Category Archives: Elddar

Welcome to Qeynos, Citizen! – 2nd Edition

Welcome to Qeynos! As a new citizen of our city, there are probably hundreds of questions you still wish to have answered. This book is meant to assist you in finding activities which will interest and inspire you. Naturally, such a small book cannot possibly explain all you will need to know. Let it serve as a brief guide to the richness that you will experience throughout Norrath. Your citizenship is not affected if you discard this book without accepting the tasks. If you work on these tasks, you should keep this book until you finish them all.

Collecting stones and shards can be a very rewarding hobby. You can collect items as you travel, examining them to determine whether they will be worthwhile examples to keep. Gathering little items can be addicting as well! Be sure to look up now and again to admire the beauty of Norrath.

Once you have completed a collection, present it to Mervos Stadrin in North Qeynos. He offers rewards for your completed collections. And should you complete an entire series of collectable items, you may receive something special for your home as well. Gathering collectibles is not only educational and rewarding but fun as well.

The lands have changed much since the ancient days, and yet there are so many things that remain to remind us of our heritage. No doubt you have seen some of these precious memorials preserved in some of the villages, such as the Spirit of Faydark park in the Willow Wood. Please take a moment to remember the fallen by visiting the Claymore Plaza in North Qeynos.

There are many such places throughout the world as we are not the only folk who preserve our history. Be cautious in your travels but do not deny yourself the pleasure of discovery, either. Be wary and respectful of your surroundings and you will find many places throughout the lands to interest or thrill you.

Reading is a great way to learn more about the heritage of the land, the history of its inhabitants and the beliefs of those who are a part of Norrath. Visit Sage Indis Surion in South Qeynos to purchase some of his fascinating tomes. Though some are missing a page or two, the Sage has made notations in each volume, indicating where additional pages might be located.

The Sage sells “The Story of the Rat Queen,” which is part autobiographical and part analysis of the poor woman who lives in the Vermin’s Snye. It is said to be among Antonia Bayle’s favorites and is an interesting read. Additionally, one can find books scattered throughout the world that are excellent sources of information. You can also gain new skills by completing any of the Mastery tomes available.

As you explore Norrath, you will occasionally find unusual objects. Sometimes, they are on creatures in the wilds. Sometimes you will notice something odd in the landscape and pause to take a closer look. In either case, let curiosity be your guide as many great discoveries have been made serendipitously.

You are encouraged to take on any investigative work with a healthy dose of caution. While many things you encounter in the wilds may be innocuous, remember that there is a chance for mischief. Be vigilant, for some of these items may have been planted to trap the unwary.

While Qeynos is now your home, you will likely travel beyond the city limits many times in your life. As you travel, you will doubtless encounter folks who are trying to rebuild their lives as well as those whose needs are more commercial. These goals are not mutually exclusive, as strong enterprise can mean work for the displaced. Please feel free to assist representatives of the Far Seas Trading Company as they are a large local employer.

Qeynos is proud of its diversity. Our reasons to move here are varied, but we must never forget our heritage. Rumors surface that items important to the history of Norrath are found throughout the world. You could always check with Hwal Rucksif inside the Keep of the Ardent Needle in Antonica for updates as he seems to get a fair amount of foot traffic.

Training in your chosen life’s path enables you to help others to the best of your abilities by giving you a focus. One way to focus your studies is to become familiar with some of the organizations that make Qeynos great. You will find representatives of the Concordium in South Qeynos at the Mage Tower. The Tunarian Alliance is based in the Elddar Grove. Look for the Celestial Watch in North Qeynos. And while the Qeynos Guard is everywhere, you will meet some of its leaders in North Qeynos on the steps to the castle. You’ll also find the Ironforge Exchange in North Qeynos, home to many fine crafters.

Though we have come through some dark times, we cannot dwell upon the past. In the Age of Destiny, every day is a gift and how we use that gift determines our personal destiny. Compassion, honor, and loyalty are ever the standard by which we should love our lives, no matter what challenges may come.

