Category Archives: Dragon

Steamfont Mountains: Past and Present

The sounds of gnomish cheers and clockwork gears echo throughout the continent of Faydwer as the Steamfont Mountains transforms its appearance. This revamp will be included with the Game Update on Thursday, October 25th. Read part of the lore surrounding this area and view a photo gallery look at the changes that were made.

Background Lore:

Named for the natural geysers and springs found in its rocky peaks, these mountains surround the gnome city of Ak’Anon. It is known that the dragons had once dwelled here, for the fossilized remains of very young dragon can be viewed inside a small valley. The presence of Steamfont’s drakes also indicates that the region may once have had some greater significance to the children of Veeshan. However, that history was lost long before the arrival of the elves or the surfacing of the gnomes.

Today, Steamfont acts as a training ground for young gnomish pupils, as well as for those elves and dwarves that brave the dangerous trek through the Lesser Faydark. Minotaurs from the mines of Meldrath are among the most challenging foes due to their social and cooperative nature.

The mountains of Steamfont are bordered by the Lesser Faydark to the east, and the gates to the glorious subterranean city of Ak’Anon to the far west – gates installed safely within a mountain face and heavily guarded by some of Ak’Anon’s most renown warriors.


Faded Scraps of Parchment

I have managed to construct the blade.
Unfortunately I found that the blade is only the
first step. For now the sword is quite useless to
me, as I do not have the necessary components
to create the focus gem for the hilt. For now I
leave it in the care of Vhalen. It’s possible I
won’t survive my journey. If I don’t then
perhaps another troubadour will take up the task I
have failed. I can only hope that the records of
my journey survive to help lead those who follow
me. For now I struggle to find the method to
imbue the blade with the true draconic spirit. So
now I travel through the maws of dragons, May
Veeshan guide my footsteps

The annals of skyshrine have proven most
useful. Most people know of the 4 basic
elemental dragons, fire, water, earth, air. What
most people don’t know is that some dragons
embody the characteristics of the natural world
as well asthe higher elements. I have found
record of mountains dragons, plains dragons,
swamp dragons, and forest dragons of Norrath.
These dragons seem to tend to solitary life in the
environment they favor. These draggons often
take the form of a more mundane creature
native to their habitat, which accounts for their
perceived rarity. Perhaps that’s what I need
to create the focus crystal.

EQII Lore: D’Ryil’s Letters


Please read what I have enclosed. I have gone through the notes that were brought to me from Mayong’s library, and I believe that the sections I have highlighted below are the most pertinent to our experiments. Familiarize yourself with these.

… exactly how these runes might fit together. I believe that these are separate from the runes on the inside of the ring, but their significance isn’t immediately apparent.

As an aside, I am still puzzled as to what happened back in the tower. I have pondered the failure, but the reasons to her dramatic transformation elude me. I have turned others of her race, and none have changed the way she did. There is something more to this, something that reacted violently to the gift of vampirism.

Utilizing magic as she does, I wondered at first if she might have entreated herself to a powerful dark force that might have lashed back against anything that could wrest control of its thrall from its grip, since she would become subservient to me. I believe, however, that the possessor would have revealed itself in some manner had this been the case. There was no message of any kind (no changes in voice uttering a warning, no disembodied spirit attempting to threaten me), so I don’t believe this to be the case.

I wonder if she might have been under another sort of protection spell. Perhaps she was attempting to protect herself from the vampirism using a weak warding magic. This is plausible, although I did not feel the presence of a ward, and she had drank from the goblet containing my blood without any signs of difficulty. I suspect that if there were a ward, I would have noticed it immediately.

I believe that there is something else at play here…

… to continue the search for the staff. I despise their incompetence, but they are indeed necessary to complete the task I have before me.

Once again, I must make note of my findings regarding Tserrina. After pondering and researching, I believe that something was different about her blood itself. I recall there being a taste to it, something that I did not recognize. I brushed this off at first as some manner of contamination, that perhaps her dabbling in necromantic or demonic arts had tainted her blood. It seems I should have not been so quick to dismiss that fact.

