Category Archives: Coldain

Transcribed Notes on Maldura

Notes on Maldura

Transcription of all references to Maldura that could be found in the histories of the Coldain.

From “Tales of the Elder Age”
By Lorekeeper Wystro

… During the times of settlement, our people moved slowly towards the surface and found a bounteous land above. While some brave few ventured to explore the new lands above, many remained below ground in the trade villages of the deeper tunnels. Jealousy and pride still grew in the hearts of the dwarf lords, and battles between villages were frequent, as well as attacks by other enemies from the depths of the Underfoot.

Of all the trade villages, the rich mines of Maldura gave it the greatest wealth, but also attracted the most covetous attention. Declaring the need for security, the elders of Maldura encouraged construction of fortifications and soon it became the largest citadel below.

However, as the surface exploration continued, new sources of ore and gems were uncovered and artisans began to explore the properties of carbonite, feyiron, and other new metals previously unknown …

From “A History of the Age of Monuments”
Transcribed from elders’ tales by Lorekeeper Canvar

… these struggles ended with the reign of Dagnor Butcherblock, who united the warring tribes into the first dwarven kingdom. The capitol city Kaladim was established in the Butcherblock Mountains, and the best craftsmen from throughout the lands came to contribute their skills to its construction.

Ore forged in deepest Maldura was used to build the great Cathedral of the Underfoot, both a tribute to and a reminder of our origins deep below.

When the Cathedral was dedicated, the great hammer forged in Maldura was presented to King Dagnor Butcherblock and hung in the great hall with much ceremony, as a sign of continued goodwill and profitable trade between Kaladim and that great citadel of the Underfoot.

From “A History of the Age of Monuments”
Transcribed from elders’ tales by Lorekeeper Canvar

… the dwindling supply of ore from Maldura was not noticed immediately, as the forges were busy working the new ores found in the surface lands. However, the largest veins in the glittervein mines were exhausted, and the smaller veins could not provide the same output. Reluctant to rely entirely on Kaladim for new ores, the elders mounted exploration expeditions of their own, delving in the opposite direction. When the mines of Moradhim were discovered and linked to Maldura with an underground trade route, the wealth of Maldura once again swelled to fill their coffers, and soon ore from Moradhim was flowing through the underground trade routes.

At this time was also the great rift between the forgemasters of the great cities; those of Maldura believed their deep forges should remain the heart of dwarven craftsmanship and maintain the traditions that had served the dwarves so well, while the forgemasters of Kaladim believed that the future lay in exploring and mastering the new and far more diverse ores from the lands above, and developing new techniques to refine them. Artisans throughout the kingdom aligned themselves with one or the other school of thought and, while contact and trade between the elders of the great cities remained cordial, exchange of artisanal knowledge slowed and nearly ceased.

From “Tales of the Age of Enlightenment”
Transcribed by Lorekeeper Mori

… it is clear that the future of the dwarven race lies on the surface of the land, and the many new and valuable gems and ores to be found throughout the overlands show this to be Brell’s intention for us. Seeking to prove this, Colin Dain led our steadfast expedition to Odus in search of valuable new gems. We could not have anticipated the great storms that blew us off course, and when the ships turned out to be damaged beyond repair, these frigid new lands became our new home.

Despite the inclement weather, the new ores here are far more diverse than those of Maldura or even of Butcherblock, and our forgemasters are learning new ways to forge weapons superior to any seen before. We fight daily for survival but as always shall prevail …

Thurgadin: May She Stand vol. 2

Thurgadin: May She Stand vol. 2
The Tale of Glight Snowchipper
By: Historian Belpik

