Category Archives: Age of Destiny

The New Path

The New Path
Words of N’Gurai of Anetiff
What we do now, will claim the Age of Destiny from those that follow the faiths above.

The One has spoken. His children shall listen. Where once we were brothers at war, we now unite under N’Gurai. The blood feud must end. Our fight should not be between the forsaken sibling rodent races, but between below and above. The master plan has been altered. N’Gurai has spoken his lipless words. We are to unite all the children of below. We are to become an army against light. We are to become the army of below, the Serilian Horde.
A false prophet and king shall be chosen and he shall carry the name of the supreme father. This king shall journey to the far tunnels of the Underfoot to bring the word of N’Gurai. This word shall unite and those that refuse to listen shall be deconstructed. The king shall tread upon the abyss until an army can be raised to claim the kingdom of the defiled children of below, the dwarves.

Our horde must be strong of fist and weak of mind. First among the armies shall be the ursans, the bugbears of Clan Terrok. So easily these creatures can be led astray. From the Dens of Deepforest these combatants will be summoned. They once fought for their king, but he shall soon be deposed. King Grizlok will show his true colors with some guile of our own. A king weak in battle and weak in word shall be dethroned and the new army shall be raised.

Our horde must be maintained and must be supplied. From the dank factories of Clan Grungetalon shall be summoned. Where goblinoids tinker, tamper and tailor for the dark and sinister gnomes, they shall now be persuaded towards the new path. A truth half told will herald the weakminded goblin to revolt for a rising faith. We are not the children of two, but rather, the children of one. Through the name of Bolgin the Grungetalon shall be drawn to us.

Our horde must retain a strong spiritual foundation. Blesssed by Brell, we shall be. From the tunnels and caves of the Black Sun Sea, Clan Kragbak shall be summoned. For those blinded by faith, a new direction is not easily taken. We shall present false scrolls that speak lost words of below. So strong will these words be that they shall spawn a false apostle and a false religion. A war of faiths shall take place. In the wake of this bloody war, our new religion shall prevail. In this new religion the path to the horde shall be blazed. We cannot find the Kragbak, they must find us.

Our horde shall fling powdered death and be protected by the mixtures of magic. A union of societies from worlds apart shall grant this to us. From the dank cavernous tombs of the Ivory Graveyard we shall call upon the Shrool. These being of the forbidden harvests shall be lured to us through the promise of eradication of all green from above. Their final war shall become part of ours so that their secrets of sinister sowing may empower our army. Let the hoodwinking hobbits of the Sunless being this alliance.

Our horde forges shall burn bright with the ancient secrets of steel. Long has the vast foundry empire of the Iron Lords of Crundom belonged to the Red. Within the Inferno Abyss the prophet shall speak in whispers. The ears of the Iron Lords shall be filled with the promise of forgotten riddles. The formulas of the great Hatch shall be their beacon to alliance. Our promises shall be greater then the Red’s threats. Many will die to join us, but the secrets will be ours.

Our horde must see what our foes see. our horde must know what our foes know. Our horde must make a forbidden alliance, an alliance with those of above. From the… (The book has taken great water damage and the words begin to bleed and blur beyond this point.)

The Freeport Citizen’s Guide to Opportunity – 2nd Edition

Now that you are a citizen of Freeport, you will want to do your part to bring glory to the Overlord. There are many ways to gain prestige and earn coin. As you grow and learn, your efforts will reflect on our city. Journey through Norrath and know that your efforts will inspire our foes to reconsider their allegiance. Might is not only demonstrated by the sword, but by knowing what can be used to our benefit. Your citizenship is not affected if you discard this book without accepting the tasks. If you work on these tasks, you should keep this book until you finish them all.

On your journeys you may encounter items which are part of a larger series. You can collect these items as you travel, inspecting them to determine whether they are worthy of retention. You will find this hobby quite rewarding as you learn to identify different animals and their parts.

Once you have completed a collection, you should present them to Renny Parvat in East Freeport. He will offer rewards for your completed collections. And should you complete an entire series of collectable items, you may receive something special for your home as well. Go, then, and investigate the wilds to find the rewards beneath your feet.

Freeport’s history is filled with the greatest explorers of all times. Now that you belong to the Overlord, your finds will add to his glory throughout Norrath. You may have already identified key features throughout the city, such as the Fountain of the Fallen Soldier in the Scale Yard. You are strongly urged to take this moment to look upon the Execution Plaza in West Freeport. Go, now.

