure have, yer chamberlainship, I sure have. They’s always runnin’ it through the pass, those gnolls. That Gunrich o’er in Misty Thicket, he’s part o’ this, y’can count on it, y’can.”

“So you are something of an expert on this smuggling ring, then, eh, Heptal?”

The guard preened visibly. “I am at that, y’know. Yes, I am.”

Arvelion smiled and turned to Firiona. “You may cross-examine, if you like, milady.” He bowed obsequiously.

Firiona stood up and walked over to Guard Heptal. “Thank you, Arvelion,” she smiled, “and thank you, too, Guard Heptal, for your expert witness here today. I see you have had a lot of experience uncovering and breaking smuggling rings, eh?”

Heptal grinned back, openly admiring Firiona. “Yes, milady, if I do say so m’self, I’ve probably done more than any other guard in Highkeep t’ keep things safe that way. Yep. That’s what I’d say.”

“You said that you saw the defendant heading toward the gates when you first saw him, is that correct?”

Heptal nodded enthusiastically. “Yep. That’s what he was doin’. Headin’ right toward th’ gate. Funniest thing I ever saw. Him smugglin’ an’ headin’ right toward a guard,” he chuckled.

“Do you often notice smugglers walking right up to the gates with incriminating evidence for you to seize?”

Heptal looked a little confused. “Well, no, o’course not, milady. That’s what’s so funny about it. He just walked right up and let me arrest him. Oddest thing I ever seen, it was.” As he spoke, the judge chortled to himself softly. He ducked his head under his desk again for a moment or two while all eyes were on Firiona and the witness.

Firiona continued, “Did it occur to you that perhaps there might be something more to the defendant’s presence than met the eye? That perhaps he was not, in fact, a smuggler, but rather that he might have been attempting to produce evidence against some other perpetrator?”

The guard stammered and then coughed a little, “Well, no, milady Firiona, o’course it didn’t. He is a rogue, after all. I mean, you can see he wears the guild emblem. Rogues don’t help the guards, y’know,” he laughed in wonder, trying to imagine anyone not knowing that.

“So, then, the fact that Dreezil is a rogue is what made you believe he was a smuggler, is that it?”

“Of course it is!” Heptal looked at Firiona in surprised confusion.

Judge Wiggins leaned down behind his bench for a bit and came back up with his face flushed red. He put his hand over his mouth to muffle a belch. Firiona looked over and grinned slightly. She nodded to herself and turned back to Arvelion. “Would you care to cross-examine, Lord Chamberlain?”

“Why, Firiona, I believe the prosecution has made its case rather well already, thank you.” The chamberlain smiled down his nose at Firiona.

“That will be all, you may step down.” Firiona watched Guard Heptal march back to a seat in front of the courtroom. She then turned back to the judge and looking him in the eye said, “At this time, I’d like to call Carson McCabe to the stand, Your Honor.”

Dreezil Pockitdip Framed

Dreezil accompanied Firiona during many subsequent adventures, right up to her fateful visit to the Ring of Scale. When the memories of the party were stolen by the dragons, he was transported magically back to his hometown of Rivervale with no recollection of the events. He spent the next few years dabbling in various trade skills, becoming rather adept at the chemistries of poison along the way.

In his own later travels, Dreezil had many opportunities to visit with Gunrich, the goblin who lived out on Skeleton Hill in Misty Thicket. Gunrich had been aiding the Deeppockets in their smuggling activities for longer than Dreezil could remember. In one of their conversations, Gunrich let it slip that he’d been caught with a case of Blackburrow Stout while in High Pass and though he expected to be treated badly, the guard who accosted him asked for a bribe instead. Gunrich chuckled to himself as though he’d made a wise choice in giving the guard his case of stout. Dreezil fingered his chin thoughtfully as he pondered this development. Why would one of the Highpass guards be so easily swayed, he wondered? Perhaps there was some mystery there that he could root out.

The halfling lad headed back through Rivervale and the forest of Kithicor on his way to the castle area. As he reached the High Pass, he slowed his pace and watched carefully. His instincts for caution were aroused and he trod cautiously. Sneaking up behind a large rock near moonrise one late evening, he eavesdropped on two guards who seemed to be somewhat tipsy. Every so often, they would pull something from a large skin pack that clinked when it was moved. Dreezil recognized the sound of ceramic jugs. Blackburrow Stout was his guess.

Dreezil stood quietly, breathing evenly so that nothing would draw the attention of the guards. Of course, they were fairly well intoxicated by this point so his caution may have been unnecessary, but Dreezil never became complacent. That was one of his strongest qualities. He was not one to be lazy about things. He watched as one and then the other of the guards began to nod and drifted into a deep sleep. Only their snores punctuated the night air.

The little rogue waited yet a bit longer, and then, when he felt the time was right, moved in slowly and picked up the skin sack. He looked around carefully and picked up all the still-full bottles he could find. He would need those as evidence, he thought. These guards were corrupt and the authorities must know of it. Dreezil salivated just a bit at the thought of the reward they would no doubt force upon him. He smiled to himself.

He headed toward the castle keep, still smiling smugly and headed for the castle gates. Looking up at the first tall human he encountered, Dreezil opened his mouth to speak, but got no further than a startled squawk as he recognized the very guard from whom he’d stolen the sack! The guard grabbed him by the arms, picking him up and throwing him, sack and all, over his shoulder.

“AHA! Now I’ve found you, you smuggling thief! Carson McCabe will be pleased to hear that you were so considerate as to walk right into the castle and give yourself up!” The second guard took the skin bag and hefted it. It clinked as he did so and the first guard smiled knowingly. “We’ll just show him this bag as evidence, sure enough!” The two guards headed into the castle, with Dreezil struggling and protesting all the way.

When they took him before Carson McCabe, they had transferred eight bottles of the stout to a wooden case, leaving the rest in the sack and hiding it in their chambers on the way to the council room. When they arrived, Carson looked closely at Dreezil and recognized the guild symbol on his collar. Having the sign of the Deeppockets on him, Dreezil was clearly identified as a rogue and therefore, to McCabe, a scoundrel as well. He ignored the halfling’s protests of innocence and viewed the contents of the wooden case as proof of the halfling’s crime. He sent the guards to confine him in the dungeon.