Glight Snowchipper and the dwarves that escaped from Froststone went deeper into what became known as the Great Divide. The giants, although initially stopped in their pursuit, were not too far behind, and the dwarves knew they would be overrun if they did not seek shelter. The dwarves managed to find caverns within the Great Divide, which were obscured from the vision of the pursuing giants. Here, the dwarves could plan their next move.The dwarves made a pact in this cavern, in which they honored the sacrifice made by Colin and his group of Frostreavers which allowed them to survive. They took to calling themselves the coldain, in memory of Colin. They were to make Glight the new leader of the coldain, an honor which he refused – he did not feel that he could live up to Colin and his memory, and instead suggested that Colin’s son, Relin, become the new leader. Relin accepted, feeling that it was his responsibility to continue the legacy began by his father. They chose the title of Dain for their leader, and he adopted the last name of Frostreaver to honor those that stood with his father. Thus, Dain Frostreaver the First took leadership of the coldain.

Now, with their new leadership in place, the coldain looked to establish a home someplace here in the frigid tundra. Many ideas were proposed, but the coldain were still being pursued by the Kromrif hunting parties. Many of the coldain were tired of hiding out, and were resolved to simply meet the giants head on. This might have been the fate of the coldain, had it not been for the intervention of Brell Serilis himself, and once again, Glight Snowchipper.Glight received a vision from Brell to build within the very caverns in which they were presently in. Glight saw a massive labyrinthian network of caverns carved out by the coldain themselves, made to confuse any enemies who might attempt to enter the maze. He revealed the details of his vision to the Dain, who then ordered the coldain to begin construction of the new series of caverns. The coldain, now given a purpose and direction, took eagerly to the project, and began working immediately. Within mere months, they had carved out numerous caverns, bridges, and dwellings. Named the Crystal Caverns, after the vast quantities of crystal shards found though the construction, it quickly became a haven for the coldain.

For some time, the coldain were able to live peacefully within the Crystal Caverns, away from the Kromrif and the dangers of the surface. For a while, they remained under the surface, able to find all they needed within their new home. After a time, though, they began to make forays up to the surface to collect materials such as wood and furs. This was safe for a while, as the coldain were careful to avoid Kromrif patrols. However, eventually their luck ran out, and they were spotted by Slagd Frozentoe, and a group of his scouts. Slagd followed the coldain back to their hidden home, then went to retrieve reinforcements.Slagd Frozentoe returned to the Crystal Caverns with a force of two hundred and fifty Kromrif warriors. Although the labyrinth of the Crystal Caverns slowed them down, the Kromrif were steadily making progress through them. Although the Caverns were built just for this possibility, the sheer number of the Kromrif in their army proved to be too much for the defense of the Caverns. Even though the giants suffered staggering losses, the coldain would be overrun.

This is when Glight Snowchipper showed what both Colin Dain and Brell Serilis saw within him. Glight himself downed several giants, not only with his pick, which he called Snowchipper, but also with elaborate trips which he himself devised. The traps were small, able to take out one or two giants at a time, but Glight had a different plan. He knew that there was a place where the dwarves stored tons of ice and stone they had dug out from the caverns. His plan was to lead the remainder of the giants to the stored rubble, and collapse it upon them.The giants took the bait. They chased Glight and a few volunteers through the Cavems, crushing any that fell behind or stood to fight. The Kromrif, and Slagd himself, cornered the coldain, looking to crush the final resistance, and finally wipe out the coldain once and for all. Knowing that there was no way out, Glight waited for the Kromrif to draw in close, and then, sprung his final trap. To their surprise and horror, the massive rubble fell upon what remained of the Kromrif invasion, burying them where they stood. However, as Colin Dain before him, Glight Snowchipper stayed to ensure the demise of the giant army, and also perished when the trap was sprung.

The coldain were victorious and were able to remain within the Crystal Caverns safely for years following Glight’s sacrifice. The Kromrif made no more assaults against the coldain in Crystal Cavems. It would be some time before the coldain would face another enemy which would ultimately force them to search for a new home.