If indeed her blood was impure, or mixed somehow, then whatever it was that she had infused in her blood was likely the cause of the transformation. I have a few theories as to what this could be, but the truth of the matter is that any discovery I make now is largely moot in regards to her. She is locked in the tower now, and will rot with time. She is no longer my concern, although I believe that I can apply the lessons I’ve learned to a similar experiment. I am interested in how a mixture like this might apply to another stock of blood, such as dragon’s blood. The implications of this are quite intriguing.

I will, however, make sure and look for the same sort of tells, should I choose to take up another bride as such. I do not want to waste more time and resources on another failed venture such as that again.

It’s clear to me that we must locate the notes of Tserrina Sly’Tor as well. She has the other half of the information that Mayong was missing. If we can recover that, then I believe that we can combine the two pieces of research to accomplish our goal of strengthening our bloodline. Send a thrall into the library, and recover the notes of Tserrina.

Do not fail.

To the Esteemed Arelin Holst D’Ryil,

I must write to inform you of our current progress.

As you know, our experiments have been going very well. We’ve been able to extrapolate quite of bit of information from Mayong’s research notes, and I believe that your theories on the outcome of his attempted transformation were quite insightful. It was fortunate for us that we had the information he was missing from Tserrina’s notes.

Several of our experiments, at this point, have been failures – this was expected. We’ve destroyed the majority of the failed experiments, as requested. However, we’ve found that some of the failures have yielded some interesting information as they decay. We’re interested to watch this process, and thus have kept these failures alive, partially for analysis, but admittedly there is a fair amount of amusement in their agonized writhing and cries.

Finding the correct mixture of blood is, as you know, the essence to our experiments here. Too much of the mixture resulted in dramatic transformations that the recipients rarely survived. Too little, and they became ineffective, creating rebellious, angry, weakened vampires. Finding the correct balance has been a difficult endeavor.

One particular experiment, a human male, has proven quite promising, however. Initially, we expected a complete failure with him, as his mixture was only slightly varied from experiments we had tried and failed with. As with the others, he writhed through the night, pleasing us with gurgling screams as he transformed. I myself entered his chamber the following night, prepared for either a wide-eyed, stiffened corpse, or a vicious, drooling, mindless beast. Neither was the case. He looked at me and asked the usual questions, “What happened to me?”, “What have I become?”… the standard list of disbelieving queries we are all used to from new blood. This was promising.

In spite of all of this, I would hesitate from calling this one a success. He seems to lack many of the benefits of our race – his strength does not appear to be that over others of his original stock, he seems to lack any manner of significant regeneration, and, most fatal of all, he does not appear to be subservient to our house as he should be. This was unexpected, and regardless of all his other flaws, makes him quite useless to us on the whole.

I still want to keep him alive for the time being, as there might be more to be to learn from him still. Once he has outlived his usefulness, I will see him destroyed. I am pleased, though, that we are on the verge of success, and that this recent experiment proves this.

I will inform you of our progress once a significant breakthrough has been made.

For the D’Ryil,


I am writing to discuss a very troubling matter, one that is up the utmost importance to our House and family.

It seems that our brother, Aerlin, has acquired some very interesting notes. He was able to gather a tome of research from none other than Mayong himself, which seemed to detail Mayong’s encounter with Tserrina, and notes he took on his attempted, and failed, turning of her. Aerlin then managed to acquire Tserrina’s notes on her own experiments of immortality from the library of Neriak.

His work seemed to point toward something he called the “strengthening of the blood”, a mixing of the research of Mayong and Tserrina. According to my informant, these experiments were largely unsuccessful, although their processes were well thought out. They attempted to turn all manner of races, from the brutish ogres, to the hideous iksar, to the insignificant gnomes. It seems that of all the races, the only ones they were able to have any measure of success with were those of human and elven stock – any others simply died in writhing agony.

Although it appears they have not yet achieved their goal, they met a measure of success with a human male they refer to as “Sarkon”. While he was not what they were hoping for initially, he did survive his experiments and was able to evidently provide them with a wealth of information. Evidently, they found all they needed to know, and were planning to destroy him. That was, until they entered his chamber to find him missing. Sarkon had escaped.