Bootstrutter’s Field Guide to the Misty Thicket

The Misty Thicket: Many refer to this land as the Enchanted Lands, but I prefer the name of old, The Misty Thicket. The land here has changed drastically, what once was a fertile land surrounded by steep cliffs and a lake to nowhere is now an island of just a portion of its former majesty. The isolated haven once provided safety to the halflings, but since the Rendering this land has no natural defenses and it has begun to be tormented by fiends the likes of which Norrath has never seen.
Bobick: This quiet seaside dockyard was built where the Great Stream used to caress the banks of the Misty Thicket. In Old Antonica Bobick was a flourishing fishing village. In this age the halflings have erected a dockyard to fish from the Seamist Coast as well as provide mooring for ships that rarely arrive. Bobick was named after the legendary shipwright and adventurer Fiddy Bobick. A descendant of his still operates the dockyard in a hostile land.

The Wreck of The Guppy: The Guppy was once the stout sturdy sailing vessel ever engineered by the legendary Fiddy Bobick. The Guppy was built to sail the far seas and carry Fiddy and his adventuring friends to wondrous lands. Eventually Fiddy deconstructed and rebuilt The Guppy inside of Rivervale to use it as his dwelling. Ages past and after the cataclysms the halflings attempted to reconstruct the boat to cross the Sea of Mist. Unfortunately they were not shipwrights. Many halflings drowned as The Guppy sank barely a stones throw from the dock.

Bumble Thorn Flower Patch: The flowers that bloom within this patch are said to be of magical properties. This must surely be so as legend uncovered have placed the elusive halfling draconic sage called the Drafling as the sower of these seeds. Further evidence of his magic exists in the form of a sentient scarecrow that believes he is the defender of this tiny blooming village.

The Goblin Ward: This is a massive wooden totem built by the Runnyeye Goblins. Apparently the goblins empowered the great totem with some of their greatest powers in hopes that it could ward away the evil spirits that they believed were going to arrive in their territory. Whether this ward performed its function is unknown without at first knowing which spirits the goblins foresaw. What is known is that this is a comfortable place for grogged down halflings to nap.

The Gullet: This tunnel was carved into the steep ridge of the vale foothills of Kithicor by halfling engineers. It was a great feat that no doubt employed the direction of a dwarven miner’s guild. The Gullet was one of two great tunnels leading into the halfling city Rivervale. The natural defense of the steep hills kept the isolated vale safe from the dangerous wilds beyond.

Rivergate Cascade: This is a grand waterfall that falls from an outlet high in the steep foothills of Rivervale. The water trickles out from an outlet that links to the mysterious grotto workshop of the legendary Fiddy Bobick. A river within Rivervale runs into Rivergate to power the machines of the great shipwright. The water then runs from the outlet to create this wondrous cascade.

Fay Isle: This little bit of land is plopped out along the southeast coast of the Misty Thicket. When I first arrived at this spot it was filled with a flurry of light, dazzling to the eye and hypnotic to the senses. As I drew closer I found the isle filled with golden fairies of good nature.

Chomper’s Pond: This tranquil looking fishing hole seems like a wonderful place for a dip, but beware the ferocious Chomper lurks here! The great fish is said to have lived within the pond of Rivervale more than two ages ago! Since then Chomper has somehow found his way out into this pond. The halflings should be thankful for the voracious fish has grown considerably since the Age of Turmoil and is more than one man can handle in a fight for his life.

Shortwine Burrow: The hills and dales beyond the great timber guard of the Misty Thicket are dotted with halfling burrows, but none so sweet and intoxicating to the senses as Shortwine Burrows. This plot of land was owned by the Shortwine family and was once home to the rumberry, a required ingredient in the families award wining libations.

Berrybrook Field: Nestled between the shores of the coast and the banks of the Lazy Drain is Berrybrook Field, a small halfling shire. These halflings spent most of their days hunting and foraging for goods that would be traded amongst the stout folk, but being so close to the valuable resources also brought them close the foul stench of the goblins of Runnyeye.

Lookout Stump: Struck by lighting and with a fell of a tree this stump was the final stout oak to live. These trees of great girth provided the halflings with much of their building resources, but here the final one to fall was transformed into a deputy lookout post. As seasons past the lookout soon became a stage. For ages halflings have come here to proclaim intellectual thoughts and even shouts of goblin curses.