Thurgadin: May She Stand vol. 1

Thurgadin: May She Stand
Colin Dain and the founding of Froststone
By: Historian Belpik

Thurgadin. The coldain dwarves have called this fair city their home for generations. We built it with our own hands, crafted from the rock around us, molded from the very velium that makes up so much of our homeland of Velious. We have defended it over and over again, and no enemy has managed to break this city or those of us that call it home. The strength of the city is reflected in the strength of the coldain, and we are forever tied to one another.
But how did we come to this city, How did it get to be here? The story of the founding of Thurgadin is no less incredible than the city itself.In ages past, when the dwarves of old were expanding their kingdoms, the king sent out many expeditionary parties to seek out and gather riches from others corners of Norrath. The brave dwarves that returned brought back fantastic riches, items of precious value that were unknown within their mountainous home. Thus, the expeditionary groups went farther and father in their attempt to find more exquisite gems and crystals.

One of these expeditions was lead by Colin Dain, a dwarf noted for his exceptional mining capabilities. His sense for mining was legendary even at that time, matched only by his nearly reckless bravery. Nothing could shake Colin, and he was a logical choice to make a long distance journey to find crystals in a place no dwarf had ever been. Unfortunately, the ships were blown off course and scattered by a terrible storm, and when it was over, the expedition was lost.However, this is what Colin was brought on for. Undaunted, Colin directed the dwarves to sail in one direction until they found land. Within weeks, the dwarves came upon land, although it was far different from the more temperate climates they were used to. This was a snow tundra, covered with strange ice, and crawling with creatures they had never seen before. Still, it was dry land, and Colin had his orders. They disembarked, set up camp, and set to planning out their mining operations.

They searched the land, following Colin’s lead, until he stopped them at an unassuming set of rocks. He declared that the spot they were at would be the spot of their operation, and drove his pick into the ground. Although many of his followers were likely dubious, he was not challenged in his decision, and the dwarves went about their digging. Within days, the expedition discovered that Colin’s senses were accurate – the dwarves came upon a massive mine of gleaming crystals. It was here that they built their first settlement, named Froststone.Unknown to the dwarves of Froststone, there were other inhabitants of the land in which they settled, and those inhabitants did not care for outsiders. The Kromrif clan of frost giants also called this area home, and they were not welcoming to the dwarves when Froststone was discovered. The dwarves were surprised when a band of giants showed up outside their walls, and immediately began assaulting the city and the dwarves within it. Colin was not intimidated – he grabbed his pick and charged into battle, with many other dwarves joining him in the counterattack. Even though they were caught off-guard, the dwarves turned back the Kromrif attack.

They knew, however, that this battle was not over. Colin ordered scouts to be on the lookout for more giant parties, and the dwarves fortified their defenses for another fight. Within days, the scouts returned, and their news was not good – the giants were returning, and their numbers were far greater. Froststone was doomed. Colin made a decision at that point. He knew this area better than the giants did, and he could use that knowledge to give himself an advantage. However, there would be no victory – the best he could hope for would be to slow down the giants long enough for others to escape.He asked for volunteers to remain behind with him. Not a single dwarf wanted to flee – all volunteered to remain and make a final stand. Colin refused to allow them all to fall to the giant attacks, so he chose a few brave dwarves to remain with him, and ordered the others to leave immediately. They reluctantly agreed, and he chose a dwarf of Glight Snowchipper to lead them to safety. Thus, the survivors fled, and left Colin and his group, called the Frostreavers, to their final fate. No one knows exactly how the battle .folded, but what is known is that the Frostreavers sacrifice was not in vain. The group was able to completely stop the giant war band, even though it cost them all their very lives. But without that sacrifice, Thurgadin and the coldain would never have existed.

Into the Depths of: Velketor’s Labyrinth

Overview of Velketor’s Labyrinth

Welcome to the lair of Drovrag Velketor, Storm Giant wizard, creator of living ice creatures. His home, an ice castle etched into the side of a glacier, is fronted by a labyrinth that Drovrag created over many centuries to provide a barrier to uninvited guests. Fortifying the labyrinth is a guard of kobolds, and beyond Grizzot, the town near its center, Drovrag’s ice golems reside.

