Category Archives: The Rending

Welcome to Haven

Welcome to Haven! by Kivrin Feirling

This is a short introduction to Haven and a couple of etiquette rules that keep neutrality pleasant for everyone.

Haven is a refuge for those of us who, by choice or by chance, are not aligned with any of the major cities. As some of us are from one city or the other, tensions can sometimes run high. However, Haven is intended as a respite from the problems outside our walls. We ask that you leave your animosities behind you once you enter Haven.

Many ask us why Haven is in a cave. The answer is simple. When you do not wish to be located with any ease, the best place to go is underground. These caverns are conveniently networked to various locations, which makes Haven ideally situated to those of us in exile.

How did we locate such a great place? This question is much more difficult to answer, as Haven has been continuously inhabited for several generations. Several tunnels within the cavern are collapsed, possibly as a result of the Rending. Fortunately, access to water, sir, and food were not affected.

How can you return to Haven once you leave? Due to its special qualities, return to Haven is only available to those who really, really need it. Once you align yourself firmly with a major city, you’ll no longer be able to enter Haven. While you’re one of us, you’ll always know how to return. In other words… it’s a SECRET that we aren’t about to write down!

By now you have noticed that several folks have made Haven their more or less permanent home. While most of you may view Haven as a stopping point in your journey, others find that life beyond the human cities is quite refreshing. If you like this lifestyle, feel free to stick around! We have many amenities, though permanent housing is not one of them.

Does that mean you can live in exile forever but never have a home? Not necessarily. If you can withstand the journey to the Desert of Ro, Maj’Dul is open to all comers. You will need to be able to get there, however, on your own.

One thing we ask is that you do not carry conflicts with your neighbors into Haven. We strive for a neutral environment as we are all, whether we admit it or not, on the same side while outside the cities. Grievances should be settled before returning to the seclusion of our Haven, to preserve our unique habitat.

Remember that you are not alone on your journey, though at some points alone the way you might feel that way. Others have had to make the same choices you will need to make very shortly. Make friends with those who surround you in Haven, whether you agree with their views or not. This is your home and they are your family, at least for a little while. Safe travels!

The Legend of Nipik

The Legend of Nipik
~ ~ ~
written in the fashion of man
by Snowflower

Long ago, we, the othmir, lived in Cobalt Scar on the western side of Velious, and there we had lived for generations and prospered. One day, a young, shy, orphaned runt named Nipik began seeing horrible visions: the sky was broken, the land shifted and cracked, and the blood of his people soaked the snow and made it crimson. He was fearful and begged his elders to flee and find a new establishment to call their home.But the elders would hear nothing of him, they even punished him for fear mongering. But he would not stop, and instead he began telling the people to flee with him. But his pleas and doom-saying only made him more alienated than before. In the end, only a handful agreed to flee with him, including his older sister, Fina, who was like a mother to him. They set sail out on the ocean on what some would consider an odyssey. Soon after they left, the Rending occurred, which split the land and enraged the seas.

For months, the ocean raged like the gnashing of teeth and the winds howled like screams. The very world itself appeared tormented with pain from the catastrophe that had occurred. Nipik and his fellow othmir struggled on these raging ocean waves; they were tossed like a leaf on the wind, and great beasts of the deep waters would stalk them with hungry eyes, hoping one would fall overboard. They fought to stay alive, and nearly perished, but in the end, Nipik’s sister sacrificed herself so the others could live. No one to this day knows what happened. Nipik would never say what occurred. All we know is that she was a strong warrior, a skilled and honored fisher, and a mother figure. Nipik suffered a great loss from losing her. The sadness never left his eyes.Hope was quickly becoming a rare commodity upon the tiny boat, but this did not last forever, for eventually, the seas settled and eased, and Nipik began to receive new visions. Visions of a sandy beach where he could call home. Continuing to follow the voice, he landed on the eastern beaches of Velious, and they quickly began to build a new home. Not long after, survivors from Cobalt Scar began showing up, many battered and near death. They all remembered Nipik’s warnings and begged his forgiveness, calling him a prophet and the savior. With the handful of survivors, the new village would be able to sustain itself, and was named ‘Nipik’s Haven’.