The first guard took great pleasure in escorting him down to the dank cells in the lower levels of the keep. Worse yet, they chained his hands far apart on the wall beside him – standard practice for those with acknowledged lockpicking skills. Dreezil looked confused and forlorn as the great iron cell doors clanged shut. The other prisoners stared hopelessly and took no notice of him. By the looks of them, they’d been all but forgotten down here. Dreezil stood there, shocked and amazed at this turn of events. It wasn’t until the sun went down outside the tiny cell window and the darkness descended on him that he realized his predicament. It hadn’t seemed possible that this could happen, but there he was and he had no idea what he would do next.

Languishing away in his cell, the days and weeks all seemed to meld together into one long, endless, boring, miserable nightmare of an existence. He heard whispers and caught pieces of conversation echoing through the dungeon that told him that something terrible was happening in the world. He heard rumors that High Hold was under attack and that his hometown of Rivervale was taken over briefly. He assumed from the sounds of revelry some unknown days later, that the situation had resolved itself in of favor Carson McCabe and High Hold. The same guards brought his lukewarm gruel after all so it didn’t seem like the place was under new management. He missed his family and feared for what may have become of them, only adding to his ceaseless misery.

Firiona and Sionachie traveled through Antonica for many weeks, finally coming into Rivervale in their search for Dreezil. They came upon Wurrin and Teezil in a burrow not far from the local inn, known as the Fool’s Gold. A fitting name, Firiona thought, for an establishment that encouraged gambling and housed the local rogue’s guild. Wurrin and Teezil welcomed the paladin warmly.

“Welcome t’ our home, me lady!” The diminutive halfling woman smiled up at Firiona and scurried to find the largest chair to offer. “Me ‘husband an’ me, we’ve heard a great deal about ye lately! ‘Tis said ye defeated th’ Child o’ Hate in Kithicor, it is! My, my, ye must be a powerful swordmaiden indeed!”

Wurrin coughed behind one hand as he nodded. A gent of few words, was Wurrin. He pulled out a briar pipe and began to pack it with tobacco. He listened to his wife ramble on and watched the high elf lady from under his beetled brow. He sat in the corner, missing nothing.

“Thank you, Teezil, your hospitality is second to none, to be sure,” Firiona smiled, “but I was hoping you could help us with a bit of information as well…?”

At this remark, Wurrin looked up sharply and puffed on his pipe, slowly blowing out the blue-white smoke in tiny rings.

“Really, me lady? What kind o’ information might sech as we have f’r ye?” Teezil folded her hands across her apron as she stared, puzzled, at the high elf lady.

“It concerns your son, Dreezil…” Firiona began. Teezil’s eyes grew wide, and Wurrin blew another set of rings into the dim air of the burrow.

“Dreezil has been a companion of mine in the past, as you know, and I would find him again. I’ve missed his ready wit and his skills with locks are second to none. In my travels, it would be useful to have one with his abilities nearby, and the Lady Tunare has charged me with gathering up my companions. I have not been able to find Dreezil’s whereabouts, which is not unusual for a rogue of his inestimable skills, so I thought I would pay you a visit and see if you could direct me.”

Teezil’s eyes clouded up a bit and she blinked, twice. “He was arrested in Highkeep, they tell me, me lady. For smugglin’. I KNOW my Dreezil wouldnae do sech a thin’, ’tis nae possible. I jus’ know it. He’s a good boy, ‘e is.” Teezil wrung her hands together as she rambled on.

“Now, now, goodwife, I will see what I can do for your Dreezil. I know him to be an honest young man and I will find him and rectify this situation if I can. I promise you I will find out the truth and do all I can for him.” The tall half elf woman stood and smiled down at Teezil and Wurrin. “I will not trouble you further this day, my friends. My Lady has bidden me hurry in my tasks, and I must find Dreezil as soon as I may. Fare ye well.”

Firiona nodded at Sionachie and the two left, bending one blonde head and one red one to exit the door in the earthen burrow. The two stretched unconsciously after having been inside, and set out through the forest or Kithicor on their way to Highpass.

Carson McCabe stood in the throne room of the High Keep. He looked around at his chamberlain and advisors, listening to them recount the myriad problems that were his to resolve during his afternoon session. A muffled disturbance from outside caught his ear and he looked up curiously. Two guards opened the door and ushered in a familiar elf woman and her half-elf friend. Carson smiled.

“Firiona! How good to see you! And this must be Sionachie. I’ve heard of your ability with the mandolin, my dear, and your excellent singing voice. I certainly hope Firiona plans to stay here with us for a spell, so that you might favor us with a song or two?”

Sionachie blushed slightly and smiled. “Thank you, sir, for your kind words. But I believe Firiona has business to attend to.” She looked over at the paladin expectantly. Firiona nodded back.

“Yes, Carson, that is true. You see, I have been looking for a certain halfling lad, by the name of Dreezil. I understand he was here in Highpass Hold? Do you know anything about it?”

Carson looked over at Arvelion, the chamberlain. The man’s bald head gleamed with sweat as he stepped up to answer. The gold chain around his neck jingled with its burden of keys. “Yes, sire, I believe that is the name of the smuggler we apprehended and have incarcerated in our dungeon.” He looked at the two women, his eyes slightly narrowed. “Caught him red-handed, we did,” he said.

Firiona raised both eyebrows and stared at the man, whose narrow mustache and sparse beard appeared very black against his pale face. She waited for him to continue.

“Er… he was carrying the contraband when he was caught!” He said earnestly. “In fact, I locked it up in the stores myself!” Sweat began to trickle down his forehead. Firiona continued to stare.

Carson stepped up to his chamberlain and touched him lightly on the shoulder. “Go, Arvelion, bring it here. I would like to see it myself.” He very gently pushed on Arvelion’s shoulder, just enough to get him started. The skinny chamberlain glided away with the faint sound of jingling keys. Several minutes later, he returned with a wooden crate in his arms. Bottles tinked softly against one another as he walked.

“There, you see? We caught him with it, red-handed!” The chamberlain’s face was more than a little flushed by the exertion and his earnest assertions. Firiona peered into the case and pulled out one brown bottle by its neck. She held it up to the light and examined the thick dark stout through the glass.

“Yes, it does indeed appear to be Blackburrow Stout,” said Firiona as she lowered the bottle back into the case. “You say my little friend smuggled this? How long is his jail sentence?”

Carson’s brow furrowed. “Sentence? He’ll sit down there till he rots as far as I’m concerned. Rogues like that are not to be trusted. Particularly the halflings. They’re a scurrilous lot.”

Firiona’s expression grew bland and she tilted her head slightly to one side. “Then he hasn’t had a trial yet?”