This geometric labyrinth offers a unique and challenging adventuring environment. Velketor’s research and his adept use of arcane power have yielded some exceptionally potent magical items. He has entrusted many of these items to his guardians to help them keep out the unwanted.

Background Lore

Drovrag has equipped his architectural masterpiece with kobold guardians bred to be especially brutish. These dog-men patrol the outer edges of the labyrinth and live in a primitive town near its center. Grizzot, who is the strongest member of the kobold guardians, serves as their leader. Two dwarf ice goblins, Tilgor and Riglit, advise Grizzot on all matters.

Beyond the town lies a magically enchanted area of pure blackness, which no vision or light source can penetrate. This area remains uninhabited, as Drovrag’s attempts to populate it have all failed. Beyond the blackness lies Drovrag’s living ice. Drovrag has managed to breathe life into the frozen waters of the glacier, and the resulting ice golems roam the back half of the labyrinth.

Drovrag also utilizes ice golems to guard the front of his castle. The ice golems’ barracks make up the outer walls of the castle, with the two main barracks flanking the main entrance to Drovrag’s lair.

Areas of Note

Labyrinth Entrance: The entrance of the labyrinth is fashioned into Drovrag’s grim visage.

Grizzot: Gnolls have fashioned a primitive palace of sorts into one of the labyrinth’s icy walls.

Dark Area: Drovrag managed to use his magic to change nearly a quarter of the labyrinth into pure darkness. This area is virtually uninhabited, except for the occasional lost wandering gnoll.

Ice Wurm Lair: When Drovrag crafted the labyrinth, he inadvertently built over the lair of Vielik the Cold, sealing the ancient ice wurm in. Vielek was in the midst of hibernation at the time and has since awakened. Currently, he has broken his way out into the dark area of the labyrinth, and relies on the gnolls as his primary source of food.

Ice Garden: Drovrag keeps an ice “garden” of sorts where he grows the ice creatures that roam the back half of his labyrinth.

Frost Giant Barracks: The Frost giant barracks are actually the outer walls of Drovrag’s castle. The two main barracks flank the main entrance to Drovrag’s lair.

Key Figures

Drovrag Velketor

This supreme Storm Giant wizard was banished from Kael Drakkel for reasons that are unclear. He is served by Arctic Kobolds, ice golems, and shard spiders. He is enemies with the Coldain and servants of Veeshan, but he holds a special hatred for the Kromzek who banished him.

His ultimate agenda is unknown, but his continued experiments and birthing of ice creatures suggests that he may perhaps be intending to harm the Kromzek in a way they hadn’t thought possible – one giant against an entire army of ice.


Visiting Velketor’s Labyrinth can be quite harmful to one’s health. Kobold guardians, for instance, are extremely hostile and often attack in coordinated efforts. The golems that have been created to serve Velketor are also not to be trifled with, for they are extremely cunning and as deadly as their giant brethren of Kael. Even the spiders can be deadly, as they are hard to see and often attack in number, releasing powerful venom with every bite. There are many slippery ramps to be negotiated within the Labyrinth; walk slowly or risk falling to your death far below!


A Party Member is Lost


There has been dreadful news today. One of our party has been lost! It’s a woeful tale, and our party has been delayed in leaving Thurgadin because of it. Amazingly, the dwarves haven’t decided to punish the lot of them. Alas, it had to do with the Hall of Ancestors and the dwarves’ reverence for their history.

One member of the exploration party decided to try and manage to capture few of these miraculous images during the wee hours of the night. Deep inside the mountain, he made his way to the deepest part of Icewell Keep to gather an image of the Hall of Ancestors for us. The Coldain had mentioned in an off-handed manner that the Hall was sacred to them, and that they would prefer the adventurers not capture any images therein. The travelers, however, were not fully aware of the depth of the reverence in which the dwarves hold this shrine to their forefathers.

