Category Archives: Fennin Ro

The Time Grows Near

Lore: Penned by Rizlona

Jiva the Reckless rests now that his work is done. With the knowledge afforded to him by wise Arlyxir he was able to create a tear in the planes between the Tower of Solusek Ro and The Plane of Fire. Arlyxir has always been a trusted go-between for Solusek and his father Fennin. However, Arlyxir has decided to form alliance with Solusek.

The decision of direct confrontation against the populace of Norrath was not an easy one to make. They both know that Fennin would not agree to such a hostile act, because the Pantheon would not condone it. After many hours of
incantations a great well marked with runes of flame appeared and began to pour the very essence of the Plane of Fire into the Tower. The Guardians of Dresolik, the Great Shard, watch over the pulsating crystal as it harnesses the power being siphoned from the Plane of Fire. Only time stands between us now. Those that I once walked with will soon learn of the mistakes in their transgressions.

I can hear Xuzl in his tower, always working on his conjurings. The crackle of the animated regiment of flaming swords can be deafening. Xuzl does not take any time to rest; for he knows as we all do that the time draws near. Greater Fiends have been constructed by Solusek to spread their curse upon any that survive the initial destructive force from Dresolik. The seven fiends will be generals of the army being conjured by Xuzl.  Solusek has also placed his trust in two elementals.

These elementals have coalesced into the form of wyverns. I must say that I am quite partial to their new form, and have formed a kinship with them. Together with them we will exterminate any dragonkind that are resistant enough to flame to save them from the onslaught that Dresolik will provide. Dresolik pulses with extreme power, it will soon be powerful enough to scorch Norrath. I can only hope that my voice and praise of Solusek will be enough to give the others the strength needed to continue.

Source: In game book dropped by Rizlona

Planes of Power

The Plane of Justice

A council of six masked beings known as The Tribunal, or the Six Hammers for their massive golden gavels, rule over the bleak landscape of endless gray plains and massive prison structures that is the Plane of Justice. All manner of sentient creatures that have committed unspeakable crimes are condemned to serve sentences within the impenetrable walls of the planar prisons, watched over by hooded servants of the Six Hammers.

The mortals of Norrath who worship The Tribunal claim that the Six Hammers sit eternally in the Court of Justice, perpetually passing judgment on the creatures brought before them by a being known only as The Seventh Hammer. It is this Seventh Hammer that acts as the messenger and bailiff to The Tribunal, and it is said that he is the only sentient creature that can stand before the immortal judges and he himself not be judged.

The Plane of Flame

Solusek Ro, The Burning Prince with his crown of flame and spear of fire rules the Plane of Flame from his mighty Burning Tower. Fire Elementals, Efreeti, and an assortment of other fire loving planar creatures inhabit Solusek’s endless kingdom of blazing landscapes under a burning red sky filled with clouds of smoke, smoldering embers, and fiery rain.

The mortals attribute Solusek with such acts as the raising of the Serpent’s Spine Mountains and the destruction of Eldarr Forest, creating the Deserts of Ro and changing the face and history of Norrath. Does this deity, revered by powerful wizards throughout Norrath, serve the will of his father, the mysterious greater god Fennin Ro, Tyrant of Fire and Lord of the Plane of Fire? Or does Solusek Ro serve his own destructive and power hungry cause?

Plane of Disease – The putrid stench of rotting flesh hangs heavy in the air as adventurers discover a vast plane of pestilence, decay, and corruption.

Plane of Nightmares – The home of Terris Thule. A forested region, a wilderness of terror, the Plane of Nightmares will steal the sleep of many adventurers.

Plane of Knowledge – New Tanaan is a city-state that exists outside normal physical and political boundaries, a haven of knowledge for those who seek it.

Plane of Tranquility – Tranquility, the gateway to deeper planar realms. Peace reigns supreme here and adventures will not be able to engage in combat or use offensive magics

The History of Solusek Ro and his followers

Chapter 1

Fire and ash race across the sky of the Plane of Sun as dark forms scuttle under the shadows of giant obsidian columns. This is the home of the great Solusek Ro! A burning fortress hardened in the flame of the very stars themselves!

Chapter 3

The young prince of fire began his journey into the cosmos for the first time. His eyes burned with the fury of the sun, and his fists held the power of an inferno that could only have been birthed in the forge of Fennin’s realm. For this was Solusek Ro, the Burning Prince!

Chapter 6

As Solusek Ro traversed the desert of destruction he’d caused in ages past, he found a poor wizard in need of aid. Struck with a vision of the future, the Burning Prince nourished in the wayward mage with flame and magic. Such is not usually the way of the Lord of Flames, but he foresaw a use to this mortal’s progeny many generations in the future. The young wizard, Rathmana Allim, swore his life to Ro’s service.

Chapter 7

Every generation since has raised the name of the Burning Prince high above all others, for a debt of gratitude that can never be fulfilled will last forever among the lineage of Allim. I, Marathan Allim, go now to the great Temple of Solusek Ro in the Lavastorm mountains to seek further service in the name of Ro as my ancestors have done. Perhaps I shall find a way to serve. – M.A.