“TRIAL?!” Carson laughed loud enough to rattle the bottles in the crate. “For a halfling smuggler? I wouldn’t waste my time!”

Firiona’s eyelids lowered just slightly and her voice was very soft as she spoke, “Then perhaps I can arrange for a judge to come here and hear his case. I will represent him myself. He can have a jury as well. I know you are a fair and honorable man, McCabe. And I know you to be just, as well. It will be no trouble to you at all. I’ll see to everything personally.”

Carson sputtered and his face flushed red. “Oh, dear. If you must, Firiona, then you must. I will agree to abide by whatever decision is made.”

“Nonsense, Carson! I’d be happy to do it. In the interests of justice, of course.” Firiona smiled sweetly and gestured toward the case of stout. “May I take this for safekeeping?”

Carson McCabe’s puzzled frown disappeared in a resigned smile when he could think of no reason to deny her and he nodded. “Certainly, my dear. Why not? Don’t drink it all in one sitting now!” He chuckled at his own joke. “Make yourselves comfortable. Arvelion will show you to your chambers and see that you have everything you require. I must finish my work, now. Welcome, Firiona, and you too, Sionachie.”” He smiled again and turned back to his advisors as the women followed Arvelion out of the hall.


You say, ‘who is carson mccabe’

Tarn Visilin says ‘Carson McCabe is the ruler of Highpass Hold. It was his father, Sean McCabe, who established this great community.’

You say, ‘where is carson mccabe’

Tarn Visilin says ‘Carson McCabe resides in the royal chambers of Highkeep. If you wish to meet with him, do so when he is on the lower levels of the keep. He does not like visitors in the upper levels.’

You say, ‘who is lady mccabe’

Tarn Visilin says ‘A stunning lady if I ever saw one. There is truly a rose missing from the gardens of Erudin. Just look, but do not touch. She is the spouse of Carson McCabe himself. How even he won the heart of a lady as beautiful as that is an amazement to us all.’

You say, ‘where is lady mccabe’

Tarn Visilin says ‘I would assume that she would be in the royal chambers in the highest levels of Highkeep.’

You say, ‘Hail, Captain Bosec’

Captain Bosec says ‘I’m Captain Bosec, and I am the officer in charge down here. It’s my job to patrol the prison and try to keep any [goblins] from getting into Highpass.’

You say, ‘what goblins’

Captain Bosec says ‘Help us exterminate these vile creatures. They call themselves the [Pickclaw] Clan.. I call them annoying. I will gladly pay big money for the left ear of every goblin slain.’

You say, ‘what pickclaw’

Captain Bosec says ‘A couple of months ago, Carson decided to add some more floors beneath the keep. During the construction, we came across these tunnels.. and these goblins. Work has been temporarily halted until we can completely clear out this Pickclaw infestation.’

You say, ‘who is carson mccabe’

Captain Bosec says ‘Carson runs this place. I wouldn’t cross him; he seems like a pretty ruthless guy. I hear he’s got connections all over Antonica!’

You say, ‘what is highkeep’

Captain Bosec says ‘The keep is in the center of Highpass Hold. The keep was made in a natural cave and then expanded over the past few years. I hear they are currently adding some new floors beneath it.’

You say, ‘what is highpass’

Captain Bosec says ‘Highpass Hold is run by [Carson McCabe], who lives in the keep. It’s a rough place here, but you can easily make a quick buck.’

You say, ‘Hail, Princess Lenia’

Princess Lenia says ‘Hello, kind sir! Please rescue me. I am a princess and can give you a generous reward. First, talk with a high elf named Tearon. He should have something for you that will help me to escape.’

You say, ‘Who is mistress anna’

a guard says ‘Mistress! Aptly named, that one. You are speaking of the Highpass hussy. That is what everyone calls her, at least behind her back, that is. Just as Highpass, she is beautiful and frequently traveled. I have heard rumors that Carson has been seeing her, but how can that be true? He has Lady McCabe. What else does he need?’

You say, ‘what highpass hussy’

a guard says ‘Looking for a good time, are we? You’d best leave that wench alone. Mistress Anna is said to be the sole property of Carson McCabe now.’

You say, ‘who is carson mccabe’

Mistress Anna says ‘Who is Carson?! He is the great ruler of Highhold. It was his father who first built the community of Highhold, but it was Carson who made it what it is today. He is the smartest and most handsome gentleman you could meet and he is my lover. So keep your eyes focused on my eyes when speaking or I shall have you sent to the dungeons!’

You say, ‘who is lady mccabe’

Mistress Anna says ‘Never mention that name in front of me!! Carson McCabe would be mine if it were not for that witch! She is not even from Antonica! She is an Erudite! No doubt Carson must have gotten sloshed one night and wed her by mistake. Carson assures me that he shall be rid of her as soon as his clerks can make the proper documents of separation.’

You say, ‘who is princess lenya’

Mistress Anna says ‘What do you know of the Princess? Are you [working for Lady McCabe] or were you [sent by someone else]?’

You say, ‘i am working for lady mccabe’

Mistress Anna says ‘Then may I suggest you pick the closest window and jump out?!!’

You say, ‘i was sent by someone else’

Mistress Anna says ‘I see. The Princess was being held by Lady McCabe. The one who would know of her whereabouts is a dark elf named Tyrana, but I doubt she will tell you. You will have to beat it out of her and then find a shackle key for little miss ‘princess.’ I regularly meet with Marlin, the locksmith, at night in room six at Rooster’s in Highpass. Do me a favor and kill the disgusting creep. You will find the shackle key you need on him. Now, get out of here!’

You say, ‘what highpass hussy’

Mistress Anna says ‘What!! You dare to use that title upon me?! I shall see you dead by my own hands!!’

You say, ‘Hail, Tearon Bleanix’

Tearon Bleanix says ‘Beware!!.. Beware, the Teir’Dal walk the halls of Highkeep!!’

You say, ‘who is princess lenya’

Tearon Bleanix says ‘The Princess Lenya Thex is the daughter of His Royal Majesty, King Tearis Thex of Felwithe. She was on her way to Qeynos when we believe she was kidnapped by Carson McCabe, the governor of this vile city. I await the paladin from Felwithe.’

You say, ‘Hail, Carson McCabe’

Carson McCabe says ‘Good to meet you, Xiea! I hope you are enjoying your time in High Hold. We have the finest food and entertainment around. All I ask is that you do not spend your time on the top floor of Highkeep. Those are my personal living quarters. Other than that, SPEND AND INDULGE!!’