The troubling piece of information here, is that Sarkon escaped during the daylight. I’ll repeat that: Sarkon fled his confinement during full sunlight. While the fools are scrambling to discern how this was possible, the implications of what happened are not to be understated. It appears that Sarkon can walk into the daylight, since no charred remains were found. Whether he had assistance with this act is irrelevant. Sarkon, while D’Ryil, is not subservient to the House as he should be, and could prove to be dangerous to all of the D’Ryil as a whole. He must be found, and ultimately, destroyed.

In the meantime, we must find Aerlin and his laboratory. My informant is not aware of the location of the experiments, but I believe it is of paramount importance to find a way to put a stop to their research before they endanger us any further. We must convene, and contemplate what our next move will be. I will contact you when it is time.

Farewell for now.

– Viktyr D’Ryil


Library of Mayong – Book

This book is newly bound, and seems to be a collection of Zebuxoruk’s prophecies as told to the monks of the Whistling Fist in the Tower of the Four Winds. Notes are scribbled in the margins in clean penmanship.

1. Once more, her allies will give rise to the thought of life anew. “Definitely a reference to Tunare. The presence of growth in the Lesser Faydark is undeniable.”

2. The hissing of the serpent shall strike back at this world with unexpected ferocity. “Unknown at this time. Perhaps more to be uncovered in the future? -SV”

3. Those who toil in eternity shall find riches in the dusk of time. “Likely a simple proverb. I can’t imagine this being more… -SV”

4. Forever the commander he has now risen in rank to play his part in ages end. “I wonder if this is Lucan or Rallos? The wording is not clear enough to make a solid prediction. -SV”

5. In the guise of harmony the mirror is flipped and chaos walks among us. “I have no idea at this time. Chaos? Guise of harmony? Makes little sense to me. -SV”

6. Those from below shall attempt to further their agenda below the throne of Brell. “Most assuredly the ratonga. Our network of informants has indicated that they are up to something in the ancient dwarven halls of Kaladim. -SV”

7. Cleft in twine at the dawn of time, the two shall stand once more in a united front against that which brings the end. “Ahh, this is your favorite, my master. I believe this will be very crucial to your research. I trust you already know what this references. -SV”

8. From realms below and beyond the lord of darkness shall return to play his part in destiny. “Ahh, my master! You are indeed referenced in the fallen one’s ramblings! -SV”

9. The orbs are not so great as the crimson lord might have you believe but they are powerful. Beware service in his name. “Feh. Nagafen and the eggs of his brood. This is of little use to us. -SV”

10. She who represents the forbidden two shall begin the march of fate. “I am at a loss to explain this reference. -SV”

11. Etched in stone, the first key from dawn shall be revealed. “Another line of great import, I believe. This may reference the stone which you have been researching. -SV”

12. The age of the dragons is waning though they know it not. Seek now your fortune in the affairs of the other mortal races. “And the Claws will get their due. Though I believe ‘mortal races’ to be a mistake. Obviously the ungod forgets us. -SV”

13. The Nine shall return and face the end. “And the true key. We just do not know the ninth. I trust you will find the information though. -SV”

Worn Coldain Tome

“This document is to record the creation of grudge: 2398b sub-table 7a The following is an account of the actions that lead to said grudge. The following witnesses swear their clan honor to the truth of the account as spoken by Burdael of Clan Flying Axe. -Gurno Dungrip -Thurgrim: Clan Onyx Hammer -Azguz: Clan Flying Axe -Xoleres: Dwarf Friend of Clan Ironsides -Durgious Redeye -Dval: Clan Flying Axe The account is as follows: “”I am Burdael of Clan Flying Axe. And what I now say, lest shame on my Clan, is truth. We had been in the field hunting for 4 days out of a scheduled 5 day expedition. I was scouting at the time when I heard a tremendous and angry roar from some colossal beast. I say as a Coldain that I was afraid. The others in my party caught up to me and heard the beast as well. Our fear faded with reassurance in numbers so we decided to find the source. After coming over the top of a small hill we caught sight of a battle between 5 frost giants and one dragon of black scales. We froze in our tracks at the fearful sight. We then watched in horror as the 5 giants, one gifted with magic, slowly murdered the dragon with tactics of heavy dishonor. Their shaman had restricted the dragons movement. With the dragon unable to reach its attackers, the giants kept their distance and threw boulders and spears, while the shaman used magic. The giants did not even have the decency to finish the noble beast off, leaving him to die in the snow. We wanted to interfere, but the giants were too many. After the giants had left, I ran down to the dying dragon, the others opted to stay behind. He raised his head, caked in dragon blood, and then told me his name and made me swear to remember and record it. I now swear to smith an axe in remembrance of him. It will remain in my clan’s posession as long as there are Coldain.”