Life was good and peaceful for generation after generation, but Nipik did not die and aged very slowly. If the villagers did not know it already, they knew it now; that Nipik has been touched by a god. And still he continued to hear the distant voice that saved his people. It beckoned him, leading them to prosperity and good fortunes. But where was the voice coming from, Nipik decided one day to follow the mysterious voice.He set out to sea once again with a few close companions, but this time the waters were calm and lazy. The voice lead him to a clustering flow of ice drifting in the Iceclad Oceans where the fishing was the best they had seen. This reminded him of his beloved sister, who loved to fish, and was excellent at it. So, in memory of her, he named the spot ‘Fina’s Retreat’. Because of the great fishing, it soon grew from a simple camping spot into a smaller branch of the village. Any othmir worth their whiskers knows the heroics of Fina, and so a shrine in her honor and memory was erected there.

One day, Nipik heard the voice much stronger than before. It told him that he must go on a spiritual journey if he wished to meet the entity behind the voice. Nipik prepared himself, and traversed the watery depths alone. It wasn’t before long when Nipik gazed upon a shining light deep beneath the waves. Then a great mass emerged from the light; a giant and mighty turtle. He called himself Lodizal, and he spoke to Nipik with the same voice he had been hearing for so long, and he told him about his own journey.Lodizal spoke of how he once battled adventurers many lifetimes ago. Prexus looked down upon the world and saw the mighty turtle battlign the land dwellers. So impressed was he in the strength and courage of this beast, that he decided to rescue the turtle from his attackers by bringing him to the Plane of Water. He was hand chosen by Prexus, god of the seas and oceans, to be his messenger and to be a physical representative for him on Norrath. Another reason he chose Lodizal at this time was for us, the othmir, his favored creation.

Prexus loved us more than any of his other creations because of our demeanor and loyalty. So when Prexus caught wind of the danger of the Rending on Norrath, he took measures to try and save us. He chose Lodizal because he was the biggest and mightiest of the turtles. He was proud that one of his creations became so mighty, and so he blessed Lodizal with mystical powers, including an extremely long life.
But Lodizal had no voice of his own, so he could not tell the othmir what must be done to save them. Instead, he chose one othmir among the many to speak for him. He chose the runt named Nipik and secretly blessed him with a portion of his powers, binding them together and allowing him to hear his absent voice.Lodizal chose Nipik to receive his visions because he had a strong spirit and aura, despite his puny size. It is said that Nipik, smaller size meant that what he lacked in physical strength, he more than made up for with wits, making him more ideal to Lodizal than a physically strong othmir. He was also more ideal than a shaman, because a shaman would be more likely to misinterpret the visions and seek out spirits instead.

With these final words, Nipik’s spiritual joumey was over. He climbed upon the back of the mighty turtle and rode him up to the ceiling of the ocean, breaking the surface in a mass of swirling water, waves, and spray. It was the grandest sight I will ever see for as long as I live.
After the divine connection was made public, the villagers came to recognize that it was Lodizal who led Nipik during the Age of Cataclysms, and began to worship him as a demigod alongside Prexus. Nipik became a new political and spiritual leader, loved by all who knew him.
It is clear that Nipik will surely be the oldest othmir to ever live because of his blessings from the gods. But the sad truth is that Nipik is still aging, even if it is very slowly. One day, our prophet may leave this world. Oh, what a sad day that will be for us. But for Nipik, perhaps it will be a happy day, perhaps it will be the day when the sadness finally leaves his eyes when he can gaze upon his beloved sister once more.
~ End ~

The History of the Hua Mein: Part 1

The History of the Hua Mein Part One
By: Cuan Dao

For hundreds of years we lived a simple existence in the Stoneburnt Mountains. Peacefully coexisting alongside beast, kejek, and man, we were content to spend our lives roaming and feeding in the bamboo forests of Odus. Unfortunately, that peace was shattered over two hundred years ago when the men who live in the stone villages changed our homelands forever. It began with the creation of a new village, built squarely in the middle of where we roamed. There they meddled in magic an d burrowed deep into the earth. We observed from afar, daring not to venture closer while the men toiled away at their new establishment. The kejek, however, were not as passive as us. They warred with the men and tried to burn down the new village. The men fought back with lighting, fire, and blade.