A bit of explanation about the images is in order here. The gnomes have long been known for their tinkering and mechanical skills, and this curious device they have created enables them to preserve the images they see in such a way that they can be transmitted, magically, over great distances. The receptacle of the images remains in the hands of our party’s historian who, in turn, sends them to us. Images are transmitted from the minds of all the explorers to the historian via small devices they wear on their helms. In this way, we have been able to see exactly what our explorers have seen, and in this case, it was very enlightening, if dreadful.

The youngest of the gnome adventurers, barely over a century and with the brashness of youth, padded down to the lower levels to obtain a picture. On his way down, he was curious to see a large ice creature at the bottom of the ice well. The velium walls of the well are nearly transparent, so he was able to send back an image of that as well, though it seems a bit fuzzy, no doubt due to the Icewell’s walls.

He managed to get a clear shot of three of the frozen monuments to historical figures, only one of which did not contain an actual body! The image he sent back was followed shortly by another in which he was confronted by the custodian of these shrines, one Loremaster Solstrin.

As you can see in the image the gnome youth returned (apparently he was quite confident, this youngster!), the loremaster was vigilantly guarding the Hall. That worthy gave him a sound verbal thrashing, along with a lecture on the sanctity of the Hall. He was warned that violating the boundaries set for him in his explorations could result in severe punishment.

Unfortunately, our young friend must not have taken the warnings to heart. At least he had the presence of mind to send along numerous shots, just in case he wasn’t able to return to his quarters later. As it turned out, sadly, he was unable to do just that.

The next shots sent back by the youngster showed, of all the forbidden areas, the Dain’s own chamber! He returned a scene showing the royal bed, treasure chest, keg, and guards. Apparently, his invisibility potion wore off shortly thereafter, and he was apprehended. To make matters worse, his tendency to stutter in tense situations was misinterpreted by the guards who found him, and he was brought before the Dain in council.

The crime of entering the Dain’s chambers, particularly after having violated the sanctity of the Hall of Ancestors proved too much for the dwarven community to accept. They meted out the usual punishment for any crime against Coldain society, banishment to the Pit.

Seeking the Historian

You say, “Hail, Filnn Shatterhand”
Filnn Shatterhand says to you, “Well, what do we have here? Another pilgrim coming to visit the city of Marr, perhaps? What is it I can do for you?”
You say to Filnn Shatterhand, “Actually, I am here to find out more about the continent of Velious, and I am hoping maybe you can provide some information. Specifically, what has become of it, and how we might get there.”
Filnn Shatterhand says to you, “Heh heh, well, as much of a surprise as this might be to you, but none of us have been to Velious in quite some time. And believe me, there are some here who would love to return to our ancestral homeland if they could.”
You say to Filnn Shatterhand, “Hmm… so is there no way to return there? Is Velious lost?”
Filnn Shatterhand says to you, “Well, it was there when we left it, if that’s what you mean. But then, the reason we’re here is because shards of the moon were raining down on us, which broke off the shelf our fortress was built on. We can’t be certain what became of the continent after that, since we were no longer a part of it.”
You say to Filnn Shatterhand, “Very well, then. Well, what about this sigil? Is it something you recognize?”
Filnn Shatterhand says to you, “Let me have a look at that. Hmm… no, I can’t say that it is. It looks like a claw mark from some creature… Oh… you know, hold it there.”
You say to Filnn Shatterhand, “What? Did you think of something?”
Filnn Shatterhand says to you, “Actually, there is a tome in our library that has that sigil on it’s cover page.”
You say to Filnn Shatterhand, “What is the tome?”
Filnn Shatterhand says to you, “Primarily, it is a book about sea creatures – giant creatures that seem to be creations of Prexus himself. Apparently there were behemoths that existed in the oceans around Velious, and this book contains what information we had on them.”
You say to Filnn Shatterhand, “I see… okay, well, I’ll see what I can find in it, then. Maybe it has information I can use. Thanks for your time. Farewell.”

