Category Archives: Emperor Crush

Bestest Orc Emperors

I am the person who tells stories for the Emperor because I tell the best stories ever. I was told to write a story down on this so in case I get killed by the Emperor he won’t forget all my old stories. Emperor Fist told me to write all the stories about the bestest Emperors ever so I will write them down now.
The first of the greatest orc emperors was Emperor Crush. He was the smartest orc and the most powerfullest orc that ever lived. He lived in this far off place where there were all these trees and stupid elves and stuff. Emperor Crush built this huge castle with his own hands and let other orcs live inside it with him.

He would go ahead and make everyone of his orcs do all kinds of exercises everyday until they died. Not all of them died, but a lot of them did! That is how good he was! He made a really good army out of his orcs and then called them names like Centurion and things like that which meant “Really Good Fighter”.

Emperor Crush would be the greatest Emperor any of the orcs would have for a long time. He would smash all of the elves and he even chopped down all of those stupid trees of theirs. One day he would fall on a dagger that a dark elf was holding and would die, though. That would make all of the orcs really mad, so they killed even more stupid elves.

There was no bigger and better Emperor than Crush until Emperor Gash took over a lot of the orcs. I don’t know if he was in the same place that Emperor Crush was, but he had to be because the orcs have always been together. Emperor Gash would make lots of different armies work together and do some really sneaky things to all the humans.

Emperor Gash didn’t just make the orcs do things, he also made all the big dumb ogres do things too. He said stuff like “Do this or I kill you” and they did, because the ogres are not as good as orcs are. He also made some big Averturd thing some stuff too, because he was the greatest orc Emperor there ever was.

Emperor Gash was the best Emperor because he had sneakiness and did it on all the stupid other humans. They gave him lots of money to leave them alone and then he went into the desert. No other orc could come up with something like that. He made us wait there and said we orcs would go back to the humans when they had more money and take it one day.

Emperor Fist is our Emperor today and he is the best one to ever lead any orcs. He was the bestest gladiator in all of the rings. I even made a lot of money off of him when he was fighting. When he became Emperor I gave him all of my money back and he made me the history person to tell about him.

We used to have another Emperor who was really stupid and did nothing really good. The old dumb Emperor used to make gladiators fight in front of him whenever he ate dinner. He make Emperor Fist fight one day and the Emperor killed all of the other orcs. He then call the stupid emperor mean names and then killed all of the other guards who were told to kill him.

Emperor Fist then jumped out of the fighting pit and started to fight the dumb emperor. We all laughed because the dumb emperor didn’t even know how to fight. All the dumb emperor knew what do was to take orders. Emperor Fist doesn’t do that stuff. He is the best fighter ever!

A Tome of True Crushbone History

Journal: A preservation of Truth
by Vergeth Jawcrush, a loyal son of Crushbone

I must write this quickly. It won’t be long before I am branded a traitor and locked away, or perhaps subjected to some worse fate. But I cannot remain silent while my beloved empire crumbles around me.There was a time when Clan Crushbone was pure. We could stand against any of the races that challenged our rightful rule of Faydwer. But little by little we have been corrupted from within, and now that corruption threatens to destroy our way of life.

What do I mean? I wonder if, by the time someone reads this, it will even matter. The damage could have already been done, and the glory of Clan Crushbone may only be a memory. But I must try.The Teir’Dal came to us long ago and established a kind of alliance. It made sense, for we shared a common foe in the light elves. Our mutual interests even resulted in them sending an ambassador to stay with us. That is how the usurper came to be here.

D’Vinn was ever near to Emperor Crush, whispering in our great leader’s ear of plans and promises. The emperor had proven his divine right to lead us through countless battles against our enemies. What had D’Vinn ever proven? Nothing, except his ability to deceive.This snake lived in our presence for generations, standing beside many emperors. His venom was inflicted so gradually it went without notice. After a time, many believed that D’Vinn was as important to us as our own emperor. Oh, mighty Rallos, how could we have been so blind?

When the War of Fay reached its end and the Teir’Dal lost their grip on Felwithe, D’Vinn brought many of his kind to our keep. He said his mages would teach us their dark arts of necromancy and make us stronger. The promise of such power appealed to the Emperor.Thus the corruption spread under the guise of fortune. Our keep was expanded and made stronger, though much of the castle would be taken up by the Teir’Dal. Even as we seemed to grow more powerful, we could not rid the lands of the accursed light elves.

D’Vinn used this unrest to his advantage. Working with the Prophet, who was hungry for power of his own, the devised a plan to take control. The Prophet claimed to have received a vision from Rallos Zek that told him our army would never know victory until we atoned for our losses in war.The Prophet told Emperor Crush that he must make a pilgrimage to a sacred shrine hidden in the Loping Plains. Once a blood sacrifice was performed, Clan Crushbone would once again know Zek’s favor and be victorious in battle. To appease his people, the emperor agreed.

No record exists of what happened next. Not long after the emperor departed, D’Vinn came before us and announced that our leader would be gone for some time. He showed us a document signed by Emperor Crush naming D’Vinn as his regent.Some of our bravest warriors expressed doubts about the validity of D’Vinn’s leadership. They quickly disappeared or were silenced. D’Vinn acted as if nothing was wrong, as bit by bit the Teir’Dal assumed positions of greater authority within the keep.

While my people are fierce in battle, we are sometimes too easily misled. Over the years, D’Vinn gradually took more and more power until he was ordained emperor without a bit of resistance. Most orcs came to believe that it was natural for a dark elf to lead us.My family kept the truth alive and passed it down, ensuring our past would not be forgotten. I write this knowing my time till soon be at its end. Please, if you read these words, keep the memory of our empire alive and liberate us from the great deceiver, D’Vinn.

Bloodmoon Keep

Unfolding the Lore, Pt 6

Bloodmoon Keep was once the elven holy site known as Faygannen, Temple of the Vines. Decades ago the vampire prince Mayong Mistmoore grew worried at the proximity of the holy site to Castle Mistmoore. He sent his forces to destroy the temple and cover it in a dark curse, trapping the spirits of the slain elves in the halls of the castle. For many years the elven ghosts suffered in silence, unable to pass into the Realm of Growth and the presence of Tunare. Now, with the arrival of Ralkor Bloodmoon, the desolate spirits of Faygannen find themselves twice cursed.

Once the Prophet of Clan Crushbone, Ralkor Bloodmoon failed in a foolish coup to overthrow Emperor Crush. Bloodmoon barely escaped with his life and a small band of loyal orcs into the wilds of the Faydark. Somewhere between the Crushbone court and Faygannen, the Bloodmoon tribe was overtaken by a dark curse and infused with terrible, feral might. The Fangbreakers, a society of werewolf hunters, has begun to investigate the source of their new vigor, but have so far had little success.

Travelers say that a new race of lycanthropes stirs within Bloodmoon Keep. Ralkor may be a beast by nature, but his cunning cannot be denied and his ambition knows no limits. Given time the shadow of the Bloodmoon could overtake all of Faydwer.