Book of Scale

” The Book of Scale In eons past came one of the gods upon the world of Norrath. Veeshan, Crystalline Dragon and ruler of the Plane of Sky, found this world pleasing and deposited her brood onto the frozen continent of Velious. With one swipe of her mighty claws, Veeshan opened several great wounds upon the surface of Norrath, staking her claim to this promising new world. Dragons then walked the land and flew the skies, powerful beings of great intellect, wisdom, and strength. Thus began the Age of Scale.”

The Age of Turmoil

This book is titled “The Age of Turmoil”. It is a chronicle of history as told by the Sage of Ages.

Forward: This volume is a copy of one of our older tomes within our library. This was a chronicle of the several times the Sage of Ages spoke to us of his infinite knowledge. It is only now that we can understand what his visions can teach us. The Sage of Ages, or Sages as the case may be, has observed Norrath for time immemorial. This story is a glimpse into just one of the many viewpoints of unrecorded history.

As the Ages would come to pass, the Dragons by know had realized the threat of the lesser beings. Actively involving themselves in the matters of the small mortals, they began keeping eyes and ears open all around them. Learning from the harsh lessons of the Destroyer, a new strategy had come about through a heavy cost.

Great arguments among the Ring would rage for days, even weeks. One side wanted to change the Laws whereas another wanted to make even more. One ignored side wanted to reintroduce the Drakota to the world, giving them to the mortals as a punishment for their audacity. These arguments would reforge the Ring, making it stronger than ever.

The Ring would see more changes as time went on, but to a Dragon time is meaningless. The leaders of the mortals would come and go, just as their empires of the past did so many times already. Of these changes, however, one was the most pleasing. For the memory of the Destroyer still lingered within the minds and stories of the lesser races. And when they would finally breach the prisons of the Exiled Ones, the mortals were already prepared for what they would see.

Never once did the lies and promises of power sway the hearts of these adventurers. No matter how cruel and black their insides were, these heroes knew the lies spoken by the King of Fire and the Queen of Ice. The heroes would attempt to carry out the original instructions of the Destroyer from ages past, but would sadly fail time and time again.

Bemused by the incessant attempts to destroy Vox and Nagafen, the Ring kept watch over their attempts. As their eyes were turned, they did not see that the old enemy’s land would become known again to the mortals. This would only be the beginning of further atrocities, for these heroes would soon find the first land. The land of the Dragons.

Having had their own lands breached by these mortals, the Ring was forced to act upon before thinking. Many of the Ring would actively seek out the mortals who roamed the frozen wastes.

From the dense jungles to the highest peaks, the mortals would soon learn that their trespasses were not to be tolerated.

Gathering once again, the Ring considered what was to be done about the mortals. Some chose to close off the lands and use the Magic to prevent them from ever getting to their sanctum again. Others chose to launch a counter assault against the mortals as they had once done with the old enemy. And the other ignored one suggested the Drakota could be controlled again.

In the end, the Ring chose to remove the intruders from their lands. Once they had been defeated, they would count their losses, for the Ring would need to be reforged once again.

Then, they would decide what to do. What was certain however, was that they would no longer view these heroes as insignificant creatures.

The Age ended with the Ring being reforged one last time. This time, they would be resolute and treat these heroes with as much respect as the Drakota. They needed to be leashed like the dogs they were. Just like the Drakota.