Princess Lenya

This quest begins with Tynkale in Northern Felwithe. It’s fairly long and involved with several parts to it.

You say, ‘Hail, Tynkale’

Tynkale says ‘Hail noble, _____! Can you be of [service to the Clerics of Tunare] or are you not from our order?’

You say, ‘I can be of service to the Clerics of Tunare.’

Tynkale says ‘That is good. Prove yourself, then. Are you [new to Felwithe] or have I been conversing with a [veteran of the good fight]?’

You say, ‘I am a veteran of the good fight.’

Tynkale says ‘I command you to venture to Innothule and seek a beast called Jojongua, a name penned by the trolls. It is said to be ten feet tall and nothing but fury. Some say it resembles a kobold, but how can that be? You bring this beast’s hide to me and then I will believe you to be a veteran. Beware! Innothule is a very dangerous place even for a noble veteran.’

Jojongua is found in the aptly named “Jojongua’s Tower.” Loot the Very Large Pelt and take it back to Tynkale.

Tynkale says ‘So you have proven yourself to be a great slayer of beasts. Now it is time to prove yourself to be an asset to the Crown. You are to meet a man named Tolon Nurbyte. He will be at the local inn. Go to him and repeat the phrase, ‘The glory of the Mother shines bright.’ I can say no more. Oh.. and here. This may help you on your upcoming adventure.’

Your faction standing with Clerics of Tunare got better.
Your faction standing with King Tearis Thex got better.
Your faction standing with Anti-Mage got better.
You gain experience!!

Head to Travelers Home Inn in North Felwithe. Inkeeper Freegraze is on the left when you enter the building, and may be located using Find (Ctrl-F).

You say, ‘Hail, Inkeeper Freegraze’

You say, ‘Where is Tolon Nurbyte?’

Inkeeper Freegraze says ‘So you are inquiring about Mister Tolon Nurbyte, eh? He is on the second floor, last door on the right. You two had best not be up to any mischief. The pair of you look a little shifty for the kingdom of Felwithe.’

Head upstairs as directed.

Tolon Nurbyte is found at location 155, -350, 17.

You say, ‘Hail, Tolon Nurbyte’

Tolon Nurbyte says ‘Didn’t your mother teach you not to walk in other people’s rooms without knocking?! You didn’t even have the courtesy to close the door behind you!!’

You say, ‘The glory of the Mother shines bright.’

Tolon Nurbyte says ‘So you’re the slayer of Jojongua. Funny, I thought you would be taller. I guess you will have to do. I am Tolon Nurbyte of the Silent Watch. We do all the dirty work of King Tearis Thex. No one knows of us. So I hope you accept this mission or I will have to kill you. Do you [accept the mission] or do you [wish to leave]?’

You say, ‘I accept the mission.’

Tolon Nurbyte says ‘In her mortal life, Kaya Rishareth was a keeper of tranquility and served her beloved child-like goddess with every fiber of her being. A native to the free city of Freeport, Kaya found herself traveling on her own as soon as her master would allow. Erudin was the destination she chose and it was the temples dedicated to The Tranquil where she sought to learn more about her goddess and perhaps share philosophies and knowledge with the High Men. Erudin received her graciously and for nearly a year, she studied the High Men’s way of worship and reverence to their shared deity. However, tranquility is easily disrupted and those who seek it, must also [defend it].’

If you say “I wish to leave”, he attacks you.

You say, ‘I wish to leave’

Tolon Nurbyte says ‘There is only insufferable labor and merciless torment here, stranger. Kaya Rishareth has condemned her eternal self to servitude in the War Forge — her selfless act malignantly repaid by the gods with this existence. Her spirit died here long ago and her life’s [effort and struggles] were ultimately for naught.’

You say, ‘Who is Princess Lenya Thex?’

Tolon Nurbyte says ‘What?!! You have word of the Princess? She has been missing for quite a while. I sent Tearon to Tunaria to search for her, but he has not reported back. If you wish to help, you’d better prove yourself worthy first. I believe you should talk to Tynkale.’

At this point, do the “Highpass Lottery” quest to get the key to the royal suite, “Highkeep Royal Suite” and use it to open the door to Tearon Bleanix.

You say, ‘Hail, Tearon Bleanix’

Tearon Bleanix says ‘Beware!!.. Beware, the Teir’Dal walk the halls of Highkeep!!’

You say, ‘Who is Princess Lenya Thex?’

Tearon Bleanix says ‘The Princess Lenya Thex is the daughter of His Royal Majesty, King Tearis Thex of Felwithe. She was on her way to Qeynos when we believe she was kidnapped by Carson McCabe, the governor of this vile city. I await the paladin from Felwithe.’

You say, ‘All is not bright above the clouds’

Tearon Bleanix says ‘Taken from this place she has been. Seek the Highpass hussy. Ask of her. Only she knows where. Find the Princess. Give her this. Show your allegiance. This and her key. Then return the room key to me with the prize from the princess. Become a hero!!’

You receive “Tearon’s Bracer”.

The Highpass Hussy Tearon referred to is Mistress Anna. You learn this by talking to most any NPC in highkeep (such as the guards) and asking them “Who is Mistress Anna?”

You say, ‘Who is Mistress Anna?’

Guard Mytin says ‘Mistress! Aptly named, that one. You are speaking of the Highpass hussy. That is what everyone calls her, at least behind her back, that is. Just as Highpass, she is beautiful and frequently traveled. I have heard rumors that Carson has been seeing her, but how can that be true? He has Lady McCabe. What else does he need?’

Find Mistress Anna.

You say, ‘Hail, Mistress Anna’

Mistress Anna says ‘Yes? I don’t often converse with the servants of Highkeep, but what do you want? I am a very good friend of Carson McCabe’s. If I wished it so, you could be sent to the dungeons to converse with the artisans of pain.’

You say, ‘Who is Princess Lenya?’

Mistress Anna says ‘What do you know of the Princess? Are you [working for Lady McCabe] or were you [sent by someone else]?’

You say, ‘I was sent by someone else’

Mistress Anna says ‘I see. The Princess was being held by Lady McCabe. The one who would know of her whereabouts is a dark elf named Tyrana, but I doubt she will tell you. You will have to beat it out of her and then find a shackle key for little miss ‘princess.’ I regularly meet with Marlin, the locksmith, at night in room six at Rooster’s in Highpass. Do me a favor and kill the disgusting creep. You will find the shackle key you need on him. Now, get out of here!’