Nothing would deter them from whatever they were working on in their village. The fighting between the two sides continued for many months until one day the kejek disappeared and were seen no more. Soon after, the men seemed to have completed their project. A great celebration was held and the men laughed and looked joyous. The very next day, however a great explosion erupted from the village. The sky had changed and the sun disappeared. A great storm of lightning swept across the forests and mountains covering everything in an impossibly bright light. Some time later, we awoke, confused, scared and changed. The great storm had changed our minds, though at the time this change was beyond our comprehension.

It has been said that our kind would have gone mad were it not for the vailiant efforts of our savior, Hua Mei. Like the rest of our kind, Hua Mei’s mind had been awoken by the great storm. Upon finding her mind a flurry of new thoughts and emotions, sh great fearful and retreated to a cliff face in the crags above where the kejek called home. Bewildered, she had gone there following a voice she heard on the wind. As she approached, the voice became louder, soothing her raging thoughts and filling her with a sense of peace. She sat back and allowed the voice to calm her, listening to the words of peace and enlightenment. After three days, the spirit of a great tiger appeared to her in the moonlight, granting her the First Teachings. The tiger spirit also told her to gather the others of her kind and share with them the teaching Hua Mei had learned.

First she learned that nothing in the world is lost. All things return. She observed how a fruit drops to the ground and rots, only to rise again in the form of a new plant. She understood that she was born of her parents and her children would be born of her. Next she observed the everything changes and nothing shall remain constant. Just as she and her kin had once been beast, now they had become awakened. This truth was further strengthened by her observance of the rending forces which stretched her homeland toward the darkening swirl of the void. Finally, Hua Mei learned the truth of the cause and effect. In the north, she observed the forces of the void, dark and assimilating her once serene homeland. Where ever their once presence was found, the skies seemed darker, the flora became twisted and creatures fell to insanity.

In the south however, she came to the cliff face alongside the kerran island. There she saw a society of beings who did not corrupt their land, but instead learned to coexist with it. She learned that our thoughts and actions determined the kind of life we can have. If we do good things, in the future good things will happen to us. If we do bad things, in the future bad things will happen to us.

Sovereignties of Qeynos

Sovereignities of Qeynos

Penned by Randyle Brinn,

Historian and Scholar

On this, the first anniversary of Antonia Bayle?s crowning

Antonius Bayle (the first) ? The Great Unifier

Time of Rule: The Age of Enlightenment

Antonius Bayle, son of Vallius Bayle, brought order to the Plains of Karana, unifying the nomadic clans of the plains with the village of Oceangreen, and thus established the city of Qeynos. Havign renounced the title of king, he required all to simply call him by his name, Antonius.

Antonius Bayle II ? The Great Defender

Time of Rule: The Age of Reclamation & Age of Turmoil

Antonius Bayle II had studied under the fearless Knights of Thunder, as well as the Rangers of Surefall Glade. His mind for battle was instrumental in keeping the city unified despite the upheavals and unrest that plagued his reign, including the Erudite exodus from the city, and their subsequent uprising within Erudin. Under the rule of this militaristic leader, the Qeynos Guard grew and expanded divisions beyond the city walls.

Antonius Bayle III ? The Great Diplomat

Time of Rule: The Age of Turmoil

Antonius Bayle III, noted for his foreign diplomacy, is lauded for forging alliances between Qeynos and Erudin, northmen clans, and the halflings of Rivervale, during an overwise notably tumultuous time, which witnessed the erection of Paineel, and the dawn of Sir Lucan D?lere rule of Freeport. His intentions for establishing diplomatic ties with such hated enemies of the state were cut short by assassination, but not before he had fathered three notable sons; Kyle, Antonius IV, and Kane (the traitor)

His first son, Kyle, born before Antonius Bayle III had inherited the Qeynos Throne, disappeared mysteriously. From this point, the Bayle line would never again be direct, as Antonius IV, his second son and namesake, would henceforth be the most direct descendant of Antonius Bayle the first.