The Age of Monuments

This book is titled “The Age of Monuments.” it is a chronicle of history as told by the Sage of Ages.

Forward: This volume is a copy of one of our older tomes within our library. This was a chronicle of the several times the Sage of Ages spoke to us of his infinite knowledge. It is only now that we can understand what his visions can teach us. The Sage of Ages, or Sages as the case may be, has observed Norrath for time immemorial. This story is a glimpse into just one of the many viewpoints of unrecorded history.

The Ring of Scale has nestled deep within their kingdom lairs, ignoring the rest of the world during the Age of Monuments. They still agonized over losses within the Ring – not just on one occasion, but several more times as well. The rest of the world would continue to grow out of hand during their time of withdrawal.

The Elven-kind would build a great haven to house themselves within the shelter of the First Trees. Promoting art and harmony, the Elven-kind prospered beneath and atop the boughs of their solace. Calling their realm Takish’Hiz, they foresaw an eternity of harmony. Their lifespan was but a sliver compared to the Dragons, their dreams of eternal harmony were insignificant.

The Ogres would begin to build their empire as well. It was hard for the Dragons to understand the thoughts of these creatures, for they lived and died within a day. But yet, they still rose to power somehow, and built mighty citadels all over the world to mark their territory. The Dragons viewed these mayflies to be even more insignificant than their Elven neighbors.

And many more races would continue to sprout, blend, merge, and shed throughout the great gift of the Dragons. From the Kedge to the Dwarves, and the Halfling and Trolls, and the Dark Elves and the Gnomes, the races would mark the world to show they were there. And when these monuments of existence grew large enough, the Dragons feared they would find the Exiled Ones.

Convening the Ring into one, the Dragons chose to act outwardly upon the world once again. The lesser beings posed a great risk to the Ring, for if they came too close to the exiled Fire and Ice, the first law may be broken again. It had taken all the effort of the Ring to contain the damage done by the breaking of the first law. They would not do it again, therefore they made their presence known.

Detaching one of their own, they sent him into the exiled lands to remove the threat of a law being broken once again. So that the hand of the Ring was not bloodied, the Destroyer brought with him the petulant children – the Drakota. The children had now learned that the wishes of the Ring were greater than theirs, so the children were now safe.

The Destroyer journeyed to the exiled lands and began seeking the prisons of the King of Fire and the Queen of Ice. With the Drakota, he would destroy them once and for all. No longer would the laws be broken when the two were destroyed. And so he went unto them, to explain to them why they had to die. And to show them how they would.

But this was his folly, for the Destroyer knew only how to bring upon the end of things. He was not familiar with creating, such as the lies that were told to him by the pair of regents. Seduced by the beguiling words of Vox and Nagafen, the Destroyer severed himself from the Ring.

Striving to do what he could to unite the pair so that they could break the laws once again, he sent forth the Drakota to tear down the prisons of Fire and Ice. The Destroyer would nearly succeed at his perfidy were it not for an unnamed hero that would rise from the races and stop him. With his death, this would be the end of the Age of Monuments.

The Age of Destiny

This book appears to be an extremely valuable illuminated tome. Unfortunately, most of the pages have been ripped out of the book. The title of the story is “The Age of Destiny”.

Forward: This volume is a copy of the most recent tome in the library. It is unprecedented to for the Sage of Ages to speak of an Age before it has closed, yet this volume is exactly that. We cannot yet understand what the meaning of these words are. In time they will become clear.

The Sage of Ages, or Sages as the case may be, has observed Norrath for time immemorial.

This story is a glimpse into just one of the many viewpoints of unrecorded history.

The Age of Destiny is upon us. The Ages have come and gone like the passing of a river. The Dragons remain watching their world as they always have done. And now they see sights that alarm them. Many Ages ago, a Law was broken. This was the most sacred of Laws there ever was. And the repercussions of this broken Law are felt to this day.

It is known the Vox and Nagafen had been part of the Ring and they were severed. This has been told before. It is known that they are the Exiled Ones who created a force of destruction that could barely be contained. It is known that they live within their forever prisons to suffer for what they have done. It is known that they are now free.