You say, ‘I am working for Lady McCabe’

Mistress Anna says ‘Then may I suggest you pick the closest window and jump out?!!’

Find Tyrana Slil and attack.

Tyrana Slil says ‘Guards! Guards! Help me!!’

Your faction standing with Carson McCabe got worse.
Your faction standing with Coalition of Tradefolk Underground got worse.
Your faction standing with Ring of Scale got better.
Your faction standing with Highpass Guards got worse.
Your faction standing with Merchants of Highpass got worse.
You have slain Tyrana Slil!

Loot “Fish Food Vial” (a container) and “Torn Parchment” (a note explaining how to create fish food using the fish food vial).

In the Fish Food Vial, place (unstacked) three “Fairy Dust” and one “Sand of Ro”. Hit combine, to make “Fish food”. (No-fail, non-tradeskill combine.)

Find Marlin Shirtov in Highpass Hold. Mistress Anna asked you to kill him but, you do not need to. He spawns at 9 PM game-time (using /time) and then despawns later in the day.

You say, ‘Hail, Marlin Shirtov’

Marlin Shirtov says ‘What are you doing in here? I requested no room service. Now leave, quickly, before Mistress Anna comes!’

You say, ‘Who is Mistress Anna?’

Marlin Shirtov says ‘Mistress Anna is my lover. She will wed me as soon as she is through mourning the loss of her ex-lover. Until then, I shall continue to keep her well. She assures me she will be over it soon. I am sure she loves me. She meets with me often. ‘At 9 in 6,’ she always says.’

You say, ‘Who is Princess Lenya Thex?’

Marlin Shirtov says ‘What was that about Princess Lenya? You know her? I feel sorry for her. I wish I had the courage to help her. I made the key for her special shackles. Maybe you can rescue her. Tell you what, I have always wanted to venture to Qeynos to buy a silk evening tunic for Mistress Anna. You go and get me it and I shall give you the key to Princess Lenya’s shackles.’

Go to South Qeynos and buy “Silk Evening Tunic” from Iana Lenard.

Iala Lenard says ‘Welcome to my humble establishment! I specialize in cloth, but lately I have begun to dabble in silk, the finest material I have ever used.’

Return to Highpass Hold and give Marlin Shirtov the “Silk Evening Tunic”:

Marlin Shirtov says ‘Ahh!! The silk evening tunic. Mistress Anna will look stunning in this.

Here is the key to Princess Lenya’s cell. Good luck, hero!’

Your faction standing with Merchants of Highpass got better.
Your faction standing with Highpass Guards got better.
Your faction standing with Carson McCabe got better.
You gain experience!!

You receive a “Brass Key”.

Find “a royal fish” in Lake Rathetear:

You say, ‘Hail, a royal fish’

a royal fish flutters about and seems to be staring back at you as if reading and understanding your thoughts!!

Give the “Fish Food” to “a royal fish”:

a royal fish gladly gulps up your odd mixture and transforms into..!!
Your faction standing with Clerics of Tunare got better.
Your faction standing with King Tearis Thex got better.
Your faction standing with Anti-Mage got better.
You gain experience!!

Princess Lenya Thex shouts ‘I am free.. ‘ She motions to you to follow her to shore.’

a royal fish changes into a beautiful princess!!

The princess spawns in place of the royal fish. The “a royal fish” also respawns nearby a few seconds later.

You say, ‘Hail, Princess Lenya Thex’

Princess Lenya Thex says ‘I am rescued from the hands of the Teir’Dal! I am grateful. Show me your [proof of allegiance] along with a key to remove these [dark shackles] and I shall reward thee.’

You say, ‘What proof of allegiance?’

Princess Lenya Thex says ‘When I speak of proof of allegiance, I speak of proof you were sent by one of the [Silent Watch].’

You say, ‘What dark shackles?’

Princess Lenya Thex says ‘My Teir’Dal captors have placed magical shackles upon me. The shackles prevent me from using my magic to transport myself home nor do they allow me to venture far from Lake Rathetear. I will require special shackle keys from Highkeep.’

You say, ‘What Silent Watch?’

Princess Lenya Thex says ‘The Silent Watch are the Royal Family’s guardians. If you run into one, maybe he’ll teach you a lesson or two!’

Give the princess the “Brass Key” and “Tearon’s Bracer”:

Princess Lenya Thex says ‘I will require both the shackle key for the [dark shackles] and some [proof of allegiance].’

Princess Lenya Thex says ‘You have saved me!! ______, you are my hero!! Take my amulet and the royal suite key to Tearon in Highkeep. Help put his soul at ease and he shall reward you. Now I must go.. I am sorry I cannot transport you as well, but my powers are weak from much swimming. Farewell, brave soul!’

Your faction standing with Clerics of Tunare got better.
Your faction standing with King Tearis Thex got better.
Your faction standing with Anti-Mage got better.
You gain experience!!

You receive a Royal Thex Amulet.

Return to Highkeep and find Tearon Bleanix.

NOTE: You will be turning in the key used to open the door here, so you may want to step out into the hallway while the trade window is still open so that you are not stuck in the room once the turnin is complete.

Give him the “Highkeep Royal Suite” (key) and the “Royal Thex Amulet”:

Tearon Bleanix says ‘Royal am..amulet and the key to this room.. Then I will be in peace.’

Tearon Bleanix says ‘Peace.. I can rest now. You now hold my Silent Watch Shield. Protect Felwithe..’

Your faction standing with Clerics of Tunare got better.
Your faction standing with King Tearis Thex got better.
Your faction standing with Anti-Mage got better.
You gain experience!!

You receive a Silent Watch Shield.

NOTE: Tearon despawns upon the turnin, but respawns a short time after.

Knargon Lanenda Courier

You say, ‘hail Knargon Lanenda’

Knargon Lanenda says ‘Hey.. What’s up? My name’s Knargon Lanenda. I just came over here from [Freeport] a couple of months ago. I used to run a big business importing goods from [Faydwer]. If you’ve been to [Freeport], I’m sure you’ve heard of me.

You say, ‘where is freeport?’

Knargon Lanenda says ‘It’s a long way from here. . .which is a good thing for me.

You say, ‘where is faydwer?’

Knargon Lanenda says ‘It’s a long way from here. . .which is a good thing for me.

You say, ‘who is Jracol?’

Knargon Lanenda says ‘I don’t know why [Carson] likes that guy. . .he’s certainly been nothing but trouble for me.

You say, ‘who is carson?’