Seridd’s Sanctum: Also known as Seridd’s Pond this watering hole was once the retreat of a powerful halfling druid named Seridd Barkfoot. Seridd would come here to reflect upon his many adventurers of his youth. Recently reports have surfaced that tell of the water coming to life. Some say portions of the pond have evolved into water elementals. Some say that Seridd actually made the pond using water elementals to fill the basin. With the absence of Seridd the elementals have no one controlling them. Tall tales?

The Misty Mine: Within the wall of a cliff can be found the entrance to Misty Mine. This mining complex is filled with dangerous twists in turns all created by the Stonebrook family. They became obsessed with the minerals of Norrath and records tell of them spending days on end hacking away inside that mine, in a crazed frenzy that became larger everyday. It was as if they were engulfed by the spirit of some berserker dwarven miner, but this is far from Kaladim.

Honeybugger Burrow: Honeyjum was known in ages past as a valuable elixir created through manipulation of jum jum, a bixie building material. The secret of honeyjum was kept by the Honeyjum family of the Misty Thicket. Their burrow still sits in the far shire, abandoned and waiting for the return of the vale folk.

The Goblin Pass: This is a wide pass ascending into the North Hills. Here a massive battle took place between a single powerful Halfling druid and a small army of goblins. Bones, armor and weapons have once been imbedded deep into the ground and have since been covered with silt and overgrowth. Two Goblin towers have been erected on either side of the pass atop hills. Avoid this pass at all costs.

Bog Mountain: Bog Mountain is a tall rocky spire, second in height only to the great mountain that holds the village of Rivervale. This is actually a large rock formation not a true mountain. It is somewhat steep, but can be scaled. The ground is somewhat damp and mucky. Small depressions gather stagnant water and form mucky mini bog ponds of only ankle depth at most. Within the slippery mountainside rests the goblin fortress Runnyeye Citadel, its presence is hinted at by goblin smokestacks that once pumped black smoke into the sky as below was forged the weapons of war. The black skies have stopped, but the goblin presence has not. Beware Bog Mountain.

Fellowship Tree: When I first encountered this plot of land I was stumped. There around a single rare cherrychum tree were a few gravesites. What is odd about this is not the rare cherrychum tree, but the graves. These graves were more akin to humans than stouts. I finally discovered that this is the resting place of a noble few allies of Rivervale’s past. Their last wish was to be buried upon the enchanted lands of the Misty Thicket.

The Foul Stench: Like the belch of bog giant or the flatulence of the ravenous god Grum, this body of stagnant water taints an otherwise enchanted land. The conventional and arcane forging going on within Bog Mountain has seeped into this large pond and has left it viscous, pungent and toxic. The Foul Stench is no place for anyone other than a goblin to dip into.

Bogbottom Mill: The Bogbottom family built this great mill during the end days of the Age of Turmoil. Their love of revelry and song brought them to river’s edge to erect this mill. Here they would spend day and night producing some of the finest lutes and flutes the world has ever seen. Unfortunately the Bogbottom’s vanished while researching the legendary bard Kelkarn. Their absence has given the goblins a new outpost within the Misty Thicket.

The Gates of Runnyeye: If one is so brave or foolish to delve along Bog Mountain they may just happen upon a dark tunnel. This tunnel is the pathway to a mighty door leading into the goblin fortress Runnyeye Citadel. The door is one of great beauty and of mysterious design. The designs are so alluring that they seem out of place amongst the crude makeshift world of the goblins.

The Glittering Mine: Far along the northern coast of the Misty Thicket can be found these mines. For many ages these mines were the nesting ground for the glittering mushrooms, magical mushrooms found nowhere else on Norrath. In the darkness of the tunnels the magical mushrooms grew and were foraged by the halflings. Unfortunately the mushrooms stopped growing and after the final one was picked the tunnels were mined for more conventional resources such as ore.