Antonius Bayle IV ? The Great Avenger

Time of Rule: The Age of Turmoil

By far, one of the most loved and celebrated rulers since Antonius Bayle the first, Antonius IV fought numerous battles against not only the foes of the kingdom, but the enemies of his allies. He has been noted as the single ruler that stretched the benevolent belief of Qeynos further beyond the borders than ever before. He proved his great skills of leadership and battle during the War of Plagues and established a council of representatives and advisory, known as the Circle of Ten.

Growing concerned, due to Antonius IV?s bachelorhood, the Circle of Ten implored him to wed, and sire children in order to further the Bayle lineage, and secure the Qeynos throne. Agreeing (perhaps relucantly), he accepted and arranged marriage, and soon sired twins, Anton and Antea, before his untimely death at sea.

Only upon Antonia Bayle?s emergence have historians come to learn of Antonius IV?s greatest secrets ? his love for Lady Shae of Felwithe, and his true first born, Shaonia, (Antonia?s great-great-great-grandmother), and of his true death. Antonius IV had faked his death at sea in order to be reunited with his true love, and live out his remaining life with her and their daughter.

Anton and Antea Bayle ? The Twin Monarchs

Time of Rule: The Age of War

Rather malicious folk, Antonius IV?s twin heirs squandered the riches of the throne, and demanded fealty from all citizens, ushering a dark period for the city of Qeynos. Strongly bonded, the twins often seemed more like king and queen rather than sibling rulers. After Antea was slain, by a raiding band of Rallosians, Anton was plunged into a pit of depression. His eccentric behavior became increasingly erratic and violent, ending with his suicide.

Antonius Bayle V ? The Great Sage

Time of Rule: The Age of War & The Age of Cataclysms

The child of Anton Bayle and one of Antea Bayle?s hand maidens, Antonius V was the most scholarly and wise ruler of Qeynos. He also was the youngest, having been crowned at the age of fifteen, after the death of his father. Due to his youth, he sought the unparalleled guidance of the Circle of Five in many decisions of stage. Thankfully, he had been tutored in history, art and arcane sciences during most of his youth, for without his wisdom Qeynos would ahve certainly met its destruction during the Rending.

Antonius Bayle VI ? The Great Healer

Time of Rule: The Age of Cataclysms

A disciple of the Temple of Life since his youth, Antonius VI rose to become one of the greatest priests to walk the streets of Qeynos, a power that he used benevolently when the Shattering occurred. The Great Healer aided in the healing of thousand of Qeynosians, and their allies. He found strength in the Circle of Five, and treasured their advise and guidance.

Antonius Bayle VII ? The Great Dreamer

Time of Rule: The Age of Cataclysms

During Antonius VII?s rule, the art of survival became a priority. During this time of great tragedy, he would often comfort the masses by relaying his prophetic dreams of safety, prosperity and cooperation for Qeynos. During the Great Dreamer?s reign the first steps to abandoning the animosity between the kingdom and many of its foes began.

Unfortunately, he was unable to see his dreams of harmony to their end. He, and his fellow Bayle family members, drowned when their royal vessel was swallowed by the Coldwind Sea, after being churned and torn asunder due to a great meteor shower.

The Circle of Five

Time of Rule: The Age of Cataclysms

The council of city representatives and advisers had increasingly assisted in the decisions of the crown, since their official inception as the Council of Ten during Antonius IV?s reign. They reluctantly took up rule of the kingdom themselves while a search for a royal successor was carried out. When the violent cataclysms began to calm during the reign, The Circle of Five oversaw the rebuilding of the kingdom.

Many of the current Qeynosian organizations were established under their rule, and many of the alliances started by Antonius VII were formed. The Pact of Tserrin was signed with Freeport and the Far Seas Trading Company began to run goods, services and survivors to and from the ravaged land for both cities. Their necessary reign would last only until their search for a successor of the Bayle bloodline proved fruitful!

Antonia Bayle

Time of Rule: The Age of Destiny

Born Shirrana of the Sisterhood, she is the first female to sit upon the kingdom?s throne by herself, and the first to have been bestowed the title of Antonia. She is Antonius IV?s great-great-great-granddaughter, as her mother was Taylania, the daughter of Marinya, who was the daughter of Baylisia, the daughter of Shaonia, daughter of Lady Shae of Felwithe and Antonius Bayle IV.