As you explore lands new to you, remember that you represent Freeport and the Overlord. He will not be well-served if you are unable to put the glory of our city before your own insignificant life. Therefore, go without fear through the lands. Should you see something interesting, investigate it more closely that you may learn more about it for your sake.

The Overlord is proud of the high literacy rate among Freeport’s citizens and he strongly encourages those who do not read to learn immediately. To this end, he has graciously allowed Sage Navarius Orvalis to set up shop in North Freeport, even though many of the tomes he sells are incomplete. Despite their lack of pages, Sage Orvalis’s tomes are fascinating.

By purchasing a tome such as “Bird Watching: The Do’s and Don’ts of Nektulos Forest,” you will explore Norrath and gain new insight into its creatures, history and the folk who inhabit our world. You can also gain new skills by completing any of the Mastery tomes available. Indeed, you are very strongly urged by the Overlord to take advantage of the Sage’s stock and to also read any tomes you find while in the wilds.

An active mind is an active soldier for Freeport. While you are going about your work for the glory of the Overlord, you must always carefully observe your surroundings. Is anything out of place? Is there an unusual object jutting up through the ground? Investigate these things, for they may provide clues to activities with which you will want to concern yourself.

Many unusual items you will find in your travels hold the keys to mysteries in which the Overlord is interested. It would behoove you to find these items and complete any task necessary to determine their exact nature. This way, if the Overlord should summon you into his Presence Chamber, you will be able to explain exactly what you know and how you came to learn these things.

One of the hallmarks of a citizen of Freeport is his willingness to take on tasks to further the reputation of the Overlord. Freeport has long been a center of commerce throughout Norrath. Look to assist the Far Seas Trading Company’s taskmasters where you find them. Strengthening our ties to commerce strengthens our economy as a whole.

Throughout Norrath’s history, there are certain items which seem to offer their owners greater protections or abilities. The Overlord is interested in these items and therefore, so must you be. Use your keen observation skills to identify those items, such as the greater lightstones. Learn how to obtain these things and you will please the Overlord.

The Overlord requires that all citizens be of some use to the city by advancing their training in their current adventuring profession. We will not have deadbeats and mendicants within the walls of Freeport. Get familiar with organizations that have a local presence. The Seafury Buccaneers are in South Freeport. You will find both high-ranking representatives of the Freeport Militia and the Coalition of Tradesfolke in West Freeport. The Dismal Rage can be found in North Freeport.

This book is only a guide to what you will be expected to look for and achieve on the Overlord’s behalf. Do not waste your time by lazing about. The Age of Destiny is upon us and only those who act quickly will reap the benefits that the world offers.

Cauldron Hollow

For nearly two ages the name Cauldron Hollow has filled the minds of Norrathians with mystery. Cauldron Hollow was once a dark elf depot for resources ferried in from Lake Neriuss. This depot was nestled into the seaside cliffs of Nektulos Forest. Its location was ideal for defense. Should a great invasion conquer the territory a small force should be able to hold up inside and await reinforcements from Neriak. This was soon to be tested.

In the latter days of the Age of Turmoil the Teir’Dal empire’s command of the Nektulos Forest was challenged. A massive force of the then current regime, the Thex Empire, was sent far across the Ocean of Tears to launch a titanic invasion against the elven lands within Greater Faydark. Hundreds of war galleys and troop barges departed the lands controlled by the Thex Empire in hopes of conquering the lands of the light elves. This left much of their empire pooly defended. A perfect window of opportunity for the forces of light.

With the surface provinces of the Thex Empire undermanned, the empires of man and their allies invaded the Teir’Dal provinces of Nektulos Forest. The word was given to have the Knights of the Beacon light the Torches of Forewarnings. These tall pillars rest all along the Thex Highway in Nektulos. Once lit, they signaled the three lords to advance and hold three key positions in Nektulos. So the lords and their garrisons marched to their objectives and would await the rangers knowing that reinforcements would soon arrive from Neriak.

Lord J’Narus would march to Cauldron Hollow. There he ordered the gates of the depot locked and positioned himself in the Citadel of Gul’Thex to protect the main pass leading toward Cauldron Hollow. Lord T’Velk would hold the north bridge with a small force of dragoons.

N’Mar’s Ascent would be the position of Lord U’Kaltax. So there the three lords and their forces would await the Kithicor Rangers and hold long enough for reinforcements from below.