Knargon Lanenda says ‘Carson McCabe? He runs that sham of a fortress called [Highpass Hold]. We’ve been dealing with him for a few years, now, but lately, he seems to be losing control of his business. [Hanns] will whip him into shape pretty soon though, I’ll bet.

You say, ‘where is Highpass hold?’

Knargon Lanenda says ‘It’s a long way from here. . .which is a good thing for me.

You say, ‘who is hanns?’

Knargon Lanenda says ‘He is genuinely dangerous. If you think otherwise, you won’t be thinking for long.

You say, ‘what is the shipment?’

Knargon Lanenda says ‘We have a small shipment of goods coming in later tonight. The [courier] will be waiting outside the city gates. Casually tell the courier, ‘Lovely night for a stroll,’ and give him this old card as proof that you work for us. Make certain you are not followed and return the shipment to me.

At this point you get given a bent playing card .

You say, ‘what courier?’

Knargon Lanenda says ‘The courier that usually runs [McCabe]’s shipment is that good-for-nothing J’Racol. I don’t trust his kind.

You say, ‘who is McCabe?’

Knargon Lanenda says ‘Carson McCabe? He runs that sham of a fortress called [Highpass Hold]. We’ve been dealing with him for a few years, now, but lately, he seems to be losing control of his business. [Hanns] will whip him into shape pretty soon though, I’ll bet.

Go outside of the city gates, turn right and head for location 1104.62, -862.16, 3.75 where you will find Jracol Brestiage.

You say, ‘hail Jracol Brestiage’

Jracol Brestiage says ‘You’d better run along, if ya know what’s best for ya!

You say, ‘lovely night for a stroll’

Jracol Brestiage says ‘Yes, it is a lovely night for a walk, especially with a good friend. Tell me, are you a [friend]?

You say, ‘I am a friend’

Jracol Brestiage says ‘My memory is a bit fuzzy. If you are a friend, you must prove it to me.

Now give Jracol Brestiage the bent playing card for the following response:

Jracol Brestiage says ‘Ah, good, it seems we have much in common after all. Take this back to the Circle, before the city guards come nosing around over here.

Your faction standing with Carson McCabe got better
Your faction standing with Coalition of Tradefolk Underground got better
Your faction standing with Ring of Scale got worse
Your faction standing with Highpass Guards got better
Your faction standing with Merchants of Highpass got better
You gain experience!!

You get given a Sealed Note for Knargon . Click here to read the note. Take the note back to Knargon Lanenda and give it to him for the following response:

Knargon Lanenda says ‘Hmm. Carson better deal with his little ‘problem’ soon, it’s costing us a lot of money. Hanns is gonna skin us all when he hears this. Go tell Hanns that [Carson has a mole in the Highpass] guards, and see what he wants us to do.

Your faction standing with Circle Of Unseen Hands got better
Your faction standing with Merchants of Qeynos got worse
Your faction standing with Corrupt Qeynos Guards got better
Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos got worse
Your faction standing with Kane Bayle got better
You gain experience!!

Find Hanns Krieghor at location 25.96, 149.62, -27.25 in the Thieves Guild underneath Crows and talk to him:

You say, ‘hail Hanns Krieghor’

Hanns Krieghor says ‘My name is Hanns.. Do as I say, and we shall get along just fine.

You say, ‘carson has a mole in highpass’

Hanns Krieghor says ‘Arrggh, that Carson can’t control anything! Sometimes he’s practically useless. Go tell Zannsin that [I want him to send some of his men to Prak in Highpass], to help Carson get back on track.

Your faction standing with CircleOfUnseenHands got better

Now find Zannsin Resdinet at location 145.12, 167.80, -29.25 in the Thieves Guild underneath Crows and talk to him:

You say, ‘hail Zannsin Resdinet’

Zannsin Resdinet says ‘Hey.. My name’s Zannsin, but you can call me [Zan].

You say, ‘hello zan’

Zannsin Resdinet says ‘That’s what they call me. Now quit bugging me, I have work to do.

You say, ‘Hanns a says that he wants you to send some of his men to Prak in highpass’

Zannsin Resdinet says ‘Hmm, I see. Maybe you can help us out with this, Runengetum , huh? I think it’d be a perfect opportunity for you to prove just how valuable you are to our little organization. Take this letter to Prak at the Golden Rooster in Highpass, and see what you can do to help him out.

You get given a Letter for Prak . Travel to Highpass and find Prak downstairs in the Golden Roster at 329.16, -254.98, 3.75.

You say, ‘hail Prak’

Prak says ‘Yeah, hello. I’m Prak, co-owner of the Golden Rooster. If you’re thirsty, we have some great imported ales at our bar. If you’re looking for a little excitement, try your hand at a little King’s Court. We aim to please, my friend.

Give the Note to Prak for the following response:

Prak says ‘Hmm, I see. We think we’ve found out who the mole is in Carson’s guards, some guy named Stald. We need to get rid of this guy as quickly, and as quietly, as possible. Carson doesn’t want to cause a stink by eliminating one of his own men, so he asked us to do it. What about you? Do you think [you could get rid of Stald] for us?

Your faction standing with Carson McCabe got better
Your faction standing with Coalition of Tradefolk Underground got better
Your faction standing with Ring of Scale got worse
Your faction standing with Highpass Guards got better
Your faction standing with Merchants of Highpass got better
You gain experience!!

You say, ‘I could get rid of Stald’

Prak says ‘Good.. Zannsin said you had a special talent for this sort of thing, so here’s your chance to prove it. What you need to do is follow Stald on his patrol, and when the coast is clear, take him down. Good luck. Oh yeah.. not that I don’t trust you or anything, but bring me back some sorta proof that Stald is dead, got it?

Find Guard Stald in Highpass at location 138.66, 470.17, 31.75. I killed Guard Stald twice, as the first time he did not drop anything. Beware of some nasty faction adjustments for killing him. He drops Stald’s Badge . Give this badge to Prak for the following response:

Prak says ‘Ah, boy! Looks like I owe Kaden two plat.. I thought you’d fumble it up for sure. Well, you’ve impressed me friend. Here, take this back to Zan.. I’ll make sure to note your fine work to Carson, too, next time we speak.

Your faction standing with Carson McCabe got better.
Your faction standing with Coalition of Tradefolk Underground got better.
Your faction standing with Ring of Scale got worse.
Your faction standing with Highpass Guards got better.
Your faction standing with Merchants of Highpass got better.
You gain experience!!