She took the throne with much fanfare, and brought with it hope and prosperity to the citizens of our rebuilt kingdom of Qeynos. Her current reign will undoubtedly meet many a challenge. Let us pray to the gods that she leads with dedication, conviction, grace and wisdom, as her ancestors before her.

Long live Her Highness!

Selected Poems

A collection of poems.
This collection was written by Dervin poets, relating different themes common to everyone: love, loss, and hope.

“The Heart Remembers”
Though scholars have debated the matter, the identity of the sultan and his bride remain a mystery. Some say it is a reference to Ahkari, the founder of Maj’Dul. The earliest versions of this poem pre-date the city by centuries, however.

The dark of night
Brings whispering winds
And tales of fanciful dreams
The sultan appears on his steed
The heart trembles,
The heart remembers
The dreams of long ago

The love he held
For his young bride
Her beauty and charm held him
The sultan, lord of the lands, in thrall
The heart remembers,
The heart trembles
Love’s poem of long ago

Love dreamt by night
Made true by day
And yet, the dreams they shared
Were but delicate blossoms
The heart trembles
The heart remembers
Ah, love lost long ago

In their palace
When he was gone
She quietly awaits her love
Through long cold days and sleepless nights
The heart remembers,
The heart trembles
Love, so patiently, awaits

“Sand castles”
In the aftermath of the Rending, many poets wrote of the catastrophes that sundered the world. In this poem by Dervin poet Alyarrah Mahaat, the Rending is characterized as barrashar invaders arriving by sea.

In my dreams I was a child
In our home beside the sea
We walked together to the shore
Where I built a sand castle for thee

Grey gulls cried out high above
And the sun shone fierce and bright
Warming the pearls of clear white sand
That I shaped with my hands of delight

Wind upon the turquoise sea
Caps the waves with pale grey foam
And draws dark ships closer
Tarnish, growing in the silver gloam

A ship, tall and black, arrives
The day is now dark and cold
And I hide behind my castle
Longing for your hand to hold

The barrashar pour forth from their ship
My sand castle tumbled to dust
And you…
And all I love…
Are now gone

In my dream I was a child
In our home beside the sea
I walk, alone, along the shore
Where I build a castle in the air
And where I will wait for thee

“The Saracen”
The Saracen is legendary amongst the inhabitants of Maj’Dul. With his prowess in the arena, the Saracen champions changes in the laws that benefit the poor and most unfortunate. No one knows his true identity, for his face is veiled and he speaks to no one.

Striding into battle, his face is veiled from view
The Saracen arrives to the cheers of the crowd
He nods, he bows, but he speaks not
Yet all know what he will do on this day
He will win today

His beast with horns gleaming and sharp
Had never been beaten in combat
Its hooves are polished by the sand
His bearing is proud and aloof
He will win today

Do you walk through Maj’Dul
And not hear the cheering crowds?
From lowest born to highest caste
The Saracen is renown
He will win today

And when he wins, new laws are made
He clothes the poor widows’ children
He feeds those who cannot pay
He brings hope where none was before
He has already won

Rise of the Orcs – The Fall

“Rise of the Orcs – The Fall”
Second Edition

This book details how the orcs would nearly succeed at toppling the two most powerful cities on Norrath.

The following historical account details the orc’s involvement during the short, yet devastating, War of Defiance. Simultaneously laying siege to the two largest cities on Norrath, the orcs would come close to achieving greatness, only to be crushed in the final moments. Several accounts of this time period still exist in varying forms, which have been condensed together within this volume.

Snow Orcs: Numbering only in the hundreds, the Snow Orcs would have their numbers reinforced by the Avatar of Flame’s hidden army. Coming from the Plains of Karana, hundreds of goblins and giants would join their ranks to do battle with combined forces of the humans. The resulting clash between forces would echo halfway across the world.

For eight days, the battle would rage. Giants would smash the Qeynosian Guard, druids would kill orcs, but neither side was winning. Ultimately, the Qeynosians would make a valiant charge that would end the war. The Knights of Thunder would land a killing blow against the Orcish horde by severing the head from the Avatar of Flame’s shoulders.