Velium Leatherworking

“FROSTWEAVERS GUIDE TO VELIUM STUDDED AND REINFORCED LEATHER ARMOR First, skin the creature of its hide. Second, clean and cure the hide using an oil or tannin. Third, cut and sew the hide according to the pattern. Fourth, add the boning or studs. These recipes must be completed in a Coldain Tanners Kit. REINFORCED COBALT DRAKE HIDE Cobalt Drake Hide Drake Egg Oil Pattern One to Four Velium Bonings REINFORCED BLACK PANTHER SKIN Black Panther Skin Yew Leaf Tannin Pattern One to Four Velium Bonings REINFORCED HAZE PANTHER SKIN Haze Panther Skin Yew Leaf Tannin Pattern One to Four Velium Bonings STUDDED ARCTIC WYVERN HIDE Arctic Wyvern Hide Cod Oil Pattern One to Five Velium Studs STUDDED TIGERAPTOR HIDE Tigeraptor Hide Drake Egg Oil Pattern One to Five Velium Studs”

Letter to Peffin

“My Peffin, By now you’ve heard of the death of Rodrick. His demise places us all in great peril and forces me to take extreme action. I plan to turn our fellow conspirators in to the Dain. The Tardoks have boggled this operation for long enough…Please continue to take refuge with Fjloaren until this all blows over. Stay well hidden, my love, the Dain’s outlander friends are no doubt helping him investigate our involvement with the Kromrif and they are not to be taken lightly. As soon as I know you’re safe we can put this whole business behind us.Until that day, Berradin”

Worn Coldain Tome

“This document is to record the creation of grudge: 2398b sub-table 7a The following is an account of the actions that lead to said grudge. The following witnesses swear their clan honor to the truth of the account as spoken by Burdael of Clan Flying Axe. -Gurno Dungrip -Thurgrim: Clan Onyx Hammer -Azguz: Clan Flying Axe -Xoleres: Dwarf Friend of Clan Ironsides -Durgious Redeye -Dval: Clan Flying Axe The account is as follows: “”I am Burdael of Clan Flying Axe. And what I now say, lest shame on my Clan, is truth. We had been in the field hunting for 4 days out of a scheduled 5 day expedition. I was scouting at the time when I heard a tremendous and angry roar from some colossal beast. I say as a Coldain that I was afraid. The others in my party caught up to me and heard the beast as well. Our fear faded with reassurance in numbers so we decided to find the source. After coming over the top of a small hill we caught sight of a battle between 5 frost giants and one dragon of black scales. We froze in our tracks at the fearful sight. We then watched in horror as the 5 giants, one gifted with magic, slowly murdered the dragon with tactics of heavy dishonor. Their shaman had restricted the dragons movement. With the dragon unable to reach its attackers, the giants kept their distance and threw boulders and spears, while the shaman used magic. The giants did not even have the decency to finish the noble beast off, leaving him to die in the snow. We wanted to interfere, but the giants were too many. After the giants had left, I ran down to the dying dragon, the others opted to stay behind. He raised his head, caked in dragon blood, and then told me his name and made me swear to remember and record it. I now swear to smith an axe in remembrance of him. It will remain in my clan’s posession as long as there are Coldain.”

Note from Kromrif

“Commander Yellowfang, Your handling of the Coldain elite guard was outstanding. It will take the stumpymen many years to recover from that slaughter. My superiors are well pleased. Your loyalty and service to the Kromrif have sealed an alliance between our peoples that we shall honor from this day forward. The bulk of this treasure is for you to distribute among your men as you see fit. We ask that you provide well for your coldain informant, Rodrick Kotrad, as your success would have been impossible without his cooperation. Surikka Squatnot”