This would not be. The elite Kithicor Rangers stormed into the woods cutting a swathe through the vanguard phalanx of dragoons.

A great BOOM! shook the ground! The floor of the entire forest began to tremble. It was unknown to the Dragoons of Gul’Thex, but the passage to Neriak had just collapsed. There could be no reinforcements. The dragoons were fated to die this day in bloody battle. Much dark elf blood was spilt that day. They were outnumbered and without cavalry support.

Innoruuk was proud of their valiant stand, but it was in vain. Little did they know that as they lay dying on the field of battle that their homeland below had just been sealed from the surface.

The Age of Cataclysms arrived and with it came great destruction the likes of which has never been seen. Great cities toppled, millions of souls were sent to the Gray Fields to await eternity. The great cataclysms ripped the continent of Antonica into many pieces.

The destruction would last close to a century. When the world calmed Cauldron Hollow survived! But Cauldron Hollow would vanish.

Merchant mariners of the seas of man knew of Cauldron Hollow, but after the Age of Cataclysms it ceased to exist while existing at the same time. All records of the location of this vale were lost. Those who once knew the name Cauldron Hollow knew it no longer. It became a mystery to the few who heard its name in this Age of Destiny. What manner of arcane powers veils this place from the world? It is there. I have seen it.

The fortress of Tal’Thex


The fortress of Tal’Thex is a place that is rarely spoken of and even when the words are heard it is often within the clandestine mage towers of Norrath. There are some Koada’Dal that know more about the hidden fortress, but they are few and far between and not easily persuaded to speak of such Elddar secrets. Such tight lips can only be pried open with fugitive trinkets.

The living statues that we see throughout the Age of Destiny, such as the titanic sentries of New Tunaria, are constructs created through ancient Elddar techniques. Those arcane methods were first developed to create the massive Guardians of Tal’Thex. Over the ages, the knowledge used to create the giant constructs has made its way into the libraries of some of the greater mages and scholars of Norrath. The library of Kaesora may have been the home to one of those ancient scrolls. Venril or his minions must have found a way to reproduce the Elddar rituals that gave life to such impressive constructs.

Titanic constructs are not the only present day gifts that are associated with Tal’Thex. There are a few others making their way around Norrath. Unfortunately, these other secrets were never meant to escape the vaults of Tal’Thex.

The Age of Destiny

This book appears to be an extremely valuable illuminated tome. Unfortunately, most of the pages have been ripped out of the book. The title of the story is “The Age of Destiny”.

Forward: This volume is a copy of the most recent tome in the library. It is unprecedented to for the Sage of Ages to speak of an Age before it has closed, yet this volume is exactly that. We cannot yet understand what the meaning of these words are. In time they will become clear.

The Sage of Ages, or Sages as the case may be, has observed Norrath for time immemorial.

This story is a glimpse into just one of the many viewpoints of unrecorded history.

The Age of Destiny is upon us. The Ages have come and gone like the passing of a river. The Dragons remain watching their world as they always have done. And now they see sights that alarm them. Many Ages ago, a Law was broken. This was the most sacred of Laws there ever was. And the repercussions of this broken Law are felt to this day.

It is known the Vox and Nagafen had been part of the Ring and they were severed. This has been told before. It is known that they are the Exiled Ones who created a force of destruction that could barely be contained. It is known that they live within their forever prisons to suffer for what they have done. It is known that they are now free.

One was freed from this mortal coil. The Queen of Ice. The Frozen Wyrm. The Lady Vox. She is known by many names, but now she is known only as one – Dead. The faithful Drakota of the Truthbringer felled her within her lair. And this is good.

One was freed from his prison, able to walk this world with ease. The King of Fire. The Enflamed One. Nagafen. He is known by many names, but he is missing the most important – Dead. The faithful Drakota were stopped from completing their task by the use of deceptive magics. But this will not stop the Drakota entirely, for their numbers are many.

But even now, in the Age of Destiny, the Exiled Ones still wish to cause havok and destruction.

For when they broke the first Law, they had a blatant disregard for what they were doing. And now, it is seen that they have broken the Law again. The cost of the first Law being broken was the moon in the sky. Look to it and know the truth. The two of Fire and Ice brought this destruction and must be stopped.

Many Ages ago, the Dragons knew that the Drakota were a very important tool. A tool that could be used to keep order within the world. What they disregarded were the heroes from the lesser races. Even when they looked and saw the possibility, they still did not pay attention. But one Dragon did. The Truthbringer.