Losing the guidance from their divine leader, the giants, goblins, and orcs would finally to fall to the Qeynosians. Not having enough troops to hunt down the stragglers, the fallen army would scatter to the four winds. The few remaining Snow Orcs would be routed back through Blackburrow, and that is where history would last see these people. It is not known how many Snow Orcs survived the journey through their former slaves’ den, but it is known that orc bones would be seen in the gnoll’s rubbish pits for months to come.

Deathfist Orcs: The siege of Freeport would not bode well for the Militia. Not expecting the combined might of the orcs and the ogres, the Militia did all they could just to keep the walls standing. Soon enough, the humans would realize that the orcish and orgrish armies were doing nothing more than taunting them. When it was noticeable in the faces of every one of the guards that all hope was lost, something unexpected happened. A greenish mist began covering the land for as far as the eye could see. Filling the lungs of everyone, it seemed nothing more than an odd weather phenomenon. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The orcs would look in horror as they watched as all of the ogres began to cough up clouds of green colored mist from their lungs. These spasms would become more and more violent until the ogres would collapse dead from asphyxiation. Looking all around them, the Deathfist army would see every last one of their Rallosian brethren lying dead on the battlefield, with nary a scratch on them. To make matters worse for the orcs, the battle would be joined by two other armies, intent on finishing what the green mist had started.

Though their numbers were unimaginable, the Deathfists were not able to withstand an army on three fronts – The Freeport Militia on one side, the Ashen Order on another, and the Knights of Truth on the last. The orcs would not go down without a fight, however. It would take the death of the Avatar of War before the Deathfist would be routed. With their numbers reduced to the mere hundreds, the Deathfist orcs fled past the Ashen Order monks towards the Desert of Ro, where they were never seen again.

The orcs would neither be heard nor seen for the next several decades. Aside from isolated clans that remained out of the War of Defiance, Norrath believed the threat was forever gone. With the coming of the Rending and later the Shattering, the endless hordes of the orcs would begin to become nothing more than stories again. This would prove to be folly once again.

The re-emergence of the orcs would first be seen in the Commonlands. A clan calling themselves the Bloodskulls would begin to become a new threat to Freeport. Using siege engines, Freeport has managed to keep these orcs at bay, but they must remain ever vigilant. Coupled with this clan that emerged overnight, those foolish enough to ply their trade on the sea lanes claim to have seen great armadas of ships roaming the water. Those that have survived these encounters claim that the people crewing these ships are not just people, but rather, orcs.

Some unfounded reports claim that that the Deathfist Empire had managed to survive their defeat during the War of Defiance. These stories claim that the phantom armadas exist and it’s nothing more than the naval branch of the Deathfist Empire. Even wilder stories claim there is a land filled with these orcs, and not only have they rebuilt their Empire, they’re preparing for another attack on Norrath. Fortunately, these stories have no proof to validate these foolish claims.

Paying Homage to the Past

Untold ages ago, the Faceless One, Cazic-Thule, placed us upon the lands of Kunark. Scattered and unlearned, we were enslaved by the terrible snake-like Shissar with their curses and wicked enchantments! At last one day the skies opened up and the sacred Green Mist delivered us from our enemies. Unaffected by the mist, we watched as our captors melted away. In the midst of a cacophony of screams of terror and anguish the iksar were freed. Today we remember the destruction of our oppressors by desecrating an article of their creation.

Over the centuries, many tribal states were established as we spread across Kunark. It was one iksar, Venril Sathir, whose knowledge of battle and necromancy allowed him to conquer and annex all the tribe-states. Using the might of the united tribes and the slaves of conquered lesser races, the mighty fortress of Sebilis was built. Imposing and beautiful, Sebilis was a place of learning and lore where for many long years we honed our skills and thrived. Under Sathir’s rule as the first King of Sebilis, he established the great Sebilisian Empire. The jealous dragons, however, saw our greatness and knew we posed a threat to them.

The meddling dragon known as Trakanon was not content to leave us alone. Through his treachery, he turned our servants against us and led a group of his kind to Sebilis and destroyed it! Many iksar were slain then and we honor them by lighting a funeral pyre from the remains of iksar slain in these times.