You also get given a Message for Zannsin . You can read the note here. Now go back to North Qeynos to Zannsin Resdinet at location 145.12, 167.80, -29.25 in the Thieves Guild underneath Crows and give him the note for the following response:

Zannsin Resdinet says ‘Great work, Runengetum .. The Circle is very pleased with your performance of late, and as a small reward for our more trusted members, I give you this.. the cloak of the Unseen Hands. It’s good to know that we can count on you to get the job done.. here, Runengetum , go relax and have some wine, on me.

Your faction standing with Circle Of Unseen Hands got better.
Your faction standing with Merchants of Qeynos got worse.
Your faction standing with Corrupt Qeynos Guards got better.
Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos got worse.
Your faction standing with Kane Bayle got better.
You gain experience!!
You receive 6 silver from Zannsin Resdinet.
You receive 15 gold from Zannsin Resdinet.
You receive 1 platinum from Zannsin Resdinet.

High Guard Battle Staff

Lumi Stergnon in the Temple of Divine Light.

Lumi Stergnon says ‘You have done well, my child. Let me add the touch of harmony to finish the job.. Here, then. Take these supplies. I am sure you’ll need them. Soon you may be able to assist us in [important missions].’

You say, ‘what important missions’

Lumi Stergnon says ‘We have need of skilled priests. We have learned that a High Guard battle staff has been stolen. We require a priest to [track down the staff].’

You say, ‘I will track down the staff’

Lumi Stergnon says ‘In the mountain keep called High Hold, we have heard there is a person hiring mercenaries for an attempt to obtain a High Guard battle staff. We are missing one of our staffs and believe this person has it. Go to Highpass Hold and find this person. Return the High Guard battle staff to me!’

Tallus Holton is in East Karana

You say, ‘Hail, Tallus Holton’

Tallus Holton says ‘Stand and deliver, fool!!’

You have looted a H.K. 401.
You have looted a Staff Segment. (Item[13827])

You say, ‘Hail, Bank Clerk Jaylin’

Bank Clerk Jaylin says ‘Greetings! I am Jaylin Monel, your Highkeep bank clerk. If you are here to close an account, please return your strongbox key to my assistant Kiolna and she will return any items you may have stored.’

Assistant Kiolna is located in Highpass Keep.

You say, ‘Hail, Assistant Kiolna’

Assistant Kiolna says ‘Hello! I am Jaylin’s new assistant, Kiolna. If you wish to hand in your keys, please give them to me and I will be happy to assist you! It is a pleasure doing business with you.’

Hand her H.K. 401

Assistant Kiolna says ‘I am sorry to see you check out. Here is all you had in your box. We hope to serve you again. Have a nice day!! Next!’

Receive Staff Segment.

Lady McCabe is located in Highpass Keep.

You say, ‘Hail, Lady McCabe’

Lady McCabe says ‘Pleasure to meet you, Rcme. What brings you to High Hold? You do not appear to be the gambling type. Then again, you are speaking with me. That is quite a gamble in itself. I just love high rollers. Really, I do!’

You say, ‘what staff segments’

Lady McCabe says ‘I have no idea what you are talking about. Battle staff.. Hmmm.. No, it does not ring a bell.’

Brollus Hoost is located in Kithicor Forest.

You say, ‘Hail, Brollus Hoost’

Brollus Hoost says ‘Hello, friend.’

You say, ‘what battle staff’

Brollus Hoost says ‘I was hired to steal a High Guard battle staff from the High Guard of Erudin. It is a gift for Carson McCabe. I guess he collects weapons.’

Bloody Kithicor: The Council Vol. I-II

Lord Tephys of the Koada’Dal and Carson McCabe of Highkeep stared at each other with long faces over the council table in Highkeep. The meetings were not going well. Upon hearing of the Teir’Dal’s plans of conquest, Tephys had immediately dispatched word to Felwithe petitioning help. He had yet to hear a reply. Carson’s biggest problem in drafting forces for Highkeep was that most of the merchant lords on the council were just that, merchants. They spoke endlessly of buying their way out of the fight, that the goblin was lying, or that they should just cut their losses and leave. Carson and Tephys held no such disillusions. They knew that the Teir’Dal would not bargain, and those that surrendered were doomed to a quick death at best, with a long life of torture and servitude being the alternative. “Have we received any word from Antonius Bayle yet?” Tephys asked, not for the first time since the council had convened. “I’m afraid that my messengers have returned with the same news we expected Lord Tephys,” Carson explained. “He cannot lend us much support, if any, in our struggle. He is afraid, and with good reason, that were he to make any attempt to do so the rival factions in and around Qeynos would be quick to take advantage of the city. He envisions everything from the gnolls of Blackburrow overrunning the city to the Bloodsabers taking it from underneath him. And the sad thing is, I can’t really say I blame him.” “What of Freeport?” asked Taliman Yurick, the leader of the cities brewing merchants. “Surely they’re in the best position to help us, practically bordering Nektulos and all.” “Freeport is in no position to help us either,” Lord Tephys was quick to point out. “The Militia and the Paladins keep each other in check constantly. Both know that if either were to support us the other side would only use it as an excuse to try and take complete control of the city. No my friends, I’m afraid it looks like both of the great cities of Antonica will not be aiding us in this fight. And we can count the dwarves out as well. As I suspected, my emissaries to King Kazon were met only by the damned dwarven logic of, ‘all the more reason we should stay here and prepare to defend the shores of Butcherblock’.” “I too, have contacted my people across the sea,” spoke Pracil Micus of the Erudite. They have agreed only to bring it up in the next High Council meeting for discussion, at which point they may decide to send some sort of help.” “Great!” shouted Thubr Axebringer. The prominent dwarven smith from Kaladim jumped up from his seat fuming, “The way ye blasted Erudites discuss things in yer meetins we should be getting help just about this time next decade!” Indignant, Pracil Micus retorted, “Why you little bearded retch, I suppose I should expect such manners from a..” “SILENCE!” bellowed Carson as he banged his gavel upon the table. “I’ll have no bickering between us, especially at a time like this. You think the Teir’Dal are fighting over which of them are going to attack us!? No, they’re not because they ALL want to attack. And if the stories I’ve heard of late are indeed true, that the Teir’Dal have indeed united under this prophet, this ‘child of hate’, then we may not just be facing a few Teir’Dal war parties, but rather the whole of Neriak itself!” “But Carson!” Taliman protested, “If what you’re saying is true then we’re doomed already. We have no armies save the guard of Highkeep, no allies to call upon, and all against an entire nation of Dark Elves!”