Camp Ghobber: Named after a great halfling marshal, this defiant halfling fort was placed in the wilds of the Misty Thicket. Here the deputies would stand guard and watch over the activities of the goblins and offer protection and safe haven to those vale folk caught behind the great guard of the Misty Thicket. The fort was abandoned when I arrived, but still stands as a place of safe haven for travelers that don’t mind the lack of amenities such as comfy beds and locked doors.

Winter’s Deep Pier: This pier is a monument to Old Antonica. It once acted as a dock to small fishing boats of the Vale folk. This shoreline caressed the mysterious body of water called Winter’s Deep. The center of this lake was veiled in an icy mist. What lies beyond was the inhospitable land called the Frigid Plains. Only the magical blessings from the powers that be kept the Misty Thicket from being overtaken by the deathly chill of the north.

Tagglefoot Farms: This was the humble abode of the halfing naturalist family of farmers and druids, the Tagglefoots. They were also members of the druidic guild called the Stormreapers, worshipers of Karana. They once existed inside the safety of Rivervale, but decided to migrate to the banks of the Trickledown to provide protection for the Three Pines, sentient trees that have existed since the dawn of the vale.

The Heart of the Forest: This is a spot in the forest where a giant depression formed in the Age of Turmoil. From that depression rose a gift from Tunare, an Elddar tree, one of the few left on this world. It is rumored that all forests have the power to sprout an Elddar sapling, but few are capable in these ages of turbulent powers. What gave birth to this Elddar sapling is unknown, but there are forces on Norrath that would pay highly to obtain or control the sapling.

The Isle of the Three Pines: This is a small island just off the east coastline near Tagglefoot Farms. On this island sit three towering pines, sentient the druids say. The massive trees are known as the The Three Pines to the Halflings. They say that they can also attack using great magic and large roots that rise from the ground. The roots once formed a bridge to the mainland, but all those magical powers have been subdued by some other force of nature or unature.

Ardathium, Volume VI

Years would pass and Grenic would see the prosperity of his city rise up from the ashes of its former turmoil. His remorse and shame would lift their scars from his soul and his thoughts would change to that of humble acceptance. Grenic revered what he had done as a necessity, for if he had not given into a tactic that would otherwise be dishonorable, all that he saw before him – the peace and happiness of his people, the people of Marr – would have fallen to damnation and ruin.
The next several decades would bring prosperity and peace to the people of Ardathium. Grenic would produce a son and daughter, Erolysia and Mitharius, twin children who would be named after the patron deity and his respected sister that the fortress had been founded for. Upon Grenic’s death, Mitharius, a knighted warrior in the Che Virtuson, would ascend to Count of Ardathium. The great leader’s body would be taken to the highest tower in the city and in the great chamber of Ardathium’s Heroes, Grenic’s body would be laid to final rest beside his comrades.

Ardathium would experience nearly a century of prosperity and peace beneath the leadership of Grenic’s bloodline, though a great earthquake and the burning of the Elddar forest would leave the once-white and golden jewel of Mithaniel’s legacy upon Norrath in irreparable ruins that would, in the passing eras, be consumed by the desert sands of Ro. The memory of this great city would be lost as the ages passed and turmoil wrought the minds of the modern cultures.

I hope that these words can give resurrection to the memory of this glorious place – that the descendants of its survivors and the scholars of Marr will come forward and restore the proper glory and respect to the memory of a might, though compromised knight’s achievements and the history of Marr’s first successful mortal campaign.

Ardathium, Volume V

After much consideration and prayer, Grenic conceded to Elwyean’s advice and asked for his aid, for the swamplands were immune to fired kindled by human hands. The ancient, stoic elf understood and advised further that Grenic station his troops for defensive purposes, and to destroy the trolls that dared to flee toward the forest’s borders. Hesitantly, Grenic agreed, knowing that the act would undoubtedly leave a mark on his soul for judgment in the hereafter. However, his heart and convictions were steely upon his promise to the late Countess and the protection of the great city and everything it stood for.
Elwyean briefly returned to his people to inform them of the coming destruction of the swamp. The elves were on guard for any trolls that penetrated Grenic’s forces, though none left the Elddar to directly aid the human citadel. Elwyean’s return was heralded in a massive azure, gold, and red maelstrom of arcane fires that erupted across the swamplands. The magical fire could be seen for miles beyond the forest and its glittering flames raged on for days. Grenic’s forces destroyed hundreds of troll warriors and civilians that fled for their lives.

