Category Archives: EQ1 Books

Curse of the Bloodmoon

Unfolding the Lore, Pt 5

The Loping Plains occupy the central area of Faydwer. Once a healthy habitat for a large variety of Tunare’s creations, the Loping Plains has become cursed and twisted by the influence of dark powers. From the south, the dark forces of the Bloodmoon tribe creep out from Bloodmoon Keep threatening to consume the land, while the curse of an angry god pulses from the northern coast and the Hills of Shade.

Little is known about this new tribe of orcs, but they are believed to be a splinter group from the Crushbone clan led by Ralkor Bloodmoon also known as, “The Prophet”. Several rumors that these orcs are lycanthropic have drawn Norrath’s most famous werewolf hunters, the Fangbreakers, to the Plains. Larquin Fangbreaker and his band of hunters have come in hopes of whipping out this new curse before it can spread beyond the plains. An unlikely ally has also emerged from the depths of Darkhallow to combat this new curse, but their ultimate goal is as yet unknown. 

Along the north coast lies the Hills of Shade, a once lush landscape cursed by the fury of an angry goddess. Damned spirits of Humans and Elves roam through the ruins of their once beautiful cities, cursed to replay the fateful actions of their final days for eternity. The powerful energy of the curse has drawn several visitors to the hills. A holy order of paladins hopes to cleans the curse and free the damned spirits from their torment. Nearby, a conclave of necromancers hopes to harness the power of the curse and use it for their own malicious plans.

Meanwhile, in a dark crypt beneath the hills, the Soulbleeder continues to amass the power of thousands of souls and an army of undead. Soon the Soulbleeder will run out of spirits to consume in the Hills of Shade and certainly head south to begin the culling of the living.


Bloody Kithicor: The Council Vol. I-II

Lord Tephys of the Koada’Dal and Carson McCabe of Highkeep stared at each other with long faces over the council table in Highkeep. The meetings were not going well. Upon hearing of the Teir’Dal’s plans of conquest, Tephys had immediately dispatched word to Felwithe petitioning help. He had yet to hear a reply. Carson’s biggest problem in drafting forces for Highkeep was that most of the merchant lords on the council were just that, merchants. They spoke endlessly of buying their way out of the fight, that the goblin was lying, or that they should just cut their losses and leave. Carson and Tephys held no such disillusions. They knew that the Teir’Dal would not bargain, and those that surrendered were doomed to a quick death at best, with a long life of torture and servitude being the alternative. “Have we received any word from Antonius Bayle yet?” Tephys asked, not for the first time since the council had convened. “I’m afraid that my messengers have returned with the same news we expected Lord Tephys,” Carson explained. “He cannot lend us much support, if any, in our struggle. He is afraid, and with good reason, that were he to make any attempt to do so the rival factions in and around Qeynos would be quick to take advantage of the city. He envisions everything from the gnolls of Blackburrow overrunning the city to the Bloodsabers taking it from underneath him. And the sad thing is, I can’t really say I blame him.” “What of Freeport?” asked Taliman Yurick, the leader of the cities brewing merchants. “Surely they’re in the best position to help us, practically bordering Nektulos and all.” “Freeport is in no position to help us either,” Lord Tephys was quick to point out. “The Militia and the Paladins keep each other in check constantly. Both know that if either were to support us the other side would only use it as an excuse to try and take complete control of the city. No my friends, I’m afraid it looks like both of the great cities of Antonica will not be aiding us in this fight. And we can count the dwarves out as well. As I suspected, my emissaries to King Kazon were met only by the damned dwarven logic of, ‘all the more reason we should stay here and prepare to defend the shores of Butcherblock’.” “I too, have contacted my people across the sea,” spoke Pracil Micus of the Erudite. They have agreed only to bring it up in the next High Council meeting for discussion, at which point they may decide to send some sort of help.” “Great!” shouted Thubr Axebringer. The prominent dwarven smith from Kaladim jumped up from his seat fuming, “The way ye blasted Erudites discuss things in yer meetins we should be getting help just about this time next decade!” Indignant, Pracil Micus retorted, “Why you little bearded retch, I suppose I should expect such manners from a..” “SILENCE!” bellowed Carson as he banged his gavel upon the table. “I’ll have no bickering between us, especially at a time like this. You think the Teir’Dal are fighting over which of them are going to attack us!? No, they’re not because they ALL want to attack. And if the stories I’ve heard of late are indeed true, that the Teir’Dal have indeed united under this prophet, this ‘child of hate’, then we may not just be facing a few Teir’Dal war parties, but rather the whole of Neriak itself!” “But Carson!” Taliman protested, “If what you’re saying is true then we’re doomed already. We have no armies save the guard of Highkeep, no allies to call upon, and all against an entire nation of Dark Elves!”

