Category Archives: Dervish Cutthroats

Dorn B’Dynn

A tall and well-formed dark elf, Dorn B’Dynn is in self-imposed exile in the Desert of Ro, and hates every moment of it. Raised a member of the Cauldron of Hate, the guild of warriors in Neriak, B’Dynn has never been satisified with his position in Teir’Dal society. He has spent his long life plotting to increase his prestige, seeking the status that comes with personal power. B’Dynn took up the study of necromancy, but discovered that even that did not meet his needs. When teh guildmaster of the Cauldron of Hate decided he neded a trusted warrior to maintain a present in the Desert of Ro, B’Dynn saw great opportunity to gain a reputation, so he volunteered.

B’Dynn’s main duty is to ensure various smuggled goods shipped from Faydwer and Kunark are delivered safely to the Dismal Rage in Freeport. He also spies on other forces within Ro and the Oasis of Marr, mtains diplomatic ties to the Scorchfist Orcs, and arranges safe passage of trolls out of Grobb (a service that requires the trolls to serve a Teir’Dal master for several years – a source of many troll guards for the dark elves).

B’Dynn has gone far beyond his stated duties, however. He has forme da close alliance with the dervishes of the desert, and plans to bring them fully under his control in teh decades to come. He hopes to make them the core of his own army, with which he will claim control of all the lands from Freeport to Innothule Swamp. He then intends to take control of the troll lands as well, bolstering his army further. Once he has this level of mastery he plans to make a conerted effort to raid the remains of Takish’Hiz, and any other old elven ruin, regardless of how many dervishes and trolls he has to kill in the effort. He sees the gypsies as his primary opposition in this effort, and never misses an opportunity to make their lives difficult.

Quest: Seakillers’ Heads
Faction: Cauldron of Hate (-1 rank)
NPC: Dorn B’Dynn
CR: 17
Reward: +1 faction rank with the Cauldron of Hate and the Coalition of Tradefolk Underground (maximum +3 each from this quest). 10d10 platinum pieces
Consequences: -1 faction rank with the Gypsies and the Knights of Truth
Quest Summary:
A trio of 3 seafury cyclops brothers called Malquar, Heferus and Querl Seakiller have discovered one of the routes used by the smugglers who support the Teir’Dal, and have been stealing supplies and destroying ships. Dorn B’Dynn has discovered they have a lair in the southern Desert of Ro, but is unwilling to risk himself to find their exact location or to attack them himself. He is more than happy to allow a band of adventurers trying to gain acceptannce with the dark elves to risk their lives in solving his problem.
B’Dynn doesn’t care about the stolen goods or the destroyed ships and their crews, as such losses are inevitable in a smuggling operation, but if the Seakillers aren’t elminated the losses may become too great for him to hide from his masters in Neriak. What he needs is the heads of the three brothers brought to him as proof they are no longer a threat to his operations.
The quest can be rerun with different foes, such as sand giants, Quag Maelstrom and even Cazel

Dragoon Zytl – Green Rank

This old book is titled “Dragoon Zytl – Green Rank”. It is the account of a dark elven soldier that appears to have lived hundreds of years ago. Its chronicle tells of this dark elf’s rise through the ranks of the Dragoons. Through much work, most of the missing pages have been found.

I have passed the nine trials. I have defeated my enblooded brothers in mortal combat. I have drunk from the Chalice of Hate. I have bended the knee to our glorious King. I have torn away the chains of my home. I have stripped away the ties to my family name. I am no longer T’Xerd. I am now Zytl. I am now Dragoon.

The commander has assigned our company to watch over the bridge for the following decade. I am proud to guard the bridge, for I am a Dragoon. I saw some halflings enter the forest today. Our forest. They were curious. They are now dead.

I have now mastered the Three-Singing-Skulls technique today with my blade. In recognition of my skill, my blade will be blessed by the priests of hate. No longer will those balls of light gleam with smug defiance as my steel passes through them. Not one wisp will escape my vigilance.

I have received an honor today. We spied some dervish cutthroats approaching the bridge and stopped them. Much fighting ensued, and in the end they had slain all but myself. The bandits were in truth my Prince and his entourage disguised as commoners. I was commended for lasting as long as I did from his very mouth. I will wear these scars with pride.

The Dragoons will no longer guard the bridge, leaving it to the lower births to do so. This is the decree from my glorious King. Some say that the Queen has made this decree, not the King. The next one to say this will also have his tongue severed from his mouth.

I am to escort our prestigious necromancers to the Innothule swamp. We will waylay some of the lowly Trolls and bring them back with us. It will test my discipline to not kill them as the animals they are. I pray to Innoruuk that he will give me an opportunity to vent elsewhere.

Innoruuk is testing me. I have been assigned to watch over the Foreign Quarter. To watch over all of the Lessers… and not to slaughter them. I must not question my King’s orders, but I do not understand why they should be allowed to walk among us. I must find some way to hurt these inferior beings, whilst maintaining my vows.

It has been two hundred years, and I have risen amongst the ranks. I am now free to choose my assigned duties. I have placed my request to join the strike teams that roam the West Commonlands. After all of these years watching the lessers walk in safety within our city… now they will pay for their assumptions of equality.

Innoruuk is with me. The larger that Freeport becomes, the more it expels travelers from its’ sickening walls. The more that travel the Western Commonlands, the more that learn the mistakes of their ancestors. The Teir’Dal are the masters, and the rest are the chattel to do with as we please.

I have been raised to the Black Ranks due to my unswerving vigilance. I now wear the full armor of the Dragoon. My blade, soaked with the blood of many a traveler, will be reforged and I will be given another honor. I shall escort D’Vinn to the lands of our worthless cousins. I shall witness the beginning of their downfall.