Tome of Destiny – Chapter I – The Council of the Gods

“There is only one solution: Destroy them all.”

Rallos Zek’s burning eyes moved disdainfully from one god to the next, hoping his harsh edict had convinced more of them to take his side. It had been countless ages since virtually all the gods had gathered together like this, and he did not intend to miss the opportunity to expand his influence.

“I maintain that this would be an overreaction,” Tunare said, shaking her head. The mortals need our guidance, not our wrath. We should inspire them and strengthen the spirituality within them, not snuff it out.”

“You mean your precious elves?” Rallos countered. “Did they need your guidance as their greed soiled your plane, murdering your servants in their lust for power and wealth? Attacking the very manifestation of your being as if you were a boar for the slaughter?”

She scowled and shook her head. “That is your influence at work, Rallos. It was only when they breached the Planes of Power that you lost the delight you had taken in their growing viciousness.”

“We all agree that the mortals have gone too far,” Brell interjected, sensing the need to interrupt before the argument dragged on further. “But surely the answer isn’t to wipe away all our handiwork. After all, it is only a few races that have committed offenses worthy of such action. Perhaps a selective pruning is in order rather than complete annihilation.”

Solusek Ro shook his head. “I must agree with Rallos on this matter. Wipe them out; it is the only way.”

“The solution is obvious,” interjected Cazic-Thule. “If my influence were allowed to grow, the mortals would not be in a position to challenge us. Fear will keep them in check, as it always should have.”

Karana scowled. “Preposterous. It has been proven that any one of us alone can be overcome by the mortals. It is underestimating them that has brought us to this place, that has forced us to become allies in action if not in principle. But the solution must be one that we can all agree to.”

“How can you be so blind?” Rallos growled. “How can you not see that the mortals must be made to pay for their insolence?”

“You ignore the honor in their hearts,” Mithaniel Marr countered. “They have earned the right to exist, to ascend to greatness.”

“Greatness?” Innoruuk cackled gleefully. “Leave them to their own devices and they will devour themselves in jealousy and hatred. The solution is not for us to kill them, but to step aside and let them feed upon each other.”

“We don’t have time for that,” Solusek Ro asserted. “The demi-planes are already weakened–in fact, some have simply faded from existence, as our powers have grown too thin to sustain them. We must refocus our resources and strike back while we still can.”

Quellious had listened to the bickering for what seemed like ages. Though time had no meaning for them in this place, she could bear to listen no longer. She spoke softly, yet with a directness that silenced the others.

“I propose a compromise,” she said, her gaze moving from one god to the next. “It will not be ideal for any of us, and it does not come without risk. But I feel it is the only way to satisfy all our objectives and restore balance between us and the mortals.”

Bristlebane perked an ear. “Speak, please, for this endless debate is maddening even for me.”

Quellious continued. “We all agree the mortals have gained too much power, but there are non-destructive ways to correct this. There is also a way for us to regain our strength, though it means removing our influence from this world for a time. But if we all agree–including those who sit upon the greater wheel of Elemental Power–it could save us all.”

“Speak, Tranquil One,” Xegony said, breaking her long silence. “We will listen to your proposal.”

Quellious nodded. “It is through their unity that the mortals initially became strong. The first thing we must do is to disrupt that unity?”

When Quellious had finished, Erollisi Marr nodded. “It would be an acceptable compromise.”

“Agreed,” her twin brother added.

“It does not matter to me,” Innoruuk grinned, “for I still believe that the mortals will destroy themselves eventually.”

Brell rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “I will do as you suggest.”

The Faceless shrugged. “It seems like a waste of time, but I will follow the wishes of this council.”

Tunare sighed sadly. “I will do what you ask in order to make this work.”

Fennin Ro spoke for the first time since he had entered the chamber. “The rulers of the Elemental Planes will abide by this decision.”

One by one the other gods either agreed or said nothing, nodding silently.

Quellious eyed Rallos Zek as he whispered something to Solusek Ro. The Prince of Flame shook his head.

“We agree,” the god of War said at last. “When does it begin?”

“In seven mortal days’ time, we will act as one. Will that be long enough to do what is needed?”

“It will,” Solusek Ro said coldly. Tunare nodded with reluctance.

“Then it is agreed,” the Tribunal spoke in a single voice. “This council stands adjourned.”

The gods began to leave the chambers, but Quellious lingered. She noticed as Rallos approached Cazic-Thule and began to whisper something to him, and watched as Solusek Ro did the same to Brell.

Tunare stood next to her. “Is this really the only way?”

“I believe it is,” Quellious responded softly. “But I think we need to remain watchful, as not everyone may honor the intent of this pact.”

Karana approached the two goddesses. “I have some trepidation in this matter, and I’d wager you feel the same.”

“I do,” replied Quellious. “But I have another proposal to share with the two of you to ensure our interests are preserved.”

As the three gods left the council chamber together, Rallos Zek eyed them loathingly. He muttered to himself. “So, Quellious, you have your allies and I have mine. But your weakness will be your downfall. Let the endgame begin.”