During the time of the Rending our beloved Kunark was beset by terrible earthquakes and the Lake of Ill Omen flooded the city of Cabilis. It was during these times that a large sailing vessel carrying many of our kind to lands far away was smashed by a massive wave. Many survived this tragedy by swimming to the shores of a nearby island.

For nearly a year the survivors lived on that island until the Overlord caught wind of their presence. After a series of fierce battles he captured the survivors, brought them back to Freeport and tried to enslave them! Years passed, but despite the Overlord’s best efforts, he could not break their spirits.

As the Rallosian army spread across all of Norrath, the Overlord knew he could not repel these aggressors without our help. In exchange for our freedom, we fought valiantly alongside Freeport’s own army and crushed the Rallosians with the help of the same Green Mist that had killed our former oppressors, the Shissar! Today we remember our brief captivity and toss the Overlord’s tools of oppression to the bottom of the sea, where they can never be used to hinder the mighty iksar.

Outlying Freeport Creature Catalog

Freeport was once known as “The City of Free Men” in the days before the Rending. Ruled by Sir Lucan D’Lere, also known as the Overlord, the city of Freeport is still primarily inhabited by men, though it is also now home to many of the displaced folk of Norrath. Craftsmen and adventurers still flock to this jewel by the sea.
The continent of D’Lere is named for the Overlord. Freeport is set in the Commonlands on an excellent deep water harbor. It is believed to be the largest city to survive the Age of Cataclysms, although the inhabitants of Qeynos would beg to differ. Beneath the city proper lies a sewer system that facilitates travel for those who wish to remain unseen.

Freeport’s weather is warm without becoming uncomfortable. Due to its proximity to the sea, cooling breezes keep the warm air from the Commonlands from stagnating over the city. The buildings in Freeport are tall, creating narrow lanes that occasionally prevent sun from reaching the street level. In these man-made caverns, the air is much cooler than in the plazas.

In some sections of the city, you will find rooftop gardens with herbs, lemon trees or flowers for cutting. These areas are not visible from the street, however, and most travellers tend to view the patches of grass within the walls as the only greenery. Freeport has never been a place of gardens and parks.

The areas surrounding Freeport are home to a variety of unwholesome creatures. One will find spiders and snakes aplenty, as well as dozens of rats. Travellers need also be aware that orcs are sometimes found close in, and of course the usual thugs and ruffians are a universal threat to one’s safety.

Karath Smoothmane – The Breaking of the Pact

This book is titled “Karath Smoothmane – Breaking of the Pact “. It is a complete volume chronicling the events of a centaur chieftain and how the tribe managed to co-exist with the giants of the Thundering Steppes.
The following is the account of my travels with Karath Smoothmane, chief of the Baelazern tribe of centaurs in the Commonlands. Throughout the time I spent with him, I came to know him as a good friend. Not only did I learn his customs, I learned much about his life, as well. One of the most important tales I learned from him is transcribed in the following pages – The Breaking of the Pact.

It was late in the summer when Karath told me why the centaurs would attack only the groups of giants that had six or more in them. Instead of singling out the easier targets, such as the old or the occasional wandering giant, the herd would attack those that could easily defend themselves. He said that this was due to the Breaking of the Pact.

Karath’s sire’s sire was the chieftain of the Baelazern tribe at the time when the Pact was broken. It seems that both the giants and the centaurs had a generations-long truce to share the land, staying out of each other’s way. Both races lived in harmony, even throughout the time of the Rending. Not only would the Shattering destroy the moon of Luclin, it would also break apart the Pact the two peoples held.

As the very moon began to barrage the land, both of the two peoples decided that they must work together in order to survive. Both leaders of the races agreed to meet so that they could work out an alliance, not just a truce. Much ceremony was prepared for when the two would meet.

As both parties met and exchanged their welcoming customs, tragedy struck. In a blazing ball of fire, an enormous boulder from the moon struck the ground where both leaders were, killing them instantly. Only a few people survived the impact, and they went back to describe the treachery of the other side, blaming each other for what happened.