“Perhaps you are not alone as you think my friends,” said a voice from the crowd. Two high elves step forward, resplendent in their ornate armor. One, an older male with lines of battle etched into his face, the other is a younger female with the beauty of a goddess herself. Both appeared to be a bit travel worn but fully armed. Lord Tephys stood, an obvious wave of relief flashing across his face. “Ladies and Gentlemen of the council, allow me to introduce Galeth Veredeth, High Paladin of Tunare and chief advisor to King Thearis Thex.” The members of the council were impressed and quickly invited the newcomers to join their meeting. “Thank you Tephys my old friend,” Galeth said with a look of sympathy for the tired elven Lord. “The young lady accompanying me is Firiona Vie, Paladin of Tunare and my finest student yet.” Firiona bowed politely to the table saying, “The honor is mine your lordships.” “Ah yes!” said Tephys with sudden recognition. “You have truly grown in the grace of Tunare since last I saw you young Firiona, we welcome you to our table. Now, please tell me you bring good news Galeth.” “Indeed I do,” replied the Paladin. “I’m pleased to announce that the entirety of the Paladins of Tunare are at your disposal.” Cheers erupted from the council and the crowd. Galeth holds up his hand for silence and continues, “As we speak our legions are sailing across the Ocean of Tears and should arrive in a fortnight. The remainder of the Koada’Dal forces shall have to remain in Faydark however, as we are constantly besieged by the orcs of Crushbone. This is all King Tearis can spare. The only stipulation we insist upon is that Lord Tephys must lead the armies defending Highkeep.” Lord Tephys attempted to argue against this at first, but was quickly and unanimously outvoted as the entire council, led by Carson McCabe, insisted that it was a grand idea. A messenger stepped forward and whispered something in Carson’s ear. Carson stood with a smile on his face and spoke, “In addition to this most fortunate news, I’ve just been informed that adventurers from all over Norrath are volunteering by the dozens to aid our cause!” Again the crowd and council were swept away by rampant cheers of thanks. Lord Tephys once again stood and addressing everyone said, “With that said gentlemen, I believe this council is adjourned. We all have a lot of plans to make and little time to spare. By the grace of Tunare, we just might have a chance.”

Renux's Translations

“Renux’s Translations I finished translating most of the first of the combine scrolls discovered by one of Carson McCabe’s citizens. As I suspected, the scrolls contain recipes for several poisons from the age of the Combine Empire. I have provided a brief translation of those recipes. Poisons That Blind A blend of one part COYOTE TAIL and one ASP POISON SACK with a LINED POISON VIAL and SUSPENSION will make an enemy’s eyes grow swollen and sore causing temporary blindness. A more painful and longer lasting blinding poison is created with a blend of two parts COYOTE TAIL and a bit of MUDDITE MUD with a LINED POISON VIAL and CONSTRICT SUSPENSION. Poisons That Cripple The saps of the THORNY ERGOT and the DELPHINIUM plants when blended with a LINED POISON VIAL and CONSTRICT SUSPENSION will cause great pain in a person’s back making movement difficult. By blending two parts DELPHINIUM and a BASILISK EYE STALK with a LINED POISON VIAL and CONSTRICT SUSPENSION a victim will be temporarily paralyzed as if their legs had turned to stone. The pulp of two ALOCASIA ROOT with a LINED POISON VIAL and CONSTRICT SUSPENSION will absorb moisture from muscle tissue causing temporary atrophy. The extract of two WOLVES BANES with a SEALED POISON VIAL and LARENT SUSPENSION will cause a much more drastic atrophy of the muscles. A blend of one part each of THORNY ERGOT, GELSEMIUM ROOT, and WOLVES BANE with a SEALED POISON VIAL and CONSTRICT SUSPENSION will attack the nervous system of the victim making them slow to react to stimuli around them. Poisons That Can Kill The sap of two parts LACTERA with a LINED POISON VIAL and CONSTRICT SUSPENSION will thin the blood of the victim causing a painful burning in the bloodstream and often results in death. Two parts WHITE HELLEBORE with a SEALED POISON VIAL and LARENT SUSPENSION will create a poison that will attack the blood and brain of the victim. Although the brain is numb to most of the pain this one is quite deadly.”

Bloody Kithicor: The Council Vol. II

“””Perhaps you are not alone as you think my friends,”” said a voice from the crowd. Two high elves step forward, resplendent in their ornate armor. One, an older male with lines of battle etched into his face, the other is a younger female with the beauty of a goddess herself. Both appeared to be a bit travel worn but fully armed. Lord Tephys stood, an obvious wave of relief flashing across his face. “”Ladies and Gentlemen of the council, allow me to introduce Galeth Veredeth, High Paladin of Tunare and chief advisor to King Thearis Thex.”” The members of the council were impressed and quickly invited the newcomers to join their meeting. “”Thank you Tephys my old friend,”” Galeth said with a look of sympathy for the tired elven Lord. “”The young lady accompanying me is Firiona Vie, Paladin of Tunare and my finest student yet.”” Firiona bowed politely to the table saying, “”The honor is mine your lordships.”” “”Ah yes!”” said Tephys with sudden recognition. “”You have truly grown in the grace of Tunare since last I saw you young Firiona, we welcome you to our table. Now, please tell me you bring good news Galeth.”” “”Indeed I do,”” replied the Paladin. “”I’m pleased to announce that the entirety of the Paladins of Tunare are at your disposal.”” Cheers erupted from the council and the crowd. Galeth holds up his hand for silence and continues, “”As we speak our legions are sailing across the Ocean of Tears and should arrive in a fortnight. The remainder of the Koada’Dal forces shall have to remain in Faydark however, as we are constantly besieged by the orcs of Crushbone. This is all King Tearis can spare. The only stipulation we insist upon is that Lord Tephys must lead the armies defending Highkeep.”” Lord Tephys attempted to argue against this at first, but was quickly and unanimously outvoted as the entire council, led by Carson McCabe, insisted that it was a grand idea. A messenger stepped forward and whispered something in Carson’s ear. Carson stood with a smile on his face and spoke, “”In addition to this most fortunate news, I’ve just been informed that adventurers from all over Norrath are volunteering by the dozens to aid our cause!”” Again the crowd and council were swept away by rampant cheers of thanks. Lord Tephys once again stood and addressing everyone said, “”With that said gentlemen, I believe this council is adjourned. We all have a lot of plans to make and little time to spare. By the grace of Tunare, we just might have a chance.”””