One was freed from this mortal coil. The Queen of Ice. The Frozen Wyrm. The Lady Vox. She is known by many names, but now she is known only as one – Dead. The faithful Drakota of the Truthbringer felled her within her lair. And this is good.

One was freed from his prison, able to walk this world with ease. The King of Fire. The Enflamed One. Nagafen. He is known by many names, but he is missing the most important – Dead. The faithful Drakota were stopped from completing their task by the use of deceptive magics. But this will not stop the Drakota entirely, for their numbers are many.

But even now, in the Age of Destiny, the Exiled Ones still wish to cause havok and destruction.

For when they broke the first Law, they had a blatant disregard for what they were doing. And now, it is seen that they have broken the Law again. The cost of the first Law being broken was the moon in the sky. Look to it and know the truth. The two of Fire and Ice brought this destruction and must be stopped.

Many Ages ago, the Dragons knew that the Drakota were a very important tool. A tool that could be used to keep order within the world. What they disregarded were the heroes from the lesser races. Even when they looked and saw the possibility, they still did not pay attention. But one Dragon did. The Truthbringer.

The Age of Cataclysms

This book is titled “The Age of Cataclysms”. It is a chronicle of history as told by the Sage of Ages.

Forward: This volume is a copy of one the more recent tomes within our library. This was a chronicle of the several times the Sage of Ages spoke to us of his infinite knowledge. It is only now that we can understand what his visions can teach us. The Sage of Ages, or Sages as the case may be, has observed Norrath for time immemorial. This story is a glimpse into just one of the many viewpoints of unrecorded history.

As the Age of Cataclysms came, the Dragons would watch as their world would change drastically. Their jewel, their present from the great Mother, was being ripped apart before their very eyes. The gods had come and gone, and in their wake devastation followed.

Having followed the great wars of the lesser races for much of the last Age, they were not convinced that the heroes were stable enough to use as tools. This is because they did not understand that the lessers were as important as those that were not draconic. This is something the Dragons would come to know in time.

For the time being, they would continue observing from a far as the world broke apart. The turbulence of the seas was what began to alarm them at first. They could tell this was something greater than they were capable of. With the absence of the gods, they could not blame it on divine interference. But what it was, they could not say.

When the rumblings beneath the earth began, they asked all of their agents within Sub-Tunaria if there was a cause that was simply mundane. Not hearing an answer from their eyes and ears, they became alarmed. Ultimately, one of the Ring spoke first. One spoke the name of the Exiled Ones.

During the Age of Turmoil, the invading heroes would undo all that the Ring of old had seeked to contain. The blatant disregard toward the Laws on part of the King of Fire and the Queen of Ice is what was contained within the deepest tomb. When it was released, destruction unlike anything the Dragons had seen in any Age was wreaked across the land. Perhaps Nagafen and Vox had been freed from their prison after all these Ages.

The Ring convened as it had done so in the past. One group wanted to move their prison to their homeland to watch over them. One group wanted to seal their prisons forever. And one individual suggested the using of the Drakota. After many ages, they gave in and allowed the Drakota to be used once again.

The Truthspeaker, the Dragon who was in control of the Drakota, traveled to the prison of the King of Fire and saw that the worst come to pass. The destruction of the world was being caused by the joining of the two. At once, he took his faithful Drakota to the ice prison that entombed Vox. His worst fears were true, for within the Ice Queen’s prison was the Fire King.

The Truthspeaker waited for the Fire King to leave, knowing that he could not suffer the freezing temperatures of the prison for too long. As Nagafen left, the Truthspeaker unleashed the Drakota upon Vox. Where the Destroyer of past ages was seduced by the foolish lies of the fiends and failed, the Truthspeaker was successful. Vox was destroyed.

Not letting the victory pass, the Truthspeaker assaulted the King of Fire before he could reach the safety of his lair – his former prison. The Truthspeaker would suffer only half a victory during this age, for the King of Fire had drawn from powers not his own to defeat the Drakota. The Age would end, but the Truthspeaker would vow that in the next Age, the bane of the Ring would cease once and for all.