After twelve long days, the swamp of Innothule had been obliterated – the waters evaporated by the searing heat of the blaze and even the most robust of foliage reduced to pillars of ash. Elwyean never again returned to Ardathium or consorted with Grenic after the battle. Grenic’s fortress was safe, though the cost of this victory would weigh heavily upon the knight’s conscience and soul for the next several decades.

Summons were sent back to the pilgrims that had previously been sent away. Most returned, though a few opted to remain in the new settlements that had begun to establish upon the eastern coast of the continent. All were welcome back, though Grenic denied a celebration in the wake of a time of mourning for what had been done.

Ardathium, Volume IV

No doubt fell upon Grenic’s mind that Tjarduugh would launch an attack that would more than likely cripple Ardathium, if not destroy it. His men were weary and few amidst their immeasurable bravery and honor. The attack could not occur if Ardathium were to survive, and above all things, Grenic’s vow to Viannay was held in the foremost of all his considerations.
He ordered the pilgrims to leave Ardathium for their own safety, vowing to them that they would hear word when and if it was safe for them to return. The Che Virtuson were then organized and prepared to act as mediators of defense, for to launch an offensive with such an army of a mere five hundred soldiers and priests would be suicide and inevitably guarantee Ardathium’s downfall.

Grenic sent a message with the pilgrims, who had to travel through the Elddar forest to reach safety as he had instructed them to do so. A small band of the migrating pilgrims stopped at one of the elven outposts on the eastern border of the forest. There, they left Grenic’s message, which would reach Elwyean in the halls of Takish’Hiz. The great Koada’Dal wizard was quick to follow Grenic’s request for his guidance and wisdom, for this several thousand year-old elf was the grand-sire of Viannay and had given his blessing for Ardathium’s construction outside of the sacred forest.

The news was nothing new to Elwyean, for Ardathium’s impending doom had not escaped the keen eyes of the elves. Elwyean advised Grenic that the destruction of the swamp would diminish much of the troll’s forces and would leave them in scattered chaos. Grenic was hesitant, though he did not take Elwyean’s advice lightly, for an elf’s pledge to destroy a natural niche was not something uttered in every lifetime. The elves of the Elddar believed that the swamp was corrupt – that the trolls’ darkness had seeped into every fiber of the land and that even the trolls’ destruction would not uproot the whole of the evil that had infected the region. The wizard informed Grenic that the swamp would inevitably be destroyed by the elves, but it was up to Grenic to decide whether or not this act would be one in favor of his city’s continued existence, or one executed after Ardathium’s fall.

Ardathium, Volume II

In the first years to crown the Monument Age, the Fortress of Ardathium was erected in the northernmost fields outside the Elddar Forest. Established by the half elven paladin, Countess Viannay, Ardathium would be the first of the great monuments established in the name of Mithaniel Marr throughout all of Norrathian history. Dedicated solely to the crusades of The Truthbringer in the name of valor, honor, and truth, Ardathium was one of Norrath’s most beautiful, though tragically short-lived treasures.
Constructed of pure alabaster stone and crowned in statues and tower caps of solid gold, Ardathium was a sight to behold. Its white and blue banners rose high toward the heavens and the brilliant glinting of sunlight off of its tower’s golden caps could be seen for miles above the lush, green canopy of the Elddar Forest to the south.

The Che Virtuson was established shortly thereafter – an elite force of zealous knights and priests dedicated to The Truthbringer and his divine word. A small commune of faithful peasants dwelled within the outer sanctum of the fortress’ temple, though the fortress was primarily governed as a war-front against the dark evils that lurked in the eastern swamps of Innothule and the Feerrott. Countess Viannay appointed three Viscounts to her aid, dubbing each of them a General of the Che Virtuson and second in command to only her dominion over Ardathium.