“Perhaps you are not alone as you think my friends,” said a voice from the crowd. Two high elves step forward, resplendent in their ornate armor. One, an older male with lines of battle etched into his face, the other is a younger female with the beauty of a goddess herself. Both appeared to be a bit travel worn but fully armed. Lord Tephys stood, an obvious wave of relief flashing across his face. “Ladies and Gentlemen of the council, allow me to introduce Galeth Veredeth, High Paladin of Tunare and chief advisor to King Thearis Thex.” The members of the council were impressed and quickly invited the newcomers to join their meeting. “Thank you Tephys my old friend,” Galeth said with a look of sympathy for the tired elven Lord. “The young lady accompanying me is Firiona Vie, Paladin of Tunare and my finest student yet.” Firiona bowed politely to the table saying, “The honor is mine your lordships.” “Ah yes!” said Tephys with sudden recognition. “You have truly grown in the grace of Tunare since last I saw you young Firiona, we welcome you to our table. Now, please tell me you bring good news Galeth.” “Indeed I do,” replied the Paladin. “I’m pleased to announce that the entirety of the Paladins of Tunare are at your disposal.” Cheers erupted from the council and the crowd. Galeth holds up his hand for silence and continues, “As we speak our legions are sailing across the Ocean of Tears and should arrive in a fortnight. The remainder of the Koada’Dal forces shall have to remain in Faydark however, as we are constantly besieged by the orcs of Crushbone. This is all King Tearis can spare. The only stipulation we insist upon is that Lord Tephys must lead the armies defending Highkeep.” Lord Tephys attempted to argue against this at first, but was quickly and unanimously outvoted as the entire council, led by Carson McCabe, insisted that it was a grand idea. A messenger stepped forward and whispered something in Carson’s ear. Carson stood with a smile on his face and spoke, “In addition to this most fortunate news, I’ve just been informed that adventurers from all over Norrath are volunteering by the dozens to aid our cause!” Again the crowd and council were swept away by rampant cheers of thanks. Lord Tephys once again stood and addressing everyone said, “With that said gentlemen, I believe this council is adjourned. We all have a lot of plans to make and little time to spare. By the grace of Tunare, we just might have a chance.”

The Dark Truth – Vol VII: Issue II

*-*-***=The Dark Truth=***-*-* =–=Vol. VII: Issue II =–= –=- Dark Bargains -=– Danak Dhorentath, the famed Iksar loyal to none other than Venril Sathir, has taken it upon himself to seek outside assistance in fending off the defenders of Balance and all that is holy, good, righteous, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. Having still in his possession the Lifeguide, a powerful artifact rumored to have been given to Firiona Vie by Tunare herself, this Iksar fanatic and one of his henchmen lackeys, a Teir’Dal wizard named Vahlai Ka Izal, have apparently employed the aid of Tserrina Syl Tor. A most mysterious and quite ancient being who inhabits the Tower of Frozen Shadow, Tserrina is known to hold quite a collection of souls — namely those pitiable unfortunates who fell when the Erudin loyals so ingeniously created what is now known as The Hole. We believe that it is her specific knowledge of the immortal spirit that Danak has sought to employ to his cause. A most marvelous decision, if we do say so. It appears that those who have been at a rather dull stalemate for these past months have finally achieved a bit of intelligence in seeking outside aid — for it is most apparent that they simply cannot handle their own battles. The exact intentions of Danak Dhorentath and Vahlai are unknown, though I am sure that such information will become rather public in the weeks to come.

Fortifying Innoruuk’s Realm – Volume VII

Fortifying Innoruuk’s Realm Volume VII With music and chants echoing throughout Castle Mistmoore, safe passage was granted to those who served Lord Innoruuk. As entourage of flowerers approached the graveyard, the minions of Mistmoore stood and watched closely. Once The Thaumaturge received the box of ingredients, she placed the leg and brain in a pot. She then grabbed the head of the high elf and let the blood drip over the pot. Next, she poured the contents of the red vial, the yellow vial, and the green vial of acid in the pot as it begin to hiss, spit and smoke. Those in attendance slowly backed away from the pot. The pot immolated with burning flames. The Thaumaturge reached her hand into the burning pot while holding an empty bottle. She then pulled out the Sacrificial Ritual Temper and sealed it. She then read the note that was given to her earlier and informed those in attendance where to go for the ritual. Tserrina Syl’Tor granted them the usage of a blood pool in her Tower of Frozen Shadow for the ritual but did not guarantee their safe passage. The time had come at last for the ritual to take place. The willing trolls were escorted to the continent of Velious with the exception of one. Evidently, a state of delirium overcame one of the trolls but he was dealt with accordingly.

Zebuxoruk – Seeds of Destruction

Zebuxoruk says ‘When the timeline is weak enough, a new assault will come to Norrath. By then your powers will be so great that both past and future will be evacuated, their peoples to make a last stand in the Now. What a magnificent effort that shall be, though it will be utterly futile. At the moment of your greatest despair, look up and see the Alabaster Tower which shall offer your salvation.’

The Odus Chronicle – Vol. VIII: Issue II

}————————-} ::Odus Chronicle:: }————————-} Volume 8, No. 2 ~Wayfarers Find Grozmok Stone~ The Wayfarers Brotherhood has located the Grozmok Stone. Calliav Giniuar, a magician becoming known for his strange visions, is now studying the stone. “Our friend, Calliav, is researching the Grozmok Stone and believes it has some kind of magic that may impact our next journey,” said Morden Rasp, Wayfarers Brotherhood leader. The ship that the Wayfarers Brotherhood is building in Nedaria’s Landing is well underway as well. “We’re always looking for enterprising young Norrathians to help us out here,” Rasp said. ~Jordin Sretin Suspended~ Jordin Sretin was suspended from his duties by the High Council of Erudin for three days. In an official document, Sretin was suspended from his duties for “ill-kept documentation of shipments,” and “possible theft of goods.” “Okay, I may not be the neatest recordkeeper around, but I’ve always done my job!” Sretin said with frustration. “And I never stole anything! It’s not my fault that pirates rob our vessels while sailing across Erud’s Crossing. Give me a break!” Sretin is already back at work, but will be dismissed permanently if he doesn’t improve his record keeping or is caught with stolen goods. “We need to stay properly informed of our cities goods and supplies,” an anonymous council member said. “We’ve wanted him to improve his methods for years. Hopefully this citation will provide some results.”