For the next several years, open warfare broke out among both the giants and the centaurs. Finally, when Kararth’s sire came of breeding age, he rose up and united the clan once again. With his eloquent words, he stopped the centaurs from raiding the giants by emphasizing honor. He told them he had a plan.

The plan that Karath had in mind would involve showing the giants that they were nothing more than beasts. They could not defeat their enemies by lowering themselves down to their level. If the centaurs were to survive the Shattering, they must not come out of it as barbaric as a human. Or so, these were the words that Karath had said to his people.

And so the Baelazern clan proceeded to agree to rules of engagement, asking for council from their new chief. As the years went on they, refined their tactics to the point that they would only attack those that could defend themselves. Karath said that since that day, the centaurs have succeeded at his sire’s vision. I asked Karath how many foes they have defeated since then, and he responded with one word, “None”.

I was wondering how not killing a single giant, the centaur’s sworn enemy for close to a hundred years, could be considered successful. Seeing my confusion, Karath chuckled and told me the why. As his sire grew up, waiting for the day when he would rule his people, he would run and play with his only friend… the giant chieftain’s son.

While they played, they both came up with a plan on how to get their people to work together, yet to also keep their pride. When both chieftains were old enough to lead their people, the plan went into effect. Both people would only attack those that could defend themselves. In the end, even though they war with each other, both peoples have not lost one warrior, woman, or child to the other side for the past two generations.

History of the Runnyeye Goblins, Vol. III

This book is titled “History of the Runnyeye Goblins, Vol. III”. It chronicles the history of the goblins from when they made a new home in the Bog Mountain to the present.
1 NR – Many uncounted years would pass as the goblins would aimlessly wander throughout the world. Not possessing any powers of creation, they could no longer “make” a home and had to find something that already existed and could support their numbers. Eventually they would find a new home deep inside a cavern.

4 NR – Soon after they settled, the goblins would be assaulted by monstrous bull-men. Having neither the size or the weapons to stop them, the goblins would retaliate with suicidal charges against the minotaur’s villages. After many of these death squads would run to their deaths, enough minotaur axes were secured by the goblins to allow them to fight on even terms.

20 NR- The wars between the minotaurs and the goblins would continue until a third party would appear. A large eyeball, much larger than a goblin, began communicating with the goblins. It asked to speak with the Big King, and when the meeting was over with, the Big King announced to his people that they would be called “Runnyeye”.

21 NR – With the help of the Great Eyes, the goblins would overpower the minotaurs and put an end to the war. The subjugated minotaurs were then brought before the Great Eyes and made to bow their knees to their new masters. The now mentally controlled minotaurs took no time in conquering the unassuming goblins.

21 – 600 NR – The goblins, under the mental domination of the Great Eyes, would spend many years in a cruel form of captivity. Acting as the menial labor for the Great Eyes, the goblins would be forced to perform all manner of evil actions. This would continue for many centuries to come.

600 NR – The Rending would change the face of Norrath, causing the lands to shift. No longer attached to the rest of the world, the Runnyeye goblins would find that their Great Eye masters would spend much of their time away from their minions. This would be the beginning of the end for the Great Eyes.

600 NR – While the Great Eyes would turn their attention away from the goblins to discuss their future endeavors, their control would lessen over their mental slaves. A goblin only known as Gribble would bring about a change in the way things were done in Bog Mountain.

600-650 NR – Gribble would show the other goblins the manner in which to break the chains of mental slavery. This would cause what is called the Great Purge. The goblins would begin to slaughter what they now referred to as Evil Eyes. When the numbers were reduced to such a small amount, the goblins stopped and came up with an even crueler fate. They would enslave the Evil Eyes!

650 – Now – The goblins would proceed to subjugate not only the Evil Eyes, but the minotaurs and boarfiends as well. In addition to their reverse of fate, they seemed to be able to do something they had not done in quite a long time. One of them managed to construct a crude weapon with no assistance from the Evil Eyes.

Now – To this day, the Runnyeye goblins are free of their cruel masters. It will take many years before they manage to rebuild all of their lost knowledge. For now, however, the Runnyeye goblins are free to think for themselves and pursue all manner of interests. No longer will they be forced to have thoughts not their own. They are free to rule their own lives. Yes, they are completely free.