Grenic Drere, a human paladin of Marr who had led several knights and faithful pilgrims to Viannay’s aid during the first battles with the troll armies of the east, was among those appointed to lead at her side.

Ardathium would launch several campaigns against the massive trollish armies that dwelled in the swamps of Innothule to the east. Countess Viannay’s fervent regard of the amphibious race as a poisonous plague upon the face of Norrath and her military prowess in conjunction with her unchallenged zealous faith in The Truthbringer would lead the Che Virtuson to several victories over their enemies — all the in the name of Mithaniel Marr.

Unfortunately, Countess Viannay would not live to see the end of her life’s work and her death would be the first step toward the glorious fortress’ demise several generations later.

A Recent History of the Tunarians

The past 500 years have been that of turmoil. Our people, the Koada’Dal, have had to endure atrocities that we would not even wish upon our enemies.
Beginning with the fall of Felwithe and the murder of King Thex, the inhabitants of the city were forced to flee into the mountains to survive. The casualties from the war were great, and the number of paladins were low. A plan was to be formed, the home that Tunare gave to her people was to be retaken.

In the mountains above the city the remaining paladins, priests and mages gathered. They were to all at once draw upon the divine power of Tunare and expel the forces of Innoruuk that had seized control of the city.

The siege of the city caused great destruction, even the mountain canyon that the city had been built in had taken damage. Besides the remaining Koada’Dal there were no living things left in the canyon. The agents of Innoruuk had during the final battle burned the trees, the grass and all of the other vegetation. Even the great tree was on the verge of death.

From the mountains came a wary ally. The Myntr, a tribe of satyr from the plane of Growth came to tend to the tree. It was sacred to them, and to their Mother Tunare. They were unwilling at first to assist the Koada’Dal in rebuilding the city, and for a while left to the mountains above. They left with the tree the tenders. Beings of nature that would take care of the great tree.

During the excavation and rebuilding of the city, historians found books that read of a time ages past. Where the elves lived in the Elddar Forest, and closer to Tunare. The whole of what was Antonica and now the shattered lands used to be under the control and influence of the elves.

These elves were different than the elves that the Koada’Dal saw in their own race. They then noticed how the wood elf and half elf had become perversions of Tunare’s perfect elf. They looked upon their darker kin knowing their creation was a work of Innoruuk, they were no longer able to acknowledge that they had once been elf. These historians convinced the council that there should be a purification, and a recreation of the perfect elf.

It was decided that to become a new race of perfect Elf, they must leave behind their old names, and take upon a new name that would represent their devotion to Tunare, during her absence. The name decided upon was the Renda’Dal, or more commonly the New Tunarians. Family trees were created for the elves that could trace back their history, and those with the most pure blood were selected to bring about more pure blood elves.

A Book of Gnollish Orders

Rockpaw Operations
Of note:

The Haggletons have offered their services. It is important to realize that, though they share our hatred of Qeynos, they are not by any stretch our allies. they come from Freeport. As such we can safely assume that help provided to us is given because they know our goals and theirs coincide. Treat the Haggletons with respect, but do not share with them any information they do not need to know.

External Preparation

Our initial stages involve testing some of the Haggleton’s prototype designs. This will occur in the areas surrounding Qeynos itself. There are significant dangers involved in this operation, as such it is meant to last only a short while. Though our presence is almost certainly going to be detected, it may provide enough confusion to draw suspicions elsewhere for at least a short while.

Internal Preparation

Within the Caves we will begin with two tasks.

First: As directed by the Haggletons we will find appropriate areas for digging. Expediency in this is a top priority. Once Fulkoir has finished his machines we must get started digging as soon as we can.

Second: We have an honored guest among us: Slampaw of Blackburrow has set up a forge. From here he will outfit our warriors with weapons worthy of an invasion.

Final Plans

Our specific final plans will be distributed as the day of attack nears. Until then learn from our forward agents of Qeynos’ defenses. Our initial injection points will place us in the Forest Ruins, the Oakmyst Forest, and the Elddar Grove. From there our initial intent is to stay hidden while we harass the Qeynos Guard and study response times.

Final Plans

Once our Lieutenants have confidence in our intelligence we will attack simultaneously from our three initial bases. After an amount of time to later be determined our fourth injection point-within Northern Qeynos-will be opened and the bulk of our forces will pour through.


Post-attack contingencies will be distributed along with the specific plans. Until that time, standard contingency plans are in effect.

By the might of the Paws, the Caves shall spill forth a legion of gnolls directly into the belly of Qeynos herself.

Into the Depths of: Elddar Forest


Today, the once great city of Takish Hiz lies in crumbled ruins. The once majestic forest city succumbed to the fury of Solusek Ro’s wrathful sun, leaving sand and ruins behind.

In ancient days, the city of Takish Hiz nestled in the heart of the Elddar Forest. The elves who inhabited this lush forest are the ancestors of today’s high and wood elves. Adventurers can see the influences of these ancestors throughout the high elf and wood elf cities even now.

Tunare has enlisted the aid of Karana and Druzzil Ro to send adventurers back to this city in order to reclaim lost knowledge to aid in the fight against Mayong Mistmoore.

Background Lore

Tunare, the goddess of Nature, saw a lush forest and fertile land on a great continent in Norrath.  She eagerly and lovingly created a race of elves and settled them into the dense forest.  Those elves, who came to call themselves the Elddar, prospered quickly and greatly. And while Tunare watched her children with pleasure and pride, other gods came to notice the new world. These gods soon realized they received no invitation to be part of Norrath’s development and were not so enamored of those who had.  One god who took particular offense was Innoruuk, the Prince of Hate.

Innoruuk seethed with anger over his exclusion from the new world and was most disgusted with Tunare’s loyal and kind elves. He felt them a weak abomination and chose to use them as an example of his power in the creation of his own race.  He stole the first elven king and queen of the great house of Thex right from their thrones in the great elven city of Takish-Hiz.  He would torture them both for three hundred years in his Plane of Hate until they were twisted and torn by his power to become the first Teir’Dal — the dark elf race.

Many years later, Solusek Ro, the Lord of Flame, saw the new world of Norrath and wanted to claim the same great lands Tunare had taken for her elves.  His jealousy and determination overcame him and he would soon intervene.

Areas of Note

Palace – The palace of Takish Hiz is subtly elegant, with smooth, white stonework of the highest quality. The decorations are understated, yet beautiful and consist of rugs, magical instruments, and facted windows that highlight the superb craftsmanship of the elves.

Tunare Shrine – A temple to the goddess set in a hollowed tree. This area is where the priests and acolytes of Tunare gather to discuss the spiritual well-being of the city.

City Complex – The main area encompasses the library, magical workshops, amphitheatre, homes, and other necessary parts of a thriving city.

Nature Spirit Grounds –A training area for learning how to work with nature spirits and mastering nature based magics.

Orc Huts – A tiny orc village.

Giant Encampment – Intelligent giants reside in this mountainous encampment.

Area NPCs

  • Elddar Elves
  • Horses
  • Nature Spirits
  • Forest Animals
  • Treant
  • Nature Dervish
  • Orcs
  • Forest Giants
  • Pixies


The fortress of Tal’Thex


The fortress of Tal’Thex is a place that is rarely spoken of and even when the words are heard it is often within the clandestine mage towers of Norrath. There are some Koada’Dal that know more about the hidden fortress, but they are few and far between and not easily persuaded to speak of such Elddar secrets. Such tight lips can only be pried open with fugitive trinkets.

The living statues that we see throughout the Age of Destiny, such as the titanic sentries of New Tunaria, are constructs created through ancient Elddar techniques. Those arcane methods were first developed to create the massive Guardians of Tal’Thex. Over the ages, the knowledge used to create the giant constructs has made its way into the libraries of some of the greater mages and scholars of Norrath. The library of Kaesora may have been the home to one of those ancient scrolls. Venril or his minions must have found a way to reproduce the Elddar rituals that gave life to such impressive constructs.

Titanic constructs are not the only present day gifts that are associated with Tal’Thex. There are a few others making their way around Norrath. Unfortunately, these other secrets were never meant to escape the vaults